Team Dominate(d?) The Happy Peace Bike Defining un-measured variables The variables we decided to characterize are: Acceleration Deceleration Lateral Acceleration Tire temperature Lean angle Suspension travel GPS (time and donations permitting) Although engine speed and velocity are already measured by standard gauges, we decided to also transmit these data values for correlation with the other acquired data. Complete Picture Many sensor boards instead many sensors to one board •Sensors closer to ADC •Able to create more extensible system High-Level Block Diagram Data Handler: High level block diagram Microcontroller MC9S08AW60 8 bit, 20MHz Microcontroller 16 Channels of 10 Bit ADC IIC capable Designed for Automotive applications C-optimized architecture 2KB on chip RAM 60KB on chip FLASH memory Wireless Modem For Testing: ATX8-RS232 300 ft open field range Wide 5.5 to 12 V DC voltage RS232 I/O For Real: Xtend Wireless Modem 900 MHz op frequency USB or RS232 40 mile open field range Data Throughput Temp = Accel x,y,z = Travel = Tach = Speed = TPS = Angle rate = Total = 5 Hz x 16 bits x 2 sensors = 160 bps 20 Hz x 16 bits x 3 axes = 960 bps 20 Hz x 16 bits x 2 sensors = 640 bps 20 Hz x 16 bits = 320 bps 20 Hz x 16 bits = 320 bps 20 Hz x 16 bits = 320 bps 20 Hz x 16 bits x 2 axes = 640 bps 3360 bps Data Handler Schematic Front Sensor Board PTE7/SPSCK1 9 1 0 2 PTE6/MOSI1 PTE5/MISO1 8 1 PTE4/SS1BAR 7 1 PTE3/TPM1CH1 6 1 PTE2/TPM1CH0 5 1 PTE1/RxD1 4 1 PTE0/TxD1 3 1 PTD7/AD1P15/KBI1P7 2 1 0 1 PTD5/AD1P13 7 F T PTD6/AD1P14/TPM1CLK 6 F T P P 1 1 3 3 3 3 PTD4/AD1P12/TPM2CLK PTF6/TPM2CH1 o V 9 3 3 PTD3/AD1P11/KBI1P6 PTF4/TPM2CH0 8 3 3 0 1 1 1 D N G 0.1uF PTD2/AD1P10/KBI1P5 PTF3/TPM1CH5 Vin 7 2 3 9 Cap PTD0/AD1P9 PTF2/TPM1CH4 8 4 1 2 Cby1 PTD0/AD1P8 PTF1/TPM1CH3 7 4 0 2 PTFO/TPM1CH2 9 1 V 2 1 PTC6 6 4 PTC5/RxD2 PTG6/EXTAL V 5 1 3 4 PTC4 PTG5/XTAL 1 2 4 0.1uF PTC3/TxD2 PTG4/KBI1P4 5 4 9 2 Cap PTC2/MCLK PTG3/KBI1P3 4 4 8 2 Cby2 IICout2 PTC1/SDA1 PTG2/KBI1P2 Vcc 1 3 7 2 3 PTC0/SCL1 PTG1/KBI1P1 D N G 0 3 6 2 2 IICout1 PTGØKBI1PØ o V 5 2 1 PTB7/AD1P7 Gnd 4 1 PTB6/AD1P6 IRQ 3 1 4 2 PTB5/AD1P5 7 Sensor Compression Shock PTB4/AD1P4 ResetBar 6 3 2 0.1uF PTB3/AD1P3 5 0.1uF Cap PTB2/AD1P2 BKGD/MS 4 2 2 Cap Cby3 PTB1/AD1P1 3 Cby PTB0/AD1PO Extal 3.3V 2 1 4 9 Xtal D N G 0 4 9 F u 0 1 PTA7 Rate X 8 1 7 Cap PTA6 Vss(x2) Rate Y 7 1 9 3 6 Cblk PTA5 Vref 6 1 5 PTA4 Vdd T S 5 1 8 3 4 0.1uF PTA3 Vrefl Accel Z 2 1 7 3 3 Cap PTA2 Vssad Accel Y 1 1 6 3 3.3V 2 Cbyad PTA1 Accel X 0 1 1 PTA0 Vddad 9 5 3 Vrefh 4 3 Accelerometer Controller Micro Board Front Front Board Schematic Functional Block Diagram Microcontroller continually polls each analog sensor line Converts Analog Signal to Digital value Saves in memory DH accesses memory location to get value Tire Temperature Sensors Tire Temperature Omega OS136 Cost ~ $175 x 2 Non-contact IR temperature sensing Accurate reading range 0o-400o F Reads 7 measurements per second Analog Output 0-5V 12V Power Response time 150mSec Sensor Divergence Accelerometer IMU 5 Cost ~ $110 Combines 3 axis accelerometer and angle sensor (gyros) Senses Roll and Pitch (Lean angle & wheelie) Senses Acceleration in X, Y, Z axes +/- 3g acceleration range Small size (20x23mm) Analog Output 