MEQ- Module Monitoring Form [DOCX 19.40KB]

School of Business Management and Economics
Annual Monitoring of MODULEs
The MODULE convenor is requested to respond briefly to each of the following points.
1. MODULE title:
1a. MODULE Code:
1b. Level (UG
or PG):
2. Contributors to MODULE teaching and seminars:
Please indicate the roles of individuals on the MODULE.
3. Number of students on the MODULE
4. Informal student feedback
Did you solicit or receive informal student feedback and were any actions taken in response
to this?
5. Formal student feedback
MEQ scores are available on SxD. Please include here the average score for MODULE
satisfaction and comment briefly on your response (you can cut and paste your response
from SxD). If the overall satisfaction score (response to Q7) is less than 3.5, please elaborate
on how you plan to address issues raised by students.
6. Evaluation of the MODULE
Please give any evaluative comments on the MODULE, including student performance,
student preparedness or any other issues that might be relevant to other MODULEs in the
7. Good practice
Identify any aspects of innovations in for example teaching methods, use of technology etc
which can be shared.
8. Proposals for change
From your reflection on the success of the MODULE, are there any change(s) (e.g. to
assessment modes, deadlines, reading lists or teaching terms) which are desirable, in the
light of the student evaluations, external examiner comments or for other relevant reasons,
including student performance, for next year?
If formal changes are required, these will need to be approved through the Board of Study
and School Teaching and Learning Committee.
Name of convenor: