Version: 1/17/2012 Date Received by the IBC:______________ UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT AMENDMENT 1. MOUA Number: 2. Principal Investigator: 3. Proposed Changes to Sections: COVER SECTION (personnel, contact information, etc.) See note 1 below. 5. SECURITY 1. BIOLOGICAL AGENT(S) ANDRECOMBINANT DNA TO BE USED (see note 2 below) 6. DECONTAMINATION AND DISPOSAL 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 7. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3. BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS 8. MONITORING PROCEDURES 4. EXPOSURE CONTROL PROCEDURES 9. FACILITY OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 10. LAB MAP Notes: (1) New personnel must receive general lab training provided by EH&S and lab-specific training provided by PI or designated alternate. (2) The addition of biological agents or recombinant DNA requires amendment of section 3, Biological Hazards, to include the hazards of the new agents or recombinant DNA. 4. Provide detailed explanation of changes for each section checked above: If any changes are judged to be substantial, substantive, or significant by the Institutional Biosafety Committee, a new protocol may be requested. Signature of Principal Investigator Date Signature of IBC Chair Date 1