Document 14977869

Matakuliah : G0302/Introduction to Literature
: 2007
Pertemuan 8
By the setting of a story, we mean its time and place with its
The setting is important because it can make things
It can prompt characters to act, bring them to realizations,
or cause them to reveal their inmost natures.
Bina Nusantara
There are three kinds of setting:
Setting of place
Setting of time
And social setting
Bina Nusantara
Setting of place
• Where the story takes place is called its locale such as a
house, a street, a city, a landscape, a region
• This physical places are important to many writers
Bina Nusantara
Setting of time
• Setting may involve the time of the story—hour, year, or
• The story may take place at dawn, or on the day of the
first moon landing.
Bina Nusantara
Physical place
• It is very important to a regional writer, who usually sets
stories (or other work) in one geographic area.
• Such a writer, often a native of the place, tries to bring it
alive to readers who live no matter where
Bina Nusantara
Physical place
• Not that every writer of stories in which a place matters
greatly will draw the characters as helpless puppets of
their environment.
• Few writers do so, although that may be what you find in
novels of naturalism—fiction of grim realism, in which the
writer observes human characters like a scientist
observing ants, seeing them as the products and victims
of environment.
Bina Nusantara
Social setting
Social values
Social norms
Its people and tradition
Social system
Bina Nusantara