Bev_Schultz_Resume.doc: uploaded 27 May 2004 at 6:16 pm


Beverly J. Schultz

3 Sandas Point Road

Ayer, MA 01432

Phone: (978) 486-0947

SUMMARY: Successful Engineering executive with demonstrated track record in building

leading-edge technology products for integrated systems. Motivator of domestic

and international engineering teams directed toward achieving results on time

and within budget. Leader in engineering and executive consulting practices to

optimize engineering groups to thrive and prosper in tight times. Provides

focused plans to deliver to profitability and to deliver results in engineering.


July 1999- INTELLUTION, INC– Foxborough, MA

Feb 2002

Senior Vice President, Engineering

Responsible for revamping the engineering group to deliver innovative software products to help manufacturing

companies automate their industries profitably, to deliver auditable software, and to build efficient project teams

 Developed plan, focused the technology to create viable products, and delivered new versions of the flagship

Intellution product.

 Downsized the team and reduced the operating expenses of engineering while delivering more and new products in the industrial automation arena. Kept the smaller team motivated and producing outstanding software

 Successfully completed numerous audits of the engineering process for major pharmaceutical and other firms requiring auditable processes. Created a strong quality group to give credence to Intellution as a leader in good software development

 Worked with the Executive Staff through 3 company Presidents to keep stability in engineering and focus to the company

Dec 1997- MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC – Real Time Visualization, Concord, MA

July 1999

Vice President, Engineering, Real Time Visualization

Responsible for developing a volume rendering chip and the associated software and board design to make real-time

volumes a reality for the industry.

 Developed plan, focused the technology to create a viable product, and hired a team to do Volume Graphics

 Executed the plan, convinced Japan to continue investing when Japanese economy faltered, and delivered on plan. Product as conceived does volume graphics in real time, 500M samples/second, and should revolutionize the industry and impact medicine, scientific visualization, and geophysical and aerospace applications.

 Hired GM, worked with executive staff to form and drive a business and execute as a start-up

 First product delivered on time, leading the industry in advanced graphics, and being built into major medical solutions. Well accepted in market. Group now worth about $50M in 2 years.

 Received the President’s Award in Japan from Mitsubishi Electric for the innovative technology and the responsiveness of the engineering team to the challenge of inventing this new technology in productizable form.


Dec 1997

Vice President, Engineering

Responsible for engineering graphics accelerator controllers. Created ASICs for 2D/3D video leadership

chip technology, competitive boards for board design/development, and leading edge software drivers

and utilities. Delivered industry-leading technology.

 Managed the ASIC team, the Board Design team, Software, Quality Assurance, and Customer Support.

 Received BYTE Best of Multimedia Products (PC Expo ’97) Award, and 14 other leading review awards, including 5 awards at COMDEX in November 97 for the Ticket to Ride 3D Graphics chip.

 Delivered Imagine 3 2D/3D technology, Imagine 2 variants, plus Virge, 771, 772, and GX2 S3 based products

 Created a working engineering group that optimized systems for performance and leadership functionality.

Attracted top managers for growth, cleaned up staff and grew engineering from 45 to 70 in less than a year.

1994- AVID TECHNOLOGY - Tewksbury, MA


Vice President, Software Development

Responsible for delivery of multi-media products. Included the underlying engines that allow real-time video

to move through hardware, be edited in real time, and be recorded, edited, and played across networks in real time.

 Delivered first client server product for video editing. Implemented software for use inside of a camera.

 Supported all existing Avid products, and enhanced efficiently. Led industry standards for video and audio.

 Developed working software implementation of early digital camera.

 Developed underlying engine for 12 of Avid’s 13 editing products.

 Grew engineering group from 27 to 80 in 14 months while consistently delivering predictable, reliable products. Company revenue went from $52M to 200M to $400 from 1994 to 1996 with these products.



Group Manager, OpenVMS Alpha Engineering Group (1992-1994)

Responsible for group of 160, including subcontracted work from other engineering groups in NH, MA, Scotland,

Italy, and world-wide localization centers. Directly managed $40M expense budget.

 Managed delivery of OpenVMS Alpha operating system on RISC platform to allow timely shipment of new

RISC chips and allowed migration path for 14,000,000 users to platform within schedule time frame.

 Delivered VMS clusters 18 months ahead of schedule. VMS clusters on RISC & CISC generate over $50M annually. Operating system is basis of Microsoft’s NT, and this cluster technology now used by industry.

 Created technology to mix CISC and RISC architectures in VMS clusters resulting in immediate revenue capture from existing base.

 Positioned software product for client/server technology to protect investment of existing customers and to renew customer commitment to growth path on RISC platforms.

Group Manager, Office & Teamware Engineering (1990-1992)

Responsible for 200 engineers in England, France and NH with subcontracts in NC, and Germany to deliver the

Office Software Products for Digital. Contributed revenue of $60M annually and leveraged $1B in hardware sales.

 Drove Digital’s office program into the pc realm just as it became critical

 Produced and supported ALL-IN-1 Desktop products, resulting in sales to 8M users.

 Built TeamLinks client/server family of pc and MAC products designed to create new customers for Digital while projecting existing customers and selling new pc products to them.

 Developed electronic bulletin board, calendaring, routing, and other Groupware products.

Engineering Manager, Technical Languages & Environments(1985-1990)

Responsible for group of 80 compiler developers and CASE engineers.

 Drove the completion of initial versions of the Language-Sensitive Editor, Source Code Analyzer, and Program

Design System tools, each supporting 8 compilers.

 Drive the creation of VAXset, compendium of integrated CASE products. VAXset was among top ten software products in revenue each year from 1985 to 1994.

 Served as key consultant at Digital drive standards to affect industry CASE, CAD/CAM, and Dictionary programs.

 Managed engineering and delivery of VAX C, Pascal, PL/I compilers and APL interpreter.

 Influenced direction of C compiler, PL/I International standard, and continued direction of Pascal for company.

Supervisor, Commercial Languages & Environments (1981-1985)

Responsible for technical supervision and development first CASE tools at Digital.

 Delivered first CASE tool for software development, DEC/CMS, a code management system, in 1982.

 Developed and delivered second Digital CASE tool, the DEC Test Manager.

 Established CASE leadership with implementation of strategic technology, positioning Digital as an industry player in the ‘80’s.

 Generated $20M in annual revenue from 1982 to 1994.



Software Program Manager

Responsible for successful delivery of plant management software for energy, facility, security, & maintenance

dispatch management to major U.S. Corporations. Developed proposals, generated software cost estimates,

designed software, interfaced with customers during design implementation, and integration of systems, managed

project costs.

Rebuilt Plant Management Customized Software to be delivered as canned and packaged software modules easily installed for higher profit.

Supervised hardware/software integration and automated factory floors.

Designed ultrasonic instrument software used to detect cracks in aircraft wings.



M.S. - Computer Science (1978)


B.S. - Mathematics (1965)


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) since 1978

National Association of Parliamentarians, Professional Registered Parliamentarian

Alpha Lamda Delta, Mortar Board - Honorary Scholastic Fraternities

National Assn of Parliamentarians, PRP, past President of Massachusetts Unit
