Disabled Students Programs and Services Rio Hondo Community College Alternate Media Program Service Agreement Name ___________________________________________________________ Student #:________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 1. Eligibility for this service is determined by the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) Specialists and is based in part on the professional documentation supplied by the individual requesting assistance. 2. DSPS services must be requested each semester. Eligible students must be enrolled in the course for which they are requesting alternate format and the materials must be verified as required reading for the course. The student must submit a course outline or memo from the instructor verifying the material is required or essential to completion of the course. 3. Students requesting materials in alternate formats must own a physical copy of the textbook or other course material, or obtain said materials before the DSPS will begin production. 4. Requests for materials in alternative format will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Once a request is approved, the recommendation of DSPS staff along with the individual’s input will be used in determining the specific media format to be provided. 5. Alternative format requests must be submitted as soon as the student learns of their need; late requests will be honored provided that the student making the request understands that the Alternate Media Specialist (AMS) will set the timeline for completion of the work accordingly. 6. Turn-a-round times for alternate media requests are determined on a case-bycase basis. Upon review of the material to be formatted and converted, the AMS will notify the student of the projected completion date. DSP&S will make every effort to complete the request in a timely manner. However, larger course materials (e.g., textbooks) will be completed in installments based on specified deadlines (e.g. course syllabus.) 7. Material provided to the DSP&S for the purpose of conversion to alternate format may be disassembled and returned to the individual rebound with a plastic comb binding. The DSP&S will not be held responsible for any damage to the materials that occur as a result of conversion to alternate format. 8. Students will be provided with one alternate media copy for each material required for academic use. This material is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed in a format other than a specialized format exclusively for use by blind or other persons with disabilities. Any further reproduction or C:\Documents and Settings\sfrederickson\My Documents\Work Info\Alternate Media\Alt Media Service Agreement\Alternate Media service agreement distribution in a format other than a specialized format may result in disciplinary action by Rio Hondo Community College. 9. Alternate media is provided for participation in Rio Hondo College program activities only. Alternate media will not be provided for personal use. 10. Student questions regarding alternate format should be addressed directly to the AMS, Suzanne Frederickson. Please call 562-463-7648 or send an email message to sfrederickson@riohondo.edu. 11. DSP&S reserves the right to discontinue service if any of the above, or a combination of the above, are violated or abused. I have read the service agreement and understand the procedures and conditions listed above. My signature is my commitment to adhere to these responsibilities and terms. User Signature_____________________________________________Date____________ DSPS Staff Signature_____________________________________________Date____________ C:\Documents and Settings\sfrederickson\My Documents\Work Info\Alternate Media\Alt Media Service Agreement\Alternate Media service agreement