98 學年度第 1 學期日間部通識課程授課計畫表 授課教師 高慧芬 所屬系所名稱:General Education 教師研究室/分機 5212 電子信箱: gau@isu.edu.tw 科目代碼 科目名稱 學分數 00159 專任 □兼任 2 中文 心理理論與應用-心理與文學 英文 Theory and Application of Psychology: Psychology and literature (whole-English course) 本課程與通識 1. 厚實語文運用能力 2. 深化世界公民素養 3. 拓展知識領域,強化競爭力 教育目標關聯 性: 請 選 4. 提升人文藝術涵養 □5. 孕育終身學習的人生觀 □6. 擴展宏觀視野,落實關懷情操 授課目標 This course emphasizes psychological study of literature, applying psychological theories and concepts to different literary genres, analyzing characters and exploring the therapeutic value of literary works. Topics of discussion include examination of personality, mental illness, developmental issues, conflicts, emotions, and motivation. 授課進度與大綱 週次 進度與大綱 第一週 Introduction to the course and requirements 第二週 Overview of psychological analysis---Freud 第三週 Neopsychoanalysis I: Erikson 第四週 第五週 Neopyschoanalysis II: Jung Character personality analysis--- The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde 第六週 Character personality analysis--- The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde 第七週 Mental illness--- Shakespeare’s King Lear. 第八週 Mental illness--- Shakespeare’s King Lear. 第九週 第十週 Character analysis Report Conflicts and emotions (O'neal’s Long Day's Journey into Night) 第十一週 Conflicts and emotions (O'neal’s Long Day's Journey into Night) 第十二週 Guilt and Shame (the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosselini) 第十三週 Guilt and Shame (the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosselini) 第十四週 Secrecy and developmental issues (Lawrence, Sons and Lovers) 第十五週 Secrecy and developmental issues (Lawrence, Sons and Lovers) 第十六週 Oral Report and Feedback 第十七週 Oral Report and Discussion psychological study of literature 第十八週 Synthesis/conclusion 學生可獲得之知識、技能或進階學習之基礎 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To examine literary works as a source of illustration and example of those psychological theories. Address controversies over the psychological impact of literature. Describe how literary stories or characters can be used in therapeutic ways. Examine themes that are psychologically significant in literature. To know the role psychology has played in literature works. 教材(作者,書名,出版社,出版地,年份) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bradberry, T. "The Personality Code", Putnam, New York, 2007. Mischel, W., Introduction to Personality, Sixth edition. Fort Worth, Harcourt Brace,Texas 1999. Schultz, Duane, and Schultz, Sydney Ellen. Theories of Personality. Seventh Edition, Pacific Grove, Brooks-Cole ,CA 1998. Albee, Edward. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,Signet, New York, 1983. Angus, Douglas, ed. Best Short Stories of the Modern Age, Fawcett, New York, 1974. Hosselini, K.The Kite Runner, 2003. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers, Penguin Books, New York,1985. O'neal, E.. Long Day's Journey into Night, 1956. Oscar, W. The Happy Prince and Other Tales. Shakespeare, William. King Lear, Penguin Books, New York,1970. http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/perscontents.html http://personality-project.org/personality.html http://allpsych.com/personalitysynopsis/drives.html 14. http://cmgww.com/historic/wilde/ 15. http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext97/hpaot10.txt (free e-book) 16. http://www.online-literature.com/wilde/177/ 17. 課程要求(學生於學期間應達成之學習成就、作業、考試等) 1. 18. quizzes over assigned readings. 2. attendance, involvement in classroom discussions and Participation 成績評量方式 1. Character analysis Report 15% 2. oral report 15% 3. quizzes over assigned readings 20% 4. attendance, involvement in classroom discussions and Participation 50% 備註 This is a Whole-English class. 填表日期: 98 年 4 月 4 日