Articles requirements

Author name2 (Times New Roman, 11 pt, bold)
Institution Name (Times New Roman, 10 pt)
E-mail: (Times New Roman, 10 pt)
Telephone: (Times New Roman, 10pt)
Fax: (Times New Roman, 10 pt)
Author name (Times New Roman, 11 pt, bold)
Institution name (Times New Roman, 10 pt)
E-mail: (Times New Roman, 10 pt)
Telephone: (Times New Roman, 10pt)
Fax: (Times New Roman, 10 pt)
The paper abstract will be written in Times New Roman, size 10 pt., Italic
style. The abstract will be included in a text-box, which is similar to the one which is
exemplified in this model. The abstract will be submitted in English version only, and it
will contain:
- the term “Abstract”;
- the text of the abstract.
The abstract will be approximately 120-180 words and it should emphasize,
by using short and concise sentences, several elements, such as: the paper objectives,
the paper background, the research methods, the methods used in data-collecting
process, the expected results and the conclusions of the research.
The abstract aims to emphasize the relevance and the quality of the research.
Thus, it is recommended to avoid using references/footnotes within this paragraph.
Keywords: The Keywords will be written in Times New Roman, size 10 pt. Italic
style, separated by commas. It is recommended to select 4 to 8 keywords.
JEL classification: The JEL Classification will be written in Times New Roman,
size 10 pt. In order to choose the JEL Classification for your papers, you can click on the
following link: It is highly
recommended to specify 2 or even 3 JEL codes for each paper.
The title should be accordingly with both the specific topics of the review and the content of the
paper. As well, it is recommended that the title include some of the keywords, in order to be more
accessible for the search engines.
The sequence will be pasted several times if there are many authors of the paper. The insertion of a
new author will come after inserting 6 pt. spacing between paragraphs.
1. Introduction (Times New Roman, 11 pt, Bold)
The introduction will be written in Times New Roman, size 11 pt., and it
will comprise:
 the title 1. Introduction or 1. General Framework formatted by 18 pt.
spacing before the paragraph and 12 pt. spacing after the paragraph;
 the text of the introduction section, which is supposed to emphasize the
current stages of the research, the achievements and progresses reached
so far in the field, and the description of the paper objectives in a more
detailed manner.
The introduction is supposed to be the chain between the up-to-date results
in the theoretical and/or practical areas of the field and the authors’ own research.
The introduction should provide the reader with enough information so that he gets
accustomed with the main ideas and the content of the paper.
2., 3., 4., ..., n. Paper sections (Times New Roman, 11 pt, Bold)
The content of the paper will be divided into sections, depending on the
authors’ preferences. The sections will follow the example of the ordinate lists (by
using 2, 3, 4,…,n, for sections and/or 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,…,2.n, for sub-sections). The
sections will have to respect the following editorial rules, which are compulsory:
 it is highly recommended that the whole paper have maximum 12-13
pages, including the abstract, the introduction and the references sections);
 the papers should only be written in English, using Microsoft Word. The
font should be Times New Roman, size 11 pt., Justify alignment, single
line-spacing. The document will be saved in any available version of
Microsoft Word, except Microsoft Word 2007 (the papers that don’t
match all these conditions may be rejected by the Editorial Board, before
peer-review evaluation;
 it is highly recommended to avoid using special styles (Bold, Italic,
Underline) within the content of the paper. The Bold style will only be
used for emphasizing the titles, the sections and the sub-sections, the
Italic style will only be used for the abstract and the keywords, while the
Underline style will only be used to emphasize the number of the tables
and figures within the paper;
 the authors are not allowed to insert page numbers and or any header or footer
element within the paper, except footnotes, which are part of the paper;
 the papers will be submitted via e-mail, at,
exclusively in Microsoft Word format;
 the authors are fully responsible for the whole content of the paper and for
the quality of the phrases and sentences used either;
 the papers can be redacted either by copying the content of the research in this
document, section by section, or by creating a new Microsoft Word document,
which will meet the following format conditions: Margins: 2,2 cm - top, 7,5 cm
- bottom, 4 cm - left, 4 cm - right; Page orientation: portrait; Page size: A4,
Width: 21 cm, Height: 29,7 cm; Header: 1,27 cm; Footer: 6,47 cm.
n+1. Conclusions (Times New Roman, 11 pt, Bold)
The paper conclusions will follow the numbered list which was began before,
similar to the rest of the sections.
