EZPHOT COPYRIGHT (c) 1996-1997 by Jerry B. Gunn E-mail = jgunn@mtco.com www.mtco.com/~jgunn All Rights Reserved. SHAREWARE NOTICE: THIS PROGRAM IS YOURS TO EXAMINE FREE OF CHARGE FOR 30 DAYS. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO PURCHASE THIS SHAREWARE PRODUCT, YOU MUST REMOVE ALL FILES DOWNLOADED OR CREATED USING THIS PROGRAM FROM ALL FORMS OF STORAGE MEDIA. YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS SHAREWARE PRODUCT ONLY IN ITS ENTIRETY (ITS ORIGINAL DOWNLOADED FORM). NO CHARGE FOR DISTRIBUTION IS ALLOWED. BECAUSE THIS IS A SHAREWARE PRODUCT AND YOU HAVE AMPLE TIME TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE THIS PRODUCT PRIOR TO ITS PURCHASE THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS. DISCLAIMER: ALTHOUGH I HAVE TESTED THIS PROGRAM EXTENSIVELY, I ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS RELATED OR BELIEVED RELATED TO THIS PROGRAM. LICENSING AGREEMENT: BY PURCHASING AND REGISTERING A COPY OF EZPHOT.EXE YOU ARE LICENSED TO USE EZPHOT.EXE ON ONE COMPUTER ONLY. FOR ADDITIONAL SITE LICENSES AND FEES, CONTACT THE AUTHOR DIRECTLY (ADDRESSES LISTED ABOVE). -------------------------------------------------------------------------O P E R A T I O N S M A N U A L -------------------------------------------------------------------------I. Preface II. What is EZPHOT III. How Does EZPHOT Work IV. Installing EZPHOT V. Operating EZPHOT VI. Output Files VII. Registering Your Copy VIII. Appendices Appendix A : Appendix B : -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section I. Preface Dear Fellow Photometrists, When I bought my CCD camera, I was excited about the possibilities of doing photometry on many stars at once, since I had been previously limited to aperture photometry with a photomultiplier tube photometer. When I started reducing the large amount of data in the CCD image frames, I immediately began thinking about a better way. EZPHOT is the beginings of that better way. A program of this sort will constantly evolve to perform better. Suggestions are always welcome. New releases will add many more features such as: > > Color transformations Automatic star field image alignment and data consolidation Automatic differential photometry FITS file viewer Graphics mode star selection -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section II. What is EZPHOT EZPHOT.EXE is a tool to enable automatic photometry of CCD image frames. It will recognize FITS files and SBIG files. REGISTER.EXE is a tool to align stars identified by EZPHOT into the same coordinate system. EZPHOT.EXE requires about 350KB of conventional RAM and 2MB of extended memory managed by EMM386. REGISTER also does differential photometry on a variable, comparison and check star of your choosing. REGISTER.EXE requires about 450KB of conventional RAM and no extended memory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section III. How Does EZPHOT Work EZPHOT.EXE inputs a image file, applies a flat field if specified, finds all the stars in an image and then performs aperture photometry on the image. REGISTER.EXE inputs .PHO files created by from EZPHOT.EXE and aligns them into the same coordinate system. REGISTER requires a minimum of six stars in a .PHO file in order to align the frames. A .REG file is created for each star that has a pound sign (#) at the start of its name. A file is then created for each star and data from each CCD frame processed is included in the file. Differential photometery can then be performed by selecting a variable, comparison and check star. The differences between the magnitudes of these stars is output in a .DIF file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section IV. Installing EZPHOT Create a directory named EZPHOT, copy EZPHOT.ZIP to the EZPHOT directory and use PKUNZIP.EXE to expand the .ZIP file into its components. Files and their functions: RCONFIG.DAT EZPHOT.EXE ADAND1.FTS ADAND2.FTS ADAND3.FTS FLAT.FTS EZPHOT.DOC EZPHOT.PIF REGISTER.EXE MASTER.MAS = = = = = = = = = = Configuration parameters Executable program Sample data file Sample data file Sample data file Sample flat field Program documentation .PIF file to use with windows Executable program Sample .MAS master file -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section V. Operating EZPHOT.EXE EZPHOT was designed to run with DOS as the operating system. The Windows application interface can also be used with the included .PIF files. Program execution will be slower when using Windows. A. Make the EZPHOT directory the default directory by typing CD\EZPHOT B. Type EZPHOT to start the program C. Use the mouse or key sequence Alt F r to set the configuration data. Set the background magnitude to a value..try around 26. You will need to determine a value right for your system in order to get the absolute magnitude values close to correct. This is the zero point on the magnitude scale. Adjust it accordingly. D. The Threshold is the minimum counts above the background level that EZPHOT will recognize as a star. Setting this level too low will result in many false stars. Setting it too high will result in only bright stars being detected. If less than 10 stars are found in an image, EZPHOT will try again at 1/2 the threshold value. E. If you will be using a flat field..check the box, otherwise uncheck it. Use the space bar to check/uncheck the box. F. If you need to subtract a dark frame form each image, check the box. Use the space bar to check/uncheck the box. G. If you want the date corrected to Helio-Centric, check the box with the spacebar. H. Manual data reduction. 1. Use the mouse to select the file menu and select Load Image Buffer. Select a file to process from the directory dialog box. The program will read the image headers and then load the data into a buffer. 2. If the data is to be flat fielded, select Load Flat Buffer. Select a file to process from the directory dialog box. The program will read the image headers and then load the data into a buffer. 3. Select Buffer Math, Divide Image by Flat to apply the flat frame. 4. Select Photometry, Do Photometry. I. Automatic data reduction. 1. Use an existing or make a new directory to hold the files you wish to process. Copy image files to this directory. 