Part 7


Finding people

• finger command

– finger user@hostname

• Finger command generally works on local network

• It may not work on other networks.

– You cannot finger from outside of

– finger –l gives more information.

Finding Site Owners

• Whois command used to find who owns a site.

• 2-step process:

– Type whois hostname to find whois server

– Type whois –h (whois server name) hostname

• Eg: whois

– Then whois –h

Whois 2

• Access .gov whois files differently


– Don’t put the www in front of the domain.

• Other country domains

– -- United Kingdom

– -- France

• General site for country-specific domains:



• Text-based browser

– lynx

• Up-down arrows scroll among links

• Left = back, right = forward

• Enter = click on link

• Space = pagedown, - = pageup

• G = go to another site

• Q = quit

Lynx bookmarks

• Type a then d.

• That will save a bookmark.

• To use the bookmark, type v to view them and then select one.

Entry forms

• Let you enter data and send it to the server.

• Can be buttons, text, dropdowns, etc…

• Can cycle through form elements using tab.

• Can hit enter or click on a certain send button to send this data.


• Use search engines to find webpages

• Start searches simple.

• Make them more specific only as necessary.

• Search engines have programs that search the web for pages and data.

• Not all data is webpages



• Type some keywords into the space given.

• The search engine will look for pages with those keywords

• Some require AND’s between words, some don’t (like google).

• The results will be displayed.

Displaying Search Results

– Generally the results appear as a list of links.

– There may be several pages of results.

– There may be short excerpts from the document.

– There may be a cache.

– There may be options to download.

– There may be other links or suggestions on the page.

Subject Indexes

• Example: Yahoo

• Hierarchical menus that let you find the subject you want.

• Eg, Tennis elbow :

– Health ->Diseases ->Sports ->Tennis Elbow

• Search by idea rather than by exact phrases.

Meta searches

• Metacrawler searches other search engines for your query

• It waits a few seconds, then displays the top results from each

• Can be useful since different search engines use different methods for finding and categorizing pages.