The conclusions should reflect briefly the results achieved by applying the
authors’ research within the investigated field of activity, and at the same time, they
should synthesise the main ides regarding the authors’ contribution to the paper which
are ought to contribute to the development of the investigated field.
This section is compulsory.
REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 11 pt, Bold, Caps)
The References section is not numbered, alike other sections and subsections of the paper. This section will comprise the formula REFERENCES,
followed by the list of the references, in alphabetical order, according to Harvard
Referencing System. The complete and detailed guide concerning the correct
manner in which the References section should be written can be viewed by
clicking the following link:
Examples of how to edit Reference section according to Harvard
Referencing System:
for books and publications written by one, two, three or four author(s)
Barker, R. Kirk, J. & Munday, R.J., 1988. Narrative analysis. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press
for books and publications written by more than four authors
Grace, B. et al., 1988. A history of the world. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
for E-books
Carlsen, J. & Charters, S., eds. 2007. Global wine tourism. [E-book] Wallingford:
CABI Pub. Available at: University Library/Library Catalogue/ https://oscar.lib. [Accessed 9 June 2008].
for articles and papers published within scientific reviews and journals
Perry, C., 2001. What health care assistants know about clean hands. Nursing
Times, 97(22), pp.63-64.
for articles and papers published within non-scientific reviews, journals
and newspapers
Slapper, G., 2005. Corporate manslaughter: new issues for lawyers. The Times, 3
Sep. p.4b.
for web-sites
National electronic Library for Health. 2003. Can walking make you slimmer? [Online]
(Updated 16 Jan 2005) Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2005].
Special editing requirements
The titles of the sections and sub-sections will be left-aligned, indented
at 1.27 cm and numbered continuously by using Arabic figures, as shown
before. The paragraphs will also be indented at 1.27 cm.
The section order will begin with section 1. Introduction/General
Framework and will end with section N. Conclusions. References section
(REFERENCES) will not be numbered.
II. The tables, figures and graphics will be numbered and each of them
should have a title according to their content.
The tables will be drawn with simple border. The cells will be filled in by
using Times New Roman, size 10 pt. Both the number and the title of the
table will be placed immediately above the table, aligned to the right (as
shown in Table 1)
Table 1: Example of how to insert a table within the paper
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
Times New Roman 10 pt
The Figures and graphics will be separated from the rest of the text by
using a simple border. The number and the title of the figure/graphic will
be placed immediately under the figure/graphic, aligned to the right (as
shown in Figure 1 or Graphic 1)
Figure 1: Example of how to insert a figure within the paper
Graphic 1: Example of how to insert a graphic within the paper
III. The Maths formulas will be centred and numbered as shown below:
IV. The abbreviations and acronyms will be explained one single time, when
they occur for the first time in the paper.
V. The bibliography and the way this is edited should be accordingly with
Harvard Referencing System.
 Examples of how to use references inside the paper:
o when referring to a single author
Cormack (1994, pp.32-33) states that “'when writing for a professional
readership, writers invariably make reference to already published works”.
when referring to two or many authors at the same time
Jones (1946) and Smith (1948) have both shown that “…”
when referring to two or many authors of the same paper
Slater & Jones (1996) have shown in “…” that “…”
when referring to a single author and a precise citation
Lawrence (1966, p.124)
when referring to many papers of the same author, which were published
during the same year
Bloggs (1993a, b) has stated on more than one occasion that…
when referring to many papers of the same author, which were
published in different years
(Bloggs 1992, 1994) has stated on more than one occasion that…
 The examples of how the references section should be edited can be
seen at page 3 of the current material.
The complete guide regarding the editing requirements for References
section can be consulted by clicking on the following link: