Cash Balance Reconciliation To determine the amount of cash available for a project, you will need to look at the GL accounts that are established for each CG project account. For example, an account with SL 4-33056 will have a corresponding GL account 0-33056. To find the total amount of cash received for the project, you need to look at control 1353 and 1354 on Screen 018. In Screen #1, the amounts of $150,960.35 and $104,039.65 added will give you total cash received of $255,000.00. On FMIS Screen 018, the total cash balance available is on line 1, under Control 1100, Claim on Cash. If the amount shown is positive, this means that expenditures on the project are less than the amount of cash received. If the amount shown is negative, this means that expenditures for the project are greater than the cash available. Screen #1 018 GL Account Summary 01/04/2011 10:13 FY 2011 CC MA Screen: ___ Account: 033056 ____ CONTRACT GRANT ACCOUNT Flags Dept: 00557 Exec: 13 DAGS: T 996 UH: P 280 Sch: 55 FO: 00183 DFRY Resp Person: PROJECT MGR Map Count: 001 FY ID: N NNNP Cntl Description ---- -----------------------1100 CLAIM-ON-CASH 1351 AWARD AUTHORIZED, PRIV A 1352 AWARD UNREALIZED, PRIV A 1353 AWARD REALIZED, PRIV AGE 1354 ACCTS REC, PRIV AGENCY 1355 ACCTS REC-ACCR, PRIV AGE 1356 ACCTS REC-RECLASS, PRIV 2100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, DAILY 2140 ADVANCES FROM SPONSORS 2410 ACCRUED VACATION 2835 DUE TO OTH SRCS, UH TRUS 3340 CUR RES, NON-FED SPONS P 4240 PRIVATE GRANTS/CONTRACTS 4241 PRIVATE GRANTS/CONTRACTS 9140 RES CUR YR REV BUD CTRL 9150 RES CUR YR EXP BUD CTRL 9540 EXP SUM - CUR RES UH TRU 9640 EXP ENC - CUR RES UH TRU Beg Balance Actual Cur Balance --------------- --------------- --------------107,860.47 3,820.82- 104,039.65 360,000.00 360,000.00 227,860.47- 18,820.82 209,039.65132,139.53- 18,820.82- 150,960.35107,860.473,820.82 104,039.651,093.62 1,093.62 87,473.17 87,473.1787,473.17911.35182.27- 87,473.17 46,421.94- 15,684.029,284.38- 3,136.80360,000.00360,000.00 55,706.32 18,820.82 4,561.50 1,691.10- Fund Balance Change Viewing current-month (December) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--Prod* HELP Notes Exit Mnth- Mnth+ YTD Extnd Trans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-© 1 Sess-1 TCPPD008 4/12 911.35182.2762,105.9612,421.18360,000.00360,000.00 74,527.14 2,870.40 Cash Available = Total Cash Recd $255,000 On FMIS Screen 018, for deposit transactions (U-Docs), press F11 to obtain details. In the details, you will see in Reference No. 2 a Udocument number. This indicates that payment was received by the sponsor and transferred into the account. Per the attached Screen #2, you see 2 transactions, U335578 dated 07/14 and U335598 dated 08/04, both in the amount of $15,000.00. As you scroll down on the transaction detail information, you will notice that all deposits made within this fiscal year are recorded. The last deposit made to this account was on 12/08, on Screen #3, document U343091 in the amount of $15,000.00. To find out previous years deposits, you can change the fiscal year view for the account (Screen 882). Screen #2 018 GL Account Summary Screen: ___ Account: 01/04/2011 10:13 FY 2011 CC MA 033056 ____ CONTRACT GRANT ACCOUNT Flags Dept: 00557 Exec: 13 DAGS: T 996 UH: P 280 Sch: 55 FO: 00183 DFRY Resp Person: PROJECT MGR Map Count: 001 FY ID: N NNNP +-----------------------Transaction Detail Information------------------ --------------------------------+ | | | CPU RefNo.1 RefNo.2 Date TC Description Amount ID Number | | ----------- ------- ----- --- -------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------- | | 07/14 U335578 07/14 030 1483461, 6/30/ 15,000.00A1010 | | 07/23 FHWR954 RV00409 07/23 062 REVENUE RECOGN 2,913.34 | | 07/23 FHWR954 RV00410 07/23 062 REVENUE RECOGN 582.67 | | 08/04 U335598 08/04 030 1495829, 7/30/ 15,000.00A1010 | | 08/27 FHWR954 RV00299 08/27 062 REVENUE RECOGN 2,851.42 | | 08/27 FHWR954 RV00300 08/27 062 REVENUE RECOGN 570.28 | | VVVV | | Reposition: __________ TC: ___ | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Viewing year-to-date (January) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--Prod* HELP Notes Exit Extnd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-© 1 Sess-1 TCPPD008 19/16 Screen #3 018 GL Account Summary Screen: ___ Account: