Document 14974538

: V0052
: 2008
China, Japan, South Korea
Week 11
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit, the students should be able to
explain the cultural characteristics of Asian countries; China,
Japan and South Korea.
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan karakteristik budaya negaranegara Asia; Cina, Jepang dan Korea Selatan.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
• China
• Japan
• South Korea
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
China: Facts and Statistics
Bina Nusantara
Location: Eastern Asia bordering Afghanistan 76
km, Bhutan 470 km, Burma 2,185 km, India 3,380
km, Kazakhstan 1,533 km, North Korea 1,416 km,
Kyrgyzstan 858 km, Laos 423 km, Mongolia 4,677
km, Nepal 1,236 km, Pakistan 523 km, Russia
(northeast) 3,605 km, Russia (northwest) 40 km,
Tajikistan 414 km, Vietnam 1,281 km
Capital: Beijing
Climate: extremely diverse; tropical in south to
sub-arctic in north
Population: 1,298,847,624 (July 2004 est.)
Ethnic Make-up: Han Chinese 91.9%, Zhuang,
Uygur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol,
Buyi, Korean, and other nationalities 8.1%
Religions: Daoist (Taoist), Buddhist, Muslim 1%2%, Christian 3%-4%
Government: Communist state
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• People’s Republic of China is a
huge nation with approx. 1.2 billion
people (about 20% of the world’s
total population)
• Traditional Chinese value system
came from its root in Confucianism,
Taoism, Buddhism and other
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• An ancient and proud civilisation
– The name for China is Jong Guo, which means
the “Central Country”
– A common term is still used to refer to
foreigners “Yang Guidz” (Foreign devils)
• Traditional values persist
• Confucianism, Taoism & Buddhism
– One important idea of Taoism in Chinese
thought is the concept of “Yin Yang” – that
all things are locked in cyclical process
and as everything reaches its extreme
stage, it transforms into its opposite
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• Confucianism
• Confucianism is a system of behaviours and
ethics that stress the obligations of people
towards one another based upon their
relationship. The basic tenets are based upon
five different relationships:
Ruler and subject
Husband and wife
Parents and children
Brothers and sisters
Friend and friend
• Confucianism stresses duty, sincerity, loyalty,
honour, filial piety, respect for age and
seniority. Through maintaing harmonious
relations as individuals, society itself becomes
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• The importance of the collective
– The confucian values of harmony, strong
interpersonal relationships and group loyalties,
hard work, thrift and deference to age are all
highly valued (a woman for example,
traditionally defers first to her father, then to her
husband and finally to her son)
• The importance of education
– Another important idea of confucianism is that
anyone can rise to the top of society through
• The individual and the family
– Eastern society believe the individual exists in
the context of his family
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• Relationships with “in-groups”
– In general, from early childhood, Chinese learn
relationship habits that stress connection to
others, the advantages of co-operation and
humility, and the development of strong,
enduring bonds with kin and other ‘in-groups’
– There is usually no need for written contracts
when business is done between Chinese
• Guan Xi
– It is glossed in dictionaries as “To concern, to
relate, to make connections, to make
relationships”. Having guan xi (personal
connection) is very important for getting things
done (e.g. getting children into a good school)
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• The extended family
– Ancestor-worship is common with many
families having a shrine and photographs of
their ancestors in their homes
• Language reflects importance of family
– There are 16 possible terms for “aunt” and
“uncle” which tell exactly where they fit into the
• Current social life and the family
– Dutiful respect and care for parents remains a
strong cultural value. By tradition, children
(especially the oldest son) have been trained to
care for their parents as they become older
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
• Verbal Communication
– Almost all Chinese from Singapore &
Hong Kong can speak and read some
– There are different varieties of spoken
– The national language is Mandarin
– Chinese communication style was
governed by the Confucian concept of
“Li” (courtesy, politeness, respect)
– Despite this, Chinese can appear quite
rude and argumentative in certain
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
• Verbal Communication (cont.)
