Minutes, Staff Employees Council Wednesday, March 17, 1999

Minutes, Staff Employees Council
Wednesday, March 17, 1999
Melton Media Center, Journalism Building
Representatives present: Norman Huckle (proxy for Robert Boyd), Shirley
Boyd, Neileen Dashiell, Debi Dearman, Joyce Duncan, Ann Ettinger, Stephanie
Flatt, Kristy Forbes, Billye French, Elizabeth Gadsden, Lorrie Gaffney, Mario
Desilets (proxy for Terri Garside), Gary Grant, Alec Ausbrooks (proxy for Jim
Henley), Larry Hillerman, Samantha Hoole, Gary Kramer, Bob Martin, Evelyn
Martin, Betty Osborne, Jewell Radcliffe (also proxy for Leon Garrett), Sharon
Smith (also proxy for Teena Tuttle).
Visitors: None
Representatives absent: Nicole Aguilera, Robert Boyd (excused with a proxy),
Robin Collins, Dave Delporto, Leon Garrett (excused with a proxy), Terri Garside
(excused with a proxy), Jim Henley (excused with a proxy), Teena Tuttle
(excused with a proxy), Diane Wagar (excused).
Call to Order:
Chair Neileen Dashiell called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM
Approval of February 17, 1999 Council Minutes:
The minutes were approved.
Guest Speaker:
Donna DuBois, Manager, Benefit Services, UNR Personnel & Rochelle
Greco, Benefits Coordinator, UNR Personnel, provided the council with
information regarding benefits and the problems associated with the state self
funded plan which currently is 26 million in arrearages. In February, legislation
voted and the governor signed a bill disbanding the Committee on Benefits.
There is now a temporary committee to work with the governor to obtain
solutions, etc.
Donna provided helpful hints to get claims paid. As follows:
Anytime and every time, retain a copy of everything you send.
Make sure form is complete.
Form must include social security number and name of employee
Date of service
Name of provider
Doctor’s tax identification number
Procedure codes
Diagnosis code
Charge for service
Make a copy and indicate date mailed.
The reasonable time to wait is approximately 10 days. If no action, call
UICI directly, log time and date and name of person from UICI and log
conversation regarding your claim. When you are in receipt of the Explanation of
Benefits always confirm accuracy of the information provided.
If claim is denied, always follow procedure of claim denial within 60 days
of Explanation of Benefits.
Donna requested to the council that they pass the word regarding the
Sec125 Plan. March 31st is the deadline for 1998 claims. This is very important
because if you do not use it you will lose it.
If you need further assistance, please call Donna DuBois, Rochelle Greco
or Sandy Snider at UNR Personnel 784-6844.
Jihan Teed, Nevada State Welfare Division, Professional Mentoring
Program, Vista Volunteer, spoke to the council with respect to recruiting mentors
for a new program called Project Soar. Project Soar is a program designed to
increase self-sufficiency of welfare participants who are receiving cash
(Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – TANF). A Mentee is a TANF
participant who wants to gain insight and guidance on a chosen career field. A
Mentor would provide guidance, friendship and focus on developing the
character and capabilities of the individual. A mentor would spend at least one to
two hours a week with their mentee and would participate in ongoing training.
If interested, please contact Jihan Teed at the Nevada State Welfare
Division at 688-2200.
Chair's Report:
Chair Dashiell announced her resignation to the council. She accepted
a position with Studies Abroad. Elizabeth Gadsden as Vice-Chair will take over
as the new Chair. Chair Dashiell apologized for not having an agenda prepared
for the meeting.
Committee reports:
Arboretum Board: This committee met on March 10, 1999, in the Clark Room of
Morrill. A report was provided as follows:
Kleiner Grove was discussed, Cherry Blossom Garden Dedication is set
for May 5, 1999 and brochures sent out for donations; LeRai Frank, Ann
Graham, Linda Newman and Billye French are in charge of the dedication and
have had two meetings and will visit the site April 2nd to finalize plans for
dedication. Buzz Nelson brought the Board up to date on new projects on
The next meeting will be April 13, 1999, in FA 214
Submitted by:
Billye French
SEC Member
Affirmative Action Advisory Board: American Disabilities Act Committee did
meet. A report was provided as follows:
Mary Zabel came to speak and passed out Disability Resource Center
brochures and discussed disabilities and accommodation’s for those with
disabilities. If anyone has questions Mary’s e-mail address is
For April’s meeting we will ask Buzz Nelson or Lyle Woodward to speak to
us about the construction accommodation’s on campus.
Submitted by:
Shirley Boyd
SEC Member
Child Care Committee: This committee did not meet. No update.
Classified Employee Recognition Program: This committee did meet. The
committee selected two winners for April. There is an addition to the nomination
ballot making it two sided and listing all of the prizes the monthly winner receives.
Please post this wherever possible. There will also be bulletin boards with
pockets holding the nomination ballots coming out soon.
