Way of the Warrior: Collapse of Time

Way of the Warrior: Collapse of Time
WotW: CoT is a first-person, medieval game in which you take on the role of a nameless, hero
who journeys through the world to stop the destruction caused by the Evil Wizard. And fill the void left
by the absence of the former Champion of Hollowind.
Controls for the game:
X – Withdraw/ Put up the Sword
Space – Attack/ Swing Sword
O – Open doors, gates, and chests
Up Arrow – Move forward
Down Arrow – Move backwards
Left Arrow – Turn left
Right Arrow – Turn right
*Note, this is the sequel to the original Way of the Warrior created by my last group and the
code/program has been completely redone/ created from scratch. We did not edit the original code, but
corrected the ideas and made improvements to the original.
**Sword will only swing when withdrawn.