Document 14977849

Matakuliah : G0302/Introduction to Literature
: 2007
Pertemuan 2
• What is literature? It has relative definition but in extreme
context it has literary forms which are strictly controlled
like poetry for example.
• Non literature: newspaper articles, encyclopedia, etc
Bina Nusantara
Difference of literature and non literature
• Poem
• Encyclopedia
-written in lines and verse
-rhyme, rhythm
-implied meaning
-emotive vocabulary
- Written in prosaic sentences
-rhyme and rhythm are not
-direct meaning
-based on fact
Bina Nusantara
Some theories of Literature
• Imitative
• Expressive
• affective
Bina Nusantara
The Imitative Theory
• Art is an imitative of something.
• Aristotle’s mimesis: not only imitation but also “recreation” or “representation
• A form is presented in a substance not natural to it.
• This natural tendency to imitate is combined, with a
tendency toward rhythm or pattern, and the result can be
a work of art.
• The artist recreates reality and presents it to us in a
fashion in which we see its essence more clearly.
Bina Nusantara
The Expressive Theory
• The artist is not essentially an imitator but a man who
expresses his feelings.
• The artist’s vision—the theory holds, is more inward than
outward that the work of art is not an imitation of the
external world but the expression of the internal world
the embodiment of an emotion.
Bina Nusantara
The Affective Theory
• A work of art ought to arose a particular emotion or affect
in the perceiver.
• Affective theory holds that the stimulation of certain
emotions is, for some reason, good; we need an
occasional release (a good cry), or we need to have our
emotions organized into a pleasant pattern. That some
readers seek emotional stimulus from books is beyond
Bina Nusantara