Submitted by:
Debi Dearman
SEC Member
Compensation Committee: This committee met on March 1, 1999. A report
was provided as follows:
Members present: Donna Dubois, Rochelle Greco, Dorris McFall, Sharon
Smith, Sherry Patterson, Chris Archer, Joyce Duncan
Per Donna Dubois: Governor Quinn disbanded the committee on
Donna and Rochelle represent the university at meetings regarding
How does SEC get involved? Send concerns to them.
If we don’t get anywhere with our concerns regarding payment on
our unpaid health bills, contact them.
Sharon Smith and Dorris McFall will work on longevity issues.
Joyce Duncan and Sherry Patterson will work on step increase
Dorris McFall and Neileen Dashiell attended the hearing on longevity
AB389 on March 8, 1999 at 8:00 a.m. and testified on behalf of the
Compensation Committee of the SEC and the SEC.
Stephanie Flatt called March 16, 1999, stating that AB257 has passed the
Committee Affairs and is now being sent to Ways & Means. We need to let our
legislators know we support the step increase. Please call your legislators.
Submitted by:
Joyce Duncan
SEC Member
Classified Staff Development Fund: This committee did not meet. No update.
Education Leave Stipend Committee: This committee did not meet. No
Facilities Planning and Management Board: Master Plan update: No update.
Food Services: Campus Wide Food Service Advisory Committee; Executive
Committee. A report was provided as follows:
The March meeting included updates on the review process for the
Food Service Vendor Proposals, and further review of the Thomas Ricca
Consultant reports for each campus cost center. There was no new business
this month.
Submitted by:
Elizabeth Gadsden
SEC Member
Campus Wide Food Service; Concessions Subcommittee.
A report was provided as follows:
The concessions subcommittee, affecting LEC and ICA,
held meetings on February 23, and March 1, to evaluate the proposals
from vendors. Presentations by the finalist vendors were made to the
subcommittee on March 15 and 17.
Submitted by:
Betty Osborne
SEC Member
Gender Relations: This committee does not meet unless there is a problem,
therefore has not met. The contact is Ann Ettinger.
Parking Committee: The Parking and Traffic Board Meeting was held on
February 24, 1999 at 3:00 p.m. A report was provided as follows:
Attendance: Ted Batchman, Melody Bayfield, Bruce Douglas, Sami Fadali,
David Lee, Matt Leone, Buzz Nelson, Jean Perry, Teena Tuttle for Robert Boyd.
Unable to attend: Tom Lean
Martin McCann appealed the loss of zone Green 2 parking near Scrugham
Engineering. The board agreed that the appellant had a valid concern of
changing zones during the middle of the semester. The Board of Regent
Regulations indicate that the operation of a motor vehicle or bicycle on university
property is a privilege granted by the university and is not an inherent right of any
faculty/staff member, student or visitor and can be denied or revoked for cause at
any time. It was recommended that on the next revision of the Rules and
Regulations, a clause would be entered to read “zones may be changed
throughout the year due to ongoing construction”. The appeal was denied. A
letter will be sent to Martin McCann regarding the decision and the fact that his
appeal has helped us make it clearer in the future that zone changes may take
place throughout the year.
Kelly Damon appealed a citation issued and felt that there was inconsistency in
the voiding procedure. Melody Bayfield will review the appeal from the other
Marriotts employee to determine if there is inconsistency. The Board will be
informed regarding this issue. A decision to grant or deny this appeal was
Junaid Chaudry appealed a citation that he thought was issued during grace
period of winter break. It was explained to Junaid that grace periods only apply
to zone parking spaces and not service vehicle spaces. The board denied the
A proposal was presented to increase the replacement fees of spaces lost due to
construction to $2,000 per space. It was requested that more information be
presented to the board at the next meeting.
Submitted by:
Robert Boyd
SEC Member
Safety Committee: See Minutes attached.
SEC Bylaws: This committee did not meet. No update.
SEC Awards Luncheon: This committee did not meet. No update.
SEC Open House: See Old Business below.
SEC Web Page: This committee did not meet. No update.
Special Interests: This committee did not meet. No update.
Old Business:
Open House: Proposed Date is April 28, 1999, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Suggested speakers included Bob Dickens (UNR Lobbyist), Donna DuBois
(Benefits), Bernice Mathews (Legislator), and Ken Sjoen (UNR Police). Chair
Gadsden requested that the committees send a rough draft of the information,
etc which is to be displayed at the Open House within two weeks of the date of
this meeting.
New Business:
New Chair Gadsden spoke to the committee regarding the need to
review and modify the By Laws to reflect changes. Chair Gadsden requested the
By laws Committee to meet soon. Also, discussed the need to elect new
committee and SEC members. Chair Gadsden will contact Georgianna in
Ashok’s office regarding filling those positions.
New Chair Gadsden informed the council that Dave Hansen was
contacted by the Faculty Senate along with the Graduate Association and ASUN
to request any volunteers to join them in honoring Joseph Crowley for the longest
standing President with a cake and punch reception. Jewell Radcliff and Gary
Grant volunteered to assist with the event. No date has been set yet.
Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Lorrie Gaffney, Secretary
Elizabeth Gadsden, Chair