2. Set the configuration: check or uncheck the Flat Field box. Also select the HJD correction if needed. 3. Select Photometry, AutoPhot to begin the process. Select the Flat field (it can be in any directory), and then a file in the directory where you data files to process reside. 4. The program will process all image files it finds in the directory. 5. Since this process can take several minutes, the procedure may be halted by pressing the ESC key. The automatic function will stop after the current file is finished processing. Processing time: 386DX 33 MHz = 60 sec per image file 586 75 MHz = 10 sec per image file 586 133 MHz = 5 sec per image file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VI. Operating REGISTER.EXE REGISTER was designed to run with DOS as the operating system. The Windows application interface can also be used with the included .PIF files. Program execution will be slower when using Windows. A. Make the EZPHOT directory the default directory by typing CD\EZPHOT B. Use the DOS editor to create a MASTER.MAS file in the directory where your image frames are located. Open a representative .PHO file output by EZPHOT.EXE, preferably close to the center of your time series of frames, and save it with a file name of MASTER.MAS. IMPORTANT..the file extension must be .MAS, the file name can be variable if you choose. For stars on which you desire data, put a pound sign(#) as the first character of the first column of data. Do not put a space after the # sign. See the MASTER.MAS file included for an example. You may change the first column of data to anything that you wish as long as it is a valid DOS file name. C. Type REGISTER to start the program D. Single frame data reduction. This function will align any .PHO file to the MASTER.MAS file. 1. Use the mouse to select the file menu and select Select Master File. Select a file to process from the directory dialog box. 2. Now, select Select .PHO file. This will run a function which outputs .REG files which will contain Julian date, location and magnitude of each star you selected in the MASTER.MAS file with a # sign as the first character of the name in column one. EX. #AD_AND E. Automatic data reduction. 1. After you have created a MASTER.MAS file, select Batch Process and then Auto Register Images. 2. Select a MASTER.MAS file. The program will automatically find all .PHO files and align them to the row and column coordinates in the MASTER.MAS file. It will generate a .REG file for each .PHO file in the directory. Then it will read each .REG file and consolidate the data for each star into its own file. Now each star with a # as the beginning character will have all of its data in one .DAT file. 3. Since this process can take several minutes, the procedure may be halted by pressing the ESC key. The automatic function will stop after the current file is finished processing. F. Differential Photometry 1. Differential photometry can be performed on the data from three stars by using this option. Select Photmetery and then Differential Photometery. The program will prompt you for three files. First, select a star you want as your variable star, then a comparison star, lastly a check star. The program will then find the files containing the data and match up the Julian dates, then do the subtractions. The output is a file with the name of your variable star with a .DIF file extension. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section VI. EZPHOT Output Files Program output consists of the following: FILENAME.STA col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4 col 5 = = = = = = identified stars and their locations star # NAXIS1 NAXIS2 peak pixel value star width in pixels FILENAME.PHO col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4-9 col 10 = = = = = = identified stars and their magnitudes star # NAXIS1 NAXIS2 photometry data instrumental magnitude of star MASTER.MAS col col col col col 1 2 3 4-9 10 = = = = = = created by user from a .PHO file star # NAXIS1 NAXIS2 photometry data instrumental magnitude of star 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = created by REGISTER.EXE Sequence number..really meaningless NAXIS1 NAXIS2 Instrumental magnitude of star Julian date of CCD frame = created for each star with a # sign before the name ???????.REG col col col col col ???????.DAT col 1 col 2 = = Julian date of CCD frame where star originated Instrumental magnitude of star ???????.DIF col 1 col 2 col 3 = = = = contains differential photometry data Julian date of CCD frame variable-comparison star magnitude check-comparison star magnitude -------------------------------------------------------------------------Section VII. To register your copy of EZPHOT.EXE, print this form on your printer, complete the following information (print clearly), and return the completed form with your check or money order to: EzPhot c/o Jerry B. Gunn 1269 N. Skyview Drive East Peoria, IL 61611 Internet : jgunn@mtco.com Feel free to contact me by either of the above methods regarding any questions, problems, or comments about EZPHOT.EXE. I would love to hear from you. Illinois residents must include applicable state sales tax. A charge of $5.00 for shipping and handling will be assessed for each order (this charge covers the personalization and shipping of your software). (0) Date of Order....: ________________________________ (1) Name.............: ________________________________ (2) Company..........: ________________________________ (3) Address Line 1...: ________________________________ (4) Address Line 2...: ________________________________ (5) City, State, Zip.: __________________, ___, _______ (6) Telephone Number.: (____) ____-_______ (7) Computer type...............: _____________________ (8) Number of copies ____ X ($89.95 each)...... : $________ (9) Illinois sales tax if applicable $________ (10) Shipping and Handling Charges. Please include $5.00 to cover personalization and shipping charges for each copy. $_________ (11) Total of Lines 8, 9, 10 .....................: $_________ PLEASE INCLUDE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR FULL AMOUNT INDICATED IN LINE 11 MADE PAYABLE TO: Jerry B. Gunn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END --------------------------------------------------------------------------