Deposit information 01/04/2011 10:13 FY 2011 CC MA 033056 ____ CONTRACT GRANT ACCOUNT Flags Dept: 00557 Exec: 13 DAGS: T 996 UH: P 280 Sch: 55 FO: 00183 DFRY Resp Person: PROJECT MGR Map Count: 001 FY ID: N NNNP +-----------------------Transaction Detail Information------------------ --------------------------------+ | | | CPU RefNo.1 RefNo.2 Date TC Description Amount ID Number | | ----------- ------- ----- --- -------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------- | | 12/01 FHWR954 RV00218 12/01 062 REVENUE RECOGN 958.66 | | 12/03 FHWR954 RV00495 12/03 062 REVENUE RECOGN 1,391.89 | | 12/03 FHWR954 RV00496 12/03 062 REVENUE RECOGN 278.38 | | 12/08 U343091 12/08 030 1538041, 11/30 15,000.00A1010 | | 12/10 FHWR954 RV00392 12/10 062 REVENUE RECOGN 5,817.11 | | 12/10 FHWR954 RV00393 12/10 062 REVENUE RECOGN 1,163.42 | | VVVV | | Reposition: __________ TC: ___ | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Viewing year-to-date (January) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--Prod* HELP Notes Exit Extnd Deposit information If you are using the PageCenter reports, this information can be found on the GL report CBSP090D. Since these reports capture monthly transactions, you will only see the deposit transactions for the current month. On the report CBSP090D below, you will notice that the deposits appear under account control 1354 (Revenue Recognition). You will see again under Refrence #2, a deposit U-Doc number U343091 for total deposit of $15,000.00. This is the same information as FMIS Screen 018 in the Screen#2 example above. To find the total amount of cash received for the project, you will need to look at the total to date figure under account controls 1353 and 1354. The addition of $150,960.35 and $104,039.65 will give you the total cash received of $255,00.00. On FMIS Screen 018 and PageCenter report CBSP090D, the total cash balance available is on line 1, under Control 1100, Claim on Cash. If the amount shown is positive, this means that expenditures on the project are less than the amount of cash received. If the amount shown is negative, this means that expenditures for the project are greater than the cash available. Page Center Report CBSP090D FY 2011 CC MA UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII - MANOA CGS ACCOUNT STATEMENT AS OF 12/30/2010 01/01/11 02:53 PAGE: 26429 UH20920 CONTRACT GRANT ACCOUNT ACCT: 0-33056 AWARD NO: HI-0001-2011 AWARD PERIOD: 07/01/2009-06/30/2013 SPONSOR: A1010 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY PROJ PERIOD: 07/01/2009-06/30/2013 PASS THRU: FND APN DEPT DIV PYMT ST D F AWD ROLL 1 ROLL 2 ROLL 3 RESP P 280 00557 BB 1 O N N 19771 25 00183 ACCT CTL DESCRIPTION DOC DATE TC REF NO 1 REF NO 2 JE OFFSET ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE RESP PERSON: PROJECT MGR OLD ACCOUNT: F97280P PROJ AMOUNT: 180,000.00 FO Cash Available, same as Screen #1 above. SO CURRENT MONTH TOTAL TO DATE 1100 ** CM TOTAL CLAIM-ON-CASH 107,860.47 3,820.82- 104,039.65 1351 ** CM TOTAL AWARD AUTHORIZED, PRIV AGENCY 360,000.00 .00 360,000.00 1352 REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/03 062 FHWR954 RV00497 0-39738-1353CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/10 062 FHWR954 RV00394 0-39738-1353CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/17 062 FHWR954 RV00548 0-39738-1353CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/31 062 FHWR954 RV00281 0-39738-1353CR 1352 ** CM TOTAL AWARD UNREALIZED, PRIV AGENCY REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/03 062 FHWR954 RV00497 0-39738-1352DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/10 062 FHWR954 RV00394 0-39738-1352DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/17 062 FHWR954 RV00548 0-39738-1352DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/31 062 FHWR954 RV00281 0-39738-1352DR 1353 ** CM TOTAL AWARD REALIZED, PRIV AGENCY 227,860.47- 1,670.27 6,980.53 4,697.03 5,472.99 18,820.82 REV569 12032010 30 REV662 12102010 30 REV730 12172010 30 REV766 12312010 30 209,039.65- 132,139.53- 1,670.276,980.534,697.035,472.9918,820.82- REV569 12032010 30 REV662 12102010 30 REV730 12172010 30 REV766 12312010 30 150,960.35- 1,391.89 278.38 15,000.005,817.11 1,163.42 3,914.19 782.84 4,560.83 912.16 3,820.82 Deposit REV569 12032010 30 REV569 12032010 30 Information, 