Presented by Zac Eichmeyer And BEMsS (BioElectromagnetic student Society) The V.P. is an instrument capable of measuring current densities in a biological medium Capable of measuring 10 nA/cm2 It was developed in the 70’s to measure current pulses from an Oocyte Non-Destructive measurements Can measure activities in live cells Offers an order of magnitude increase from current detection methods, and is more versatile than dyes How does the V.P. Work? The V.P. works by vibrating a high impedance probe horizontally ~10mm The vibration is controlled by a Piezoelectric Actuator The Probe is connected to a Preamplifier which conditions the signal for the Lock-In Amplifier The Lock-in amplifier locks the probes measurement to that of its vibration so to only read current density at its max displacement Reducing Noise, and giving a voltage reading at the max of its amplitude The data is then collected via a data logger and fed into a computer for analyzing The V.P. Requirements: The probe High impedence, greater than 5 MW Low length to mass ratio Piezoelectric Actuator (the bender) Operate between ± 45V Bend at least 30mm The Lock-in Amplifier Lock on to a 150 Hz – 1kHz signal The Pre-Amp Low Noise The DAQ Capable of sampling faster than the vibration frequency <1 kHz max The Oscillator Capable of driving a Piezoelectric Actuator at a frequency less then 1kHz The Mechanical Manipulator Connects the probe to the microscope Rigid Have 1 degree of motion (up and down) Thermally and electrically neutral To be able to measure current densities <100 nA/cm2 To eliminate/control extraneous noise To build the appropriate test setup to implement the probe with a microscope Implement into current BEMSS research Measure current densities in other biological samples Track Ion concentrations as they relate to Neutrophils •Project Overview (Top Down) •The V.P. Overview(subsystems) •Probes •Piezoelectric Actuator (Bender) •Pre Amp •Lock In Amplifier •Oscillator •DAQ •Housing •Mechanical Manipulator •Project Overview (Top Down) Two Probes Ref Probe Used to find a Common Sensing Probe Used to find the Potential in a given medium Construction: Plate probe in gold Gold is more bio-friendly than steel Connect to Housing Drivers Length to mass ratio Impedance of the probe Material Sensing Probe The Elgiloy Stainless Steel Microelectrodes Dimensions (D x L) 225mm x 80mm Impedence is 12 MW Tip Diamter, 1-2 mm A Piezoelectric Actuator is a device which can deflect when given a voltage Will use as the vibration device Capable of vibrating Between 100 Hz to 1 kHz Amplitude of ± 10 mm Operate with a Vpp of 60 Volts Must be Mountable onto the microscope test setup Selection: Physik Instumente-PICMA® Ceramic- Encapsulated Piezo Bender Actuator, PL112.10 Size (L x W x T): Deflection: Input Voltage 17.8 x 9.6 x .65 [mm] 160 mm (nominal) Nominal Voltage ± 45 V Max Voltage ± 90 V Pre-Amplifier Drivers This conditions the signal to feed it into the Lock-in Amp Low Noise Differential input High Input Impedance At least a 10x gain Selection: Model 100 Preamplifier Available at Applicable electronics Lock-in Amplifier Needs to lock the signal from the probes to the oscillator 150 Hz to 1 kHz ref input Needs to be able to output out to a DAQ system Selection: Stanford Research Systems Model SR810 DAP Lock-In Amplifier The Oscillator needs to provide a stable signal in the range of 150 Hz to 1 kHz at 45 Vpp The probe will need to vibrate at its resonance frequency This range covers all possible frequencies for the probes Must be relatively stable Not crucial because the Lock In amplifier will compensate Selection: Hewlett Packard Model 204C Oscillator Holds the Probe and allows the actuator to vibrate the probe Requirements Electrically and thermally neutral Rigid Allow light through Selection: Custom Made according to specification Material: Lucite Test Setup Drivers Needs to be mechanically stable Any vibration will be detected as extraneous noise Needs to be precise Accurate to ~5 mm Needs to mount to a microscope setup The Data Acquisition System A/D conversion (Measure voltage) Data logging capabilities Needs to sample at least every 10 ms The HOBO Data Logger HOBO U12 Temp/RH/2 External Channel Logger USB connection to Computer Analog Voltage measurement 12 bit resolution (.6mV) 0-2.5 v sensor range Accuracy 1% Three Phases : Preliminary, Intermediate and Final Preliminary Probes Measure Impedance Measure Mass Piezoelectric Actuator Verify vibration modes Oscillator Verify stability and range DAQ Connect to computer and start to log Mechanical manipulator Connect to Microscope, show degree of freedom Lock-in Amplifier Verify its ability to lock onto a signal Intermediate: Mechanical Housing Make sure everything attaches snuggly Verify the vibration mode with the Probe Show light can still get through Mechanical manipulator Attach housing, show stability Electrical Pre-Amp Verify the gain Show stability Probes Attach to Pre-amp Calibrate (as shown in the appendix) Final phase: Mechanical Attach everything to the microscope test setup Show functionality 3 degrees of movement (2 by the microscope slide) Electrical Connect the Pre-amp and Oscillator to Lock in Amp Verify its sampling correctly Connect the Lock in amp to the DAQ Verify its outputting accurately Measure well known cell actions To prove calibration Start measuring voltages off of live cells Mile Stone 1 Deliverables Construct housing Make and Prep the Probes Complete all of the preliminary testing phase Milestone 2 Deliverables Complete all of the intermediate testing phase Physically attach all pieces together Begin Live cell tests Design Expo A fully working VP system, that can be demonstrated live Legend PDR CDR Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Design Expo BUDGET Item Quantity Cost Total Probes 3 128 $ (384.00) Bender 1 287 $ (287.00) Pre-amp 1 $ (145.00) Miscellaneous $ (168.00) Cost $ (984.00) Funding Resources UROP 1000 Total 24 Lock-in Amplifier Waveform generator BEMSS Expand it into two or three dimensions Computer controlled Mechanically threw the computer Improve sampling rate Min>50ms Integrate into BEMSS reasearch The VP is an instrument capable of measuring current densities as low as 10 nA/cm2 Used primarily for measurements in biological mediums • The V.P. Overview(subsystems) • Probes • Piezoelectric Actuator (Bender) • Pre Amp • Lock In Amplifier • Oscillator • DAQ • Housing • Mechanical Manipulator Pictures: Nuccitelli, Jaffe, “AN ULTRASENSITIVE VIBRATING PROBE FOR MEASURING, STEADY EXTRACELLULAR CURRENTS”, UMASS Vibrating Probe Facility- Reid, Nuccitell, Zhao, “Non-invasive measurement of bioelectric currents with a vibrating probe” Nature Protocols, Vol 2, #3, 2007, p 661- 669 Information, background and resource Nuccitelli, Jaffe, “AN ULTRASENSITIVE VIBRATING PROBE FOR MEASURING, STEADY EXTRACELLULAR CURRENTS”, “A simple method for preparing a Vibrating Probe” T Nakagawa, Reid, Nuccitell, Zhao, “Non-invasive measurement of bioelectric currents with a vibrating probe” Nature Protocols, Vol 2, #3, 2007, p 661-669 Any Questions?