STAFF EMPLOYEES’ COUNCIL DATE: _11/17/99 Meeting called to order 2:05_

DATE: _11/17/99 Meeting called to order 2:05_
Business Building Room 402
REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Camilla Allen, Robert Boyd, Shirley Boyd, Val Chappel, Robin
Collins, Debi Dearman, Joyce Duncan , Ann Ettinger, Stephanie Flatt, Kristy Forbes, Elizabeth
Gadsden , Terri Garside, Lorrie Gaffney, Gary Grant, Judi Hamilton, Debbie Hammersmith, Jim
Henley, Samantha Hoole, Gary Kramer, James Meldrum, Jewell Radcliffe, Kendall Stagg,
Teena Tuttle, Ginger Miller ,Betty Osborne, Lucy Rice,
VISITORS: Buzz Nelson, Ashok Dhingra, Patty Chambers
REPRESENTATIVES ABSENT: Bob Martin, Denise Schaar-Buis
I. Motion approved for Minutes to be tabled until December 15th meeting.
II. Guest Speaker(s)
Buzz Nelson, Assistant Vice President , Facilities Management - Presented Overview of Master
Plan. Master plan is a 30 year plan. There is an update required every two years. The original
was created in 1989.
Stated all building done on campus is dictated by funding.
Mentioned the Freeway Pad over I-80 will house Walgreen’s.
Council members asked about pedestrian traffic lights and he said NDOT will not fund the lights
($150,000 – $200,000 per light). When questioned about the Evans speed control he said
maybe the Council would like to take that issue to task and put in a request for a speed bump.
There was discussion about land acquisition on Evans Ave.
Ashok Dhingra, Vice President, Admistration & Finance - Welcomed new members and thanked
them for their dedication to the Council and fellow classified employees.
Stated he was the Liaison to the President of the University.
Explained his views on the Student/Staff relationship ie: good customer service.
Told us enrollment needs to increase and to accommodate that goal more buildings/parking
garages are being built. The University of Nevada, Reno is planning for the future.
Emphasized we are State employees.
Suggested we create Ad Hoc committees to accommodate the concerns of our peers/fellow
Gave the council ideas to pursue for the benefit of fellow classified employees ie: step increases
and advised how to proceed on the issue.
III. Chair's Report
Clarification of the referral to the compensation committee: the request was that the
Compensation committee research cola increases compared to parking increases. Motion passed
and Debbie Hammersmith is already working on this task.
Chair Gaffney asked council if they would like to incorporate a 15-minute break between the two
hours of meeting. Council said no they would not.
Council members’ supervisor roster went around for council to complete so Chair may send
letters of appreciation to supervisors for their support of the council members.
Website has been loaded – some changes to be made for clean up. Friday 11/19/99 the web will
be open. Web address is SEC e-mail address is
IV. Committee reports Due to the length of great information presented by our guest speakers
Lorrie requested all Committee’s submit their committee information by e-mail or hard copy to
Shirley or herself for input into the minutes.
Compensation Committee: Met 11/8/99 – Present Cami Allen, Joyce Duncan, Stephanie Flatt,
Debbie Hammersmith, Ginger Miller and Denise Schaar-Buis.
Step Increase – The information on salaries gathered in the prior compensation committee’s is
not what the committee wants to continue on. Denise has gathered information from Washoe
County and the City of Reno regarding their payroll schedules. She and Cami will work together
to find comparable job descriptions between the entities to look at the pay schedules.
Longevity: Ginger Miller showed us information that longevity has not been increased since
1987. Suggestion was made to have Bob Gagnier attend one of our next meetings to discuss
SNEA’s stance on the two subjects.
Since it was suggested that this committee look at the classified pay raises and the increases in
parking permit fees, Debbie Hammersmith has taken on that task. Submitted by Joyce Duncan,
Compensation Chair
Educational Leave Stipend- Kendall Stagg and Debbie Hammersmith are co-chairing this
committee. They met with Bob Martin to learn about the program. It was decided to promote for
the spring semester. A flyer was sent out to all Classified employee’s advertising the program for
Spring with a December 1, 1999 deadline to apply. Submitted by Debbie Hammersmith
Food Committee The Retail Food Committee met on November 3rd.
Russ Meyer asked that classified staff be asked to think about and comment on the following:
What is being offered
What is not being offered
Are they providing what is needed?
Liz Gadsden is going to inquire to bringing Russ to SEC as a guest speaker. Liz felt questions
could be addressed at that time. The food provider, Chartwells, is so new, that the sooner these
issues are raised the easier to implement any necessary changes.
Val Chappel mentioned to Russ at the Food Committee meeting that she would personally like to
have a soup and half sandwich option at the cellar - also pre-made sandwiches without mayo for
those "on the run" lunches. He was quite receptive and said he would try both of those ideas and
encouraged other suggestions. Submitted by Val Chappel
Parking Committee No meeting.
Safety Committee Gary Grant passed around a flyer from John Davis titled AUTHORIZED
MEDICAL FACILITIES. The flyer pertains to where personnel may receive medical treatment if
injuries are received by UNR employees during normal work activities. The UNR Safety
Committee met Tuesday, November 16, 1999.
A letter of concern from a mother of a UNR student that is living in
Nye Hall.
Concerns were:
Safety and Privacy. Male maintenance crews entering female bathrooms unannounced.
Excessive under age drinking.
Quiet hours not enforced.
Electrical power disruptions.
These concerns were voiced and a letter will be sent by the Safety Committee, regarding these
alleged problems, to the people in charge of Nye Hall.
Chemistry Building carbon monoxide CO problem. There is a problem
with the heating boiler (pressure problem) that is a concern of the
committee. CO detectors have been put in the Chemistry Building but there
have been false alarms. This problem is being worked on by B & G and
Gardiner Engineering Company. Voices on the committee were to solve this problem as soon as
Crosswalk study. There is a on going problem of getting cars around the University to stop at
crosswalks. It appears about approximately half of the cars yield to pedestrians. The crosswalk
at 10th and Virginia is being studied. Solutions? Painting? Flashing lights? Speed bumps?
Enforcement? All solutions are being studied.
Employee orientation and safety training has a high priority. Problem is to have new employees
and others to take this training. More help is needed by Directors and Supervisors to be sure
employees are trained. Please contact John Davis Training Coordinator at 784-4845.
For safety concerns please let me know so I can bring your concerns forward
to the Safety Committee.
Gary Grant, SEC
Safety Committee Member
E-mail: <>
Phone: 784-6500 ext. 276
SEC By-laws new revised draft by-laws were handed out at the November Meeting.
Old Business
Bylaws were passed out to the council – Council was asked to review them and respond at the
next council meeting.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 4:03.
Prepared by:
Shirley M. Boyd, Secretary
Approved by:
Lorrie Gaffney, Chair