– People usually avoid doing or saying
anything that would damage each other’s
prestige and self-respect
– “Li” and “Face” are closely linked
– Causes of loss of “face” such as: one’s
daughter marrying a poor man, one’s child
failing an exam
– The Chinese habit of laughing or smiling to
cover negative emotions
– The use of given names is usually
inappropriate. Among Chinese, elderly
friends are commonly called Lao (“Old”) &
younger friends are called Xiao (“smaller,
younger”) - followed by surname
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
• Language difference can cause problems
– Chinese might sound rude and demanding
when speaking English because of:
• The lack of “Please”, “Thank You”, “Sorry”,
“Could You”, Would You” and
• The tendency of Chinese to ask personal
questions which appear impolite to
• Care must be taken when translating
promotional material into Chinese
• The traditional old style of communication
is changing
– E.g. Hong Kong people smile only when
they are happy, there are young Chinese
everywhere who scorn the old styles
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
– Chinese do not like to be touched by someone
whom they do not know
– An open hand is usually used for pointing and
beckoning is done with the palm down and all
fingers waving
– Chinese, especially Overseas-Chinese, tend to
maintain more eye contact than many other
– Chinese may show their negative response or
anger by waving a hand in front of their face in a
quick action similar to fanning themselves
– Exchanging business cards is very important – it
is polite to pass them with 2 hands
– In China, spitting and blowing nose without using
a handkerchief do occur
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
– Chinese do not like to be touched by someone
whom they do not know
– An open hand is usually used for pointing and
beckoning is done with the palm down and all
fingers waving
– Chinese, especially Overseas-Chinese, tend to
maintain more eye contact than many other
– Chinese may show their negative response or
anger by waving a hand in front of their face in a
quick action similar to fanning themselves
– Exchanging business cards is very important – it
is polite to pass them with 2 hands
– In China, spitting and blowing nose without using
a handkerchief do occur
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Meeting Etiquette
• Greetings are formal and the oldest person is
always greeted first.
• Handshakes are the most common form of
greeting with foreigners
• Many Chinese will look towards the ground
when greeting someone.
• Address the person by an honorific title and
their surname. If they want to move to a firstname basis, they will advise you which name
to use.
• The Chinese have a terrific sense of humour.
They can laugh at themselves most readily if
they have a comfortable relationship with the
other person.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Gift Giving Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
In general, gifts are given at Chinese New Year,
weddings, births and more recently (because of
marketing), birthdays.
The Chinese like food. A nice food basket will make a
great gift.
Do not give scissors, knives or other cutting utensils 
indicate the severing of the relationship.
Do not give clocks, handkerchiefs or straw sandals 
associated with funerals and death.
Do not give flowers  associated with funerals.
Do not wrap gifts in white, blue or black paper.
Four is an unlucky number so do not give four of anything.
Eight is the luckiest number, so giving eight of something
brings luck to the recipient.
Always present gifts with two hands.
Gifts are not opened when received.
Gifts may be refused three times before they are
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
The Chinese prefer to entertain in public places
rather than in their homes, especially when
entertaining foreigners.
If you are invited to their house, consider it a great
honour. If you must turn down such an honour, it is
considered polite to explain the conflict in your
schedule so that your actions are not taken as a
Arrive on time.
Remove your shoes before entering the house.
Bring a small gift to the hostess.
Eat well to demonstrate that you are enjoying the
Learn to use chopsticks.
Wait to be told where to sit. The guest of honour will
be given a seat facing the door.
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
The host begins eating first.
You should try everything that is offered to you.
Never eat the last piece from the serving tray.
Be observant to other peoples' needs.
Chopsticks should be returned to the chopstick rest
after every few bites and when you drink or stop to
The host offers the first toast.
Do not put bones in your bowl. Place them on the
table or in a special bowl for that purpose.
Hold the rice bowl close to your mouth while eating.
Do not be offended if a Chinese person makes
slurping sounds; it merely indicates that they are
enjoying their food.
There are no strict rules about finishing all the food
in your bowl.