035DEP 12082010 30 Same as Screen REV662 12102010 30 #2 above REV662 12102010 30 REV730 12172010 30 REV730 12172010 30 REV766 12312010 30 REV766 12312010 30 104,039.65- 1353 1354 REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/03 062 FHWR954 RV00495 0-39738-4240CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/03 062 FHWR954 RV00496 0-39738-4241CR 1538041, 11/30/10, 12/08 030 U343091 REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/10 062 FHWR954 RV00392 0-39738-4240CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/10 062 FHWR954 RV00393 0-39738-4241CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/17 062 FHWR954 RV00546 0-39738-4240CR = Total Cash REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/17 062 FHWR954 RV00547 0-39738-4241CR Received REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/31 062 FHWR954 RV00279 0-39738-4240CR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/31 062 FHWR954 RV00280 0-39738-4241CR $255,000 1354 ** CM TOTAL ACCTS REC, PRIV AGENCY 107,860.471355 ** CM TOTAL ACCTS REC-ACCR, PRIV AGENCY 1356 A/R Reclass 07/22 061 CBYR957 AR00467 0-39738-2140DR 1356 ** CM TOTAL ACCTS REC-RECLASS, PRIV AGENCY 1,093.62 .00 1,093.62 87,473.17 87,473.1787,473.17- .00 .00 87,473.17- 87,473.17 87,473.17 2410 ** CM TOTAL ACCRUED VACATION 911.35- .00 911.35- 2835 ** CM TOTAL DUE TO OTH SRCS, UH TRUST FUND 182.27- .00 182.27- .00 .00 2100 ** CM TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, DAILY 2140 A/R Reclass 07/22 061 CBYR957 AR00467 0-39738-1356CR 2140 ** CM TOTAL ADVANCES FROM SPONSORS 3340 ** CM TOTAL CUR RES, NON-FED SPONS PROG-OTH BATCH BA REF DATE NK .00 PAC866 07222010 30 .00 .00 PAC866 07222010 30 .00 CBSP090D FY 2011 CC MA UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII - MANOA CGS ACCOUNT STATEMENT AS OF 12/30/2010 01/01/11 02:53 PAGE: 26430 UH20920 CONTRACT GRANT ACCOUNT ACCT: 0-33056 AWARD NO: HI-0001-2011 AWARD PERIOD: 07/01/2009-06/30/2013 SPONSOR: A1010 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY PROJ PERIOD: 07/01/2009-06/30/2013 PASS THRU: FND APN DEPT DIV PYMT ST D F AWD ROLL 1 ROLL 2 ROLL 3 RESP P 280 00557 BB 1 O N N 19771 25 00183 ACCT CTL DESCRIPTION DOC DATE TC REF NO 1 REF NO 2 JE OFFSET ACCOUNT REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/03 062 FHWR954 RV00495 0-39738-1354DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/10 062 FHWR954 RV00392 0-39738-1354DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/17 062 FHWR954 RV00546 0-39738-1354DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/31 062 FHWR954 RV00279 0-39738-1354DR 4240 ** CM TOTAL PRIVATE GRANTS/CONTRACTS PREVIOUS BALANCE 4240 REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/03 062 FHWR954 RV00496 0-39738-1354DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/10 062 FHWR954 RV00393 0-39738-1354DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/17 062 FHWR954 RV00547 0-39738-1354DR REVENUE RECOGNITIO 12/31 062 FHWR954 RV00280 0-39738-1354DR 4241 ** CM TOTAL PRIVATE GRANTS/CONTRACTS, OH RESP PERSON: PROJECT MGR OLD ACCOUNT: F97280P PROJ AMOUNT: 180,000.00 FO SO CURRENT MONTH TOTAL TO DATE 46,421.94- 1,391.895,817.113,914.194,560.8315,684.02- REV569 12032010 30 REV662 12102010 30 REV730 12172010 30 REV766 12312010 30 62,105.96- 9,284.38- 278.381,163.42782.84912.163,136.80- REV569 12032010 30 REV662 12102010 30 REV730 12172010 30 REV766 12312010 30 12,421.18- 4241 9140 ** CM TOTAL RES CUR YR REV BUD CTRL 360,000.00- .00 360,000.00- 9150 ** CM TOTAL RES CUR YR EXP BUD CTRL 360,000.00 .00 360,000.00 9540 ** CM TOTAL EXP SUM - CUR RES UH TRUST 55,706.32 18,820.82 74,527.14 9640 ** CM TOTAL EXP ENC - CUR RES UH TRUST 4,561.50 FUND BALANCE CHANGE BATCH BA REF DATE NK .00 1,691.10- .00 2,870.40 .00 Note that these cash balances are based only on expenditures that have been processed and recorded in FMIS. All encumbrances, in-transit documents, indirect costs, projected expenses such as payroll, etc. are not deducted from the cash balance. Therefore, if you are implementing a “no-deficit” spending policy, you will need to take into account all transactions and projections that have not been recorded in FMIS. If you want further assistance in determining cash balances for your accounts, please contact Janis Morita at the ORS Accounting Office at 956-6959 or email