DigitalArtInScratch-10-14-2010.ppt: uploaded 1 November 2010 at 8:19 pm

Digital Art in Scratch
part 1
Barb Ericson
Georgia Tech
Oct 2010
• Learn about
Drawing sprites
Using the pen blocks: stamp
Event handling
Project Description
• We will draw a simple
shape (a plus sign) and
use it to make art.
– By stamping the shape
as we follow the mouse
– We will change the
costume (color) we
draw with when the
user presses the space
Big Picture
• Delete cat sprite • Copy the
costume for the
• Paint the
sprite and
background for
change the color
the stage
• Paint the sprite • Program the
that you will draw sprite
Delete cat sprite
• To delete the cat
– Click the scissors
– Click the cat
• Or right click on
the cat and select
Painting the background
• Click on the stage
icon in the sprites
• Select the
backgrounds tab
– Click Paint
Setting background color
• Select a color
– Using the eye
dropper tool
• Select the fill tool
– Bucket
• Fill the stage with
the color
Painting the Sprite
• Click on star with
– To paint a sprite
• Select a color
– Use the eye dropper
• Paint the sprite
– Use the line tool
Copy the costume
• Click on the
costume tab
– For Sprite1
• Click on Copy
– To copy the
• Click on Edit
Change the Color
• Pick a color
– Use the eye dropper
• Change the color
– Use the fill tool
• You may want to grow
the sprite first to
make it easier to fill it
• Then shrink it after
Programming Steps
• When the green
flag is clicked do
all set-up
– Clear the
drawing area
– Set the starting
– Then Loop
• Move to the
current cursor
• Stamp the shape
– Draw a copy of
• When the green
flag is clicked
– Clear the
drawing area
– Set the starting
• To costume1
Follow mouse and stamp
• Forever - Control
– Go to the cursor's x
and y location Motion
• Drag out mouse x and
mouse y -Sensing
– Stamp a copy of the
sprite - Pen
Change Costume
• When the space key is
pressed- Control
– Switch to next costume
• Add other colors
• Add a way to clear the drawing
– Press a key or add a button sprite
• Try with other shapes
– Like circles or rectangles
• Add a turn
Concept Summary
• Backgrounds
– Can be painted
• Sprites
– Can be painted and copied and then edited
• Forever loops
– repeat all the commands inside of them one at
a time until the script is stopped or all scripts
are stopped
• Events
– Respond to something like the green flag being
clicked or the space key being pressed