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
Appointments are necessary and, if possible, should be
made between one-to-two months in advance, preferably in
If you do not have a contact within the company, use an
intermediary to arrange a formal introduction. Once the
introduction has been made, you should provide the
company with information about your company and what you
want to accomplish at the meeting.
You should arrive at meetings on time or slightly early.
Arriving late is an insult and could negatively affect your
Pay great attention to the agenda as each Chinese
participant has his or her own agenda that they will attempt
to introduce.
Send an agenda before the meeting so your Chinese
colleagues have the chance to meet with any technical
experts prior to the meeting. Discuss the agenda with your
translator/intermediary prior to submission.
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
• Each participant will take an opportunity to
dominate the floor for lengthy periods without
appearing to say very much of anything that
actually contributes to the meeting. Be patient
and listen. There could be subtle messages
being transmitted that would assist you in
allaying fears of on-going association.
• Meetings require patience. Mobile phones ring
frequently and conversations tend to be
• Never ask the Chinese to turn off their mobile
phones as this causes you both to lose face.
• Guests are generally escorted to their seats,
which are in descending order of rank. Senior
people generally sit opposite senior people
from the other side.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
It is imperative that you bring your own interpreter,
especially if you plan to discuss legal or technical
concepts as you can brief the interpreter prior to the
Written material should be available in both English
and Chinese, using simplified characters. Be very
careful about what is written. Make absolutely
certain that written translations are accurate and
cannot be misinterpreted.
Visual aids are useful in large meetings and should
only be done with black type on white background.
Colours have special meanings and if you are not
careful, your colour choice could work against you.
Presentations should be detailed and factual and
focus on long-term benefits. Be prepared for the
presentation to be a challenge.
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
• Business cards are exchanged after the initial
• Have one side of your business card
translated into Chinese using simplified
Chinese characters that are printed in gold ink
since gold is an auspicious colour.
• Your business card should include your title. If
your company is the oldest or largest in your
country, that fact should be on your card as
• Hold the card in both hands when offering it,
Chinese side facing the recipient.
• Examine a business card before putting it on
the table next to you or in a business card
• Never write on someone's car.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Negotiation
• Only senior members of the negotiating team
will speak. Appoint the most senior person in
your group as your spokesman for the
introductory functions.
• Business negotiations occur at a slow pace.
Decisions may take a long time, as they
require careful review and consideration.
• Be prepared for the agenda to become a
jumping off point for other discussions.
• Chinese are non-confrontational. They will not
overtly say 'no', they will say 'they will think
about it' or 'they will see'.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Negotiation
• Chinese negotiations are process oriented.
They want to determine if relationships can
develop to a stage where both parties are
comfortable doing business with the other.
• Under no circumstances should you lose your
temper or you will lose face and irrevocably
damage your relationship.
• Do not use high-pressure tactics. You might
find yourself out-manoeuvred.
• Business is hierarchical. Decisions are
unlikely to be made during the meetings you
• The Chinese are shrewd negotiators.
• Your starting price should leave room for
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Japan: Facts and Statistics
• Location: Eastern Asia, island chain between
the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan,
east of the Korean Peninsula.
• Capital: Tokyo
• Population: 127,333,002 (July 2004 est.)
• Ethnic Make-up: Japanese 99%, others 1%
(Korean 511,262, Chinese 244,241, Brazilian
182,232, Filipino 89,851, other 237,914)
• Religions: observe both Shinto and Buddhist
84%, other 16% (including Christian 0.7%
• Official Language: Japanese
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Cultural Value
– Japan is a constitutional monarchy in Eastern
Asia – called Nihon or Nippon (Origin of the
– Japan is an industrialised urban society
– Most Japanese prefer to travel in group
– An homogeneous society
– A society of rapid change, fads and fashion
– A “collectivist” culture
– An hierarchical society
– Education is valued
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
The Japanese and 'Face'
• Saving face is crucial in Japanese society.
• The Japanese believe that turning down
someone's request causes embarrassment and
loss of face to the other person.
