Document 14977845

Matakuliah : G0302/Introduction to Literature
: 2007
Pertemuan 5
The nature of Poetry
• Poetry has been produced by every civilization in history,
and it shows no sign of losing its power in our time.
• One source of poetry’s viability is its remarkable power
to adapt to changing circumstances.
• The nature of poetry is unchanged by its growing
diversity of forms. We may still define it as the
interpretive dramatization of experience in metrical
Bina Nusantara
• Rhyme : persamaan bunyi pada akhir baris-baris puisi.
• Rhythm : tekanan lemah dan keras pada suku kata yang
menimbulkan pola bunyi tertentu pada baris-baruis puisi.
• Alliteration : pengulangan bunyi konsonan pada satu
atau beberapa baris puisi.
• Assonance : pengulangan bunyi vocal pada satu atau
beberapa baris puisi.
• Onomatopoeia: kata-kata yang menirukan bunyi
Bina Nusantara
Figurative language
• Metaphor: When a writer or speaker asserts that
something is, or is equivalent to, something in most ways
actually unlike it the figure is called metaphor
e.g: What is our life? A play of passion
Bina Nusantara
Figurative language
- A figure of speech closely related to metaphor is simile,
in which similarity, rather than identity, is asserted. The
figure includes one of several words such as “like”, “as”
e,.g: Our graves are like drawn curtains
Swift as the weaver’s shuttle fleet our years.
Bina Nusantara
Figurative Language
• Metonymy is the use of an attribute of an object of
something closely associated with it to represent that
• E.g: Death lays his icy hand on kings;
sceptre and crown
Sceptre and crown stand for rulers
Bina Nusantara
Figurative Language
• Synecdoche is nearly like metonymy that most of our
comments on that figure apply here as well. Synecdoche
substitutes a significant part of something for the thing
e.g: farm hands
loud mouth
- paradox; is a statement which is either apparently self
contradictory or at odds with ordinary experience and yet
reveals a truth normally hidden.
Bina Nusantara
Figurative language
• Personification: Abstraction is endowed with the qualities
of a human being in such a way as to render a normally
disembodied idea dramatically effective.
e.g: Death lays his icy hand on kings.
- Hyperbole is deliberate, and often outrageous,
Bina Nusantara