Name: _________________________________________ Period: ____________________ Periodic Table Project 1. Write atomic number, avg. atomic mass, chemical symbol and name in each square. Completed #1: ____________________________ 2. Draw the zig-zag line separating the metals from the nonmetals. Use a black thin-tipped marker. 3. Horizontally, label the group number above the top of each group. 1-18 4. Horizontally, label the A Families. Use Roman Numerals instead of regular numbers. IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA, VA, VIA, VIIA,VIIIA 5. Vertically, label the periods down the left side of the periodic table. Periods 1-7 Completed #2-5: __________________________________ 6. For the gases, go over the SYMBOLS of these elements with a different color pen or marker. Add this to your key. 7. For the liquids, go over the SYMBOLS of these elements with a different color pen or marker. Add this to your key. 8. For the Metalloids, OUTLINE EACH METALLOID SQUARE with a marker. Use the same marker for each metalloid. Add this to your key. Metalloids: Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, Polonium. Astatine is not a metalloid – it has been reclassified as a nonmetal/halogen. Completed #6-8: __________________________________ 9. Color the following groups a different color. Be sure and color lightly as we will be adding more information. Make a key. 1. Alkali Metals - Group 1 2. Alkaline Earth Metals – Group 2 3. Transition Metals 4. Halogens – Group 17 5. Noble Gases – Group 18 6. Lanthanide Series 7. Actinide Series Completed #9: _________________________________ 10. Label the Iron Triad and add to Key Iron, Cobalt, Nickel 11. Radioactive Elements Elements from Polonium forward through the end of the Periodic Table, including Technetium and Promethium Put an R in the box for the element 12. Synthetic Elements Elements: Technetium, Promethium, and everything from Neptunium forward through the end of the Periodic Table. Put an S in the box for the element Completed #10-12: ___________________________________ Do not use whiteout Color well Be neat Write in pen Use a ruler Use your district textbook as a resource for information for the period table. Periodic Table is found on the inside back cover of the textbook.