OPOLES (Objective & Positional Oriented Laser Engagement System) Objective To create a highly modular base laser tag system. A feature rich system Expands on the functionality of the current systems Systems Diagram Optical Receiver GPS Expandable User I/O (Optional) CPU Primary User I/O Memory Optical Transmitter RF Link GPS Global Positioning System Standalone chip that streams the chips location. To Be used for: Projectile Calculations ○ Ballistics ○ Blast Damage Player Tracking Interactive Game Play Features: ○ Positional Respawn ○ Capture/Reach Location ○ Hunt Player (Radar-ish) GPS Block DSP/Micro Main board Antenna GPS Chip RF Link Radio Frequency Communication. To Be Used For: Upload Game Rules Real Time Scoring Player Tracking ○ For display to observers ○ For Game Play Options (hunt player, captured flag location, ect.) RF Block DSP/Micro Main board Antenna Transceiver Optical Transmitter Transmit point to point line of sight data. Used For: Shooting target Transferring upgrades (health, ammo) Other optical communications ○ Set game options in Compatibility modes. Optical Receiver Receive Optically transmitted signals. Used For: Receiving shots from enemies. Receiving point to point upgrades (health, ammo, ect.) Other optical communications ○ Set game options in Compatibility modes. Optical Block Receivers (40KHz and 56KHz) Optical Transmitter (40KHz and 56KHz) Main Board Memory Provide storage for: Software ○ Compatibility modes Miles, Fragtag, WOW, LTTO ○ Game types Capture the Location Free For All Player Hunting ect. Game Data Player Data Primary I/O Display (LCD/OLED/ect) Trigger Force Feedback Controls (Keypad/Buttons) Used for navigating software features. Team color selecting LEDs Tell a player which sensors are active Tell players which team a player is aligned. Other game specific options Secondary I/O Future Upgrades Ammo, Health, Engineering Boxes Secondary weapons (Pistols, grenade programing) ect. Budget Component Estimated Low Price Estimated High Price Likely Range Microprocessor/ Microcontroller/ FPGA $0.58 (8bit Pic) $150 (High speed Z80) $3-$20 DSP/Micro for GPS $3 $300 $3-$20 GPS Chip $30 $60 $30-$60 RF Link Transceiver $10 $40 $10-$40 Optical $100 $300 $40-$100 DSP/Micro for RF Link $10 $50 $10-$30 $200 $45-$150 Power/connectors/ $30 casing/misc. Safety Low voltage/ Low current system will be fairly harmless to users. Low power IR light is harmless. You can’t prove that RF signals are harmful so HAH! Common sense. Schedule Risks Unable to get parts. Price of adding feature is too expensive. Complexity of feature is too hard to implement in a semester time frame. Scheduling issues. Contingency Modular system eliminates need some compatibility issues since we will have a communication protocol for between components. Modular system we can drop a module without having to completely redesign our system. If a system can’t be implemented to complexity we can remove that module for the time being. SVN software/email/weekly meetings. Who and What John: Jen-Yuan: Main board Power supply Communications Circuit Modeling TJ: Richard: RF link Coding GPS Documentation Questions ??