0.05-3.25V 3.3V Input Suspension Travel Sensors Suspension Travel Sharp IR proximity sensor Cost ~ $12 x 2 Measures distance between fender and fixed mounted point of sensor Specified analog output 3.1V @ 10cm, 0.4V @ 80cm Sensor Data X-Acceleration (Lateral Force) X-Acceleration Faster (Lateral Force) Y-Acceleration 2 (Accel/Decel) Z-Acceleration (“Z Force”) Y-Acceleration (Accel/Decel) (all measurements mV vs 10sec increments) Sensor Data (Cont.) Y-Roll (Roll) Y-Roll 2 (Roll) Y-Roll 1 (Roll) X-Roll (Pitch) (all measurements mV vs 10 sec increments) Suspension Travel Data IR Proximity Sensor (slow) IR Proximity Sensor (bumps) (From Manufacturer) (all measurements mV vs 10 sec increments) Back Board GPS (possible) PTE7/SPSCK1 9 1 0 2 PTE6/MOSI1 PTE5/MISO1 8 1 PTE4/SS1BAR 7 1 PTE3/TPM1CH1 6 1 PTE2/TPM1CH0 5 1 PTE1/RxD1 4 1 PTE0/TxD1 3 1 PTD7/AD1P15/KBI1P7 2 1 0 1 PTD5/AD1P13 7 F T PTD6/AD1P14/TPM1CLK 6 F T P P 1 1 3 3 3 3 PTD4/AD1P12/TPM2CLK PTF6/TPM2CH1 o V 9 3 PTD3/AD1P11/KBI1P6 PTF4/TPM2CH0 8 3 3 1 3 0 1 1 D N G 0.1uF PTD2/AD1P10/KBI1P5 PTF3/TPM1CH5 Vin 7 2 3 9 Cap PTD0/AD1P9 PTF2/TPM1CH4 8 4 1 2 Cby1 PTD0/AD1P8 PTF1/TPM1CH3 7 4 0 2 Sensor Temperature Tire PTFO/TPM1CH2 9 1 V 2 1 PTC6 6 4 PTC5/RxD2 PTG6/EXTAL V 5 1 3 4 PTC4 PTG5/XTAL 1 2 4 0.1uF PTC3/TxD2 PTG4/KBI1P4 5 4 9 2 Cap PTC2/MCLK PTG3/KBI1P3 4 4 8 2 Cby2 IICout2 PTC1/SDA1 PTG2/KBI1P2 Vcc 1 3 7 2 3 PTC0/SCL1 PTG1/KBI1P1 D N G 0 3 6 2 2 IICout1 PTGØKBI1PØ o V 5 2 1 PTB7/AD1P7 Gnd 4 1 PTB6/AD1P6 IRQ 3 1 4 2 PTB5/AD1P5 7 Sensor Compression Shock PTB4/AD1P4 ResetBar 6 3 2 PTB3/AD1P3 5 0.1uF PTB2/AD1P2 BKGD/MS 4 2 2 Cap PTB1/AD1P1 3 Cby PTB0/AD1PO Extal 2 1 4 Xtal 0 4 F u 0 1 PTA7 8 1 Cap PTA6 Vss(x2) 7 1 9 3 Cblk PTA5 6 1 PTA4 Vdd 5 1 8 3 0.1uF PTA3 Vrefl 2 1 7 3 Cap PTA2 Vssad 1 1 6 3 3.3V Cbyad PTA1 0 1 PTA0 Vddad 9 5 3 Vrefh 4 3 Controller Micro Board Back Back Board Schematic Subsystem specifics: Sensors Engine Speed/Velocity/Throttle Position/Gear Indicator Found signals generated from OEM sensors were pulse signals with frequency proportional to speed. OEM sensor pulse will be used as clock input for both microcontroller counters, set to count-up on each rising edge. External LM555 Timer will be used to generate interrupts for regular calculation of speed and RPM. Mostly clean square wave with 14.8V Amplitude Some filtering is desired to eliminate the slight noise observed for clock signal use. TPS is analog signal from 0V – 14.8V proportional to throttle position Signals will need to be scaled for 3.3V input to microcontrollers. Speedometer Speed vs. Frequency y = 16.317x + 3.9443 R2 = 0.9999 1400 1200 Frequency (Hz) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Speed (M/H) 60 70 80 90 Tachometer y = 0.0333x + 0.568 R2 = 1 RPM vs Frequency 300 Frequency (Hz) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 RPM 6000 7000 8000 9000 PTE7/SPSCK1 9 1 0 PTE6/MOSI1 2 F p 0 1 497Ohm Cap PTE5/MISO1 Res4 8 1 PTE4/SS1BAR Speedo 7 1 RF2 PTE3/TPM1CH1 CF2 6 1 PTE2/TPM1CH0 3.3 Zener D 5 1 PTE1/RxD1 4 1 PTE0/TxD1 3 1 DZ2 Regulator and Filter Noise Speedo PTD7/AD1P15/KBI1P7 2 1 PTD6/AD1P14/TPM1CLK 0 1 PTD5/AD1P13 6 F T P 7 F T P 1 1 3 3 3 3 F p 0 1 PTD4/AD1P12/TPM2CLK PTF6/TPM2CH1 497Ohm 9 3 3 Cap PTD3/AD1P11/KBI1P6 PTF4/TPM2CH0 Res3 8 3 3 PTD2/AD1P10/KBI1P5 PTF3/TPM1CH5 Tach 7 2 3 RF1 PTD0/AD1P9 PTF2/TPM1CH4 CF1 8 4 1 2 PTD0/AD1P8 PTF1/TPM1CH3 7 4 0 2 Regulator and Filter Noise Tach PTFO/TPM1CH2 3.3 Zener D 9 1 PTC6 6 4 PTC5/RxD2 PTG6/EXTAL 1 3 4 PTC4 PTG5/XTAL 1 2 4 DZ1 PTC3/TxD2 PTG4/KBI1P4 5 4 9 2 PTC2/MCLK PTG3/KBI1P3 4 4 8 2 IICout2 PTC1/SDA1 PTG2/KBI1P2 K 1 2.64K 1 3 7 2 PTC0/SCL1 PTG1/KBI1P1 Res2 Res1 0 3 6 2 IICout1 PTGØKBI1PØ S P T 5 2 2 R 1 R PTB7/AD1P7 Gnd 4 1 PTB6/AD1P6 IRQ 3 1 4 2 Shifter Level TPS PTB5/AD1P5 7 PTB4/AD1P4 ResetBar 6 3 2 PTB3/AD1P3 5 0.1uF PTB2/AD1P2 BKGD/MS 4 2 2 Cap PTB1/AD1P1 3 Cby PTB0/AD1PO Extal 2 1 4 Xtal 0 4 PTA7 8 1 PTA6 Vss(x2) K 6 3 K ? ? ? ? 7 1 9 3 PTA5 Res1 Res1 6 1 0.1uF PTA4 Vdd 5 1 8 3 Cap PTA3 Vrefl 2 1 7 3 A R B R PTA2 Vssad 1 1 6 3 Cbyad 3.3V PTA1 0 1 Chip Timer 555 PTA0 Vddad 9 5 3 Vrefh 8 4 4 3 7 3 6 2 Controller Micro Board Sensor OEM F p 0 F u CTime1 1 Cap PTimer 1 5 1 Cap Generator Interrupt Timed CTimeBypass OEM Sensor Board Power Power will be derived from the 12 volt DC motorcycle battery (outputs 12V-15V) Using voltage regulators we will step-down the 12V-15V to 12V, 5V and 3.3V Board will be attached to Data Handler board with headers to allow for swapping power board easily D N G V G 1 F u 1 0 D F Vout N F u D N 3.3V) Reg( Volt 6 R 0 1 C12 G Vin u C11 0 F u 0 1 D N G C10 9 C D N G Vout Vin 3.3V) Reg( Volt 5 R V D N G F u 0 1 F u 0 1 8 C 7 C D N G Vout Vin 5V) Reg( Volt 4 R V D N G V) Battery(12-15 H8(outPWR) BT1 8 F u 0 1 F u 0 1 7 5 C 6 C D N G 6 5 Vout Vin 4 5V) Reg( Volt 3 R V 3 D N G 2 1 1 P F u 0 1 F u 0 1 4 C 3 C D N G Vout Vin 12V) Reg( Volt 2 R V D N G F u 0 1 F u 0 1 2 C 1 C D N G Vout Vin Reg(12V) Volt 1 R V Power Schematic Software (computer) Data will be transmitted in a specific order Data will be read through wireless Data will be converted if needed, Data will be translated and plotted either through C/C++ or sent to graphing programming Parts Cost Analysis Item Accel/Angle sensor Tire Temp Sensor Susp. Travel sensor Engine spd. Vel. TPS PCB RF modem Misc parts Level Shifter 5V Regulator 3.3V Regulator 12V Regulator Development Board Incrementor Total $ = Description Quantity Price/unit Total IMU 5 1 110 110 OS136 2 175 350 Sharp IR Sensor 2 12 24 OEM sensors/decoders 1 20 20 OEM sensors/decoders 1 20 20 each sensor and data handler 6 33 198 Xbee Xstream 2 300 600 extra PCB, caps, resistors, etc n/a n/a 100 2 0 0 LM1805V50 4 2.84 11.36 LM1805V3.3 4 2.84 11.36 LT1085V12 4 7.64 30.56 1 99 99 2 0 0 1475.28 Division of Labor Front Board-Mr. Olson Back Board/GPS-Mr. Keogh Power Board and Computer-Mr. Schreiner Data Handler Board-Mr. Pearse Speed/ Tachometer Board/GPS-Mr. OConnell Milestone 1 Prototype of front board Prototype of back board Basic wireless transmission Prototype of data handler PCB of power board Prototype of speed and tachometer board Milestone 2 PCB of front board PCB of back board Final revisions of power board Data transmitting from data handler to computer via wireless Expo Display of data presented with computed data values, graphical if possible real time All boards in final PCB revisions and integrated on the motorcycle Ghant Chart Questions?? If duck appears blurry, you may be intoxicated.