• If the request cannot be agreed to, they will say,
'it's inconvenient' or 'it's under consideration'.
• Face is a mark of personal dignity and means
having high status with one's peers.
• The Japanese will try never to do anything to
cause loss of face.
• Therefore, they do not openly criticize, insult, or put
anyone on-the-spot.
• Face can be lost, taken away, or earned through
praise and thanks.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
• Harmony is the key value in Japanese society.
• Harmony is the guiding philosophy for the Japanese in
family and business settings and in society as a whole.
• Japanese children are taught to act harmoniously and
cooperatively with others from the time they go to preschool.
• The Japanese educational system emphasizes the
interdependence of all people, and Japanese children are
not raised to be independent but rather to work together.
• This need for harmonious relationships between people is
reflected in much Japanese behaviour.
• They place great emphasis on politeness, personal
responsibility and working together for the universal,
rather than the individual, good.
• They present facts that might be disagreeable in a gentle
and indirect fashion.
• They see working in harmony as the crucial ingredient for
working productively.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Society and Culture
Japanese Hierarchy
• The Japanese are very conscious of age and
• Everyone has a distinct place in the hierarchy,
be it the family unit, the extended family, a
social or a business situation.
• At school children learn to address other
students as senior to them ('senpai') or junior
to them ('kohai').
• The oldest person in a group is always
revered and honoured. In a social situation,
they will be served first and their drinks will be
poured for them.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
• Verbal Communication
– Language differences can present problems
• It is best to avoid negative questions
– Names & titles
• Formal: use “Mr, Sir, Madam or (name) San”
Indirectness and silences are valued
Harmony is valued
A formal hierarchical system is accepted
Alcohol and greater informality
Conversational response words
Gift-giving, compliments and apologies are
– “In-group” communication may be more
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language & Communication
– Personal space is valued
A non-touching culture, trained to avoid much direct eyecontact
Prefer more personal space – stand about an arm’s length
from the person to whom they are speaking
– Bowing and gestures
A person from lower status must bow lower
Avoid pointing and beckoning with one finger – rude
– Some hints on polite behavior
Bina Nusantara
They may smile to hide negative feelings such as sadness,
embarrassment and anger
It is polite to pass things with two hands
Juniors do not cross their legs in front of seniors, women
never sit cross-legged
Following behaviors are considered rude: blowing one’s
nose in front of others and using a handkerchief, showing
the open mouth when yawning or laughing, public displays
of affection, combing one’s hair in public, and eating in the
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining, Service and Accommodation
– Dining out is popular
– Restaurants in Japan: Japanese, Chinese,
– Reservations are not generally necessary
– Japanese cuisine is mainly restricted to rice,
vegetables, fish and fruits; food portion are
generally small, beautifully presented & each
flavour is kept separate  “Sappari” (Neat, clean,
honest and light)
– Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in Japan,
followed by whisky, sake and wine
– Buffet-meals are popular because they can see
what they are getting
– Japanese do not mix rice with other food. It is used
as a palate-cleanser between bites from other
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining, Service and Accommodation
– Desserts are not an important part of Japanese
– Japanese are accustomed to having soy sauce,
toothpicks, iced water and hot hand-towels
provided with meals
– The customer is King
– Proper forms of behavior are valued
– Tipping is not a widespread practice in Japan
– Care should be taken when seating groups: more
important people, or older people, should be
seated first, and should be allowed to choose their
– Honeymooners should be asked whether they wish
to sit alone or with a group
– Fast service is important
– It is the custom to lift the glass with both hands as
someone refills it.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining, Service and Accommodation
Bina Nusantara
Fast check-in and check-out are essential
Choices of rooms can be important
Attitudes to smoking may differ
Cleanliness and hygiene are important
Twin beds are generally preferred to double or
divan types of beds
Japanese are usually very concerned about
security, and safes and door chains should
therefore be installed
Japanese voltage is 100 volts
Time is referred to by the 24-hour clock (as 1800
Clean, good-tasting water in the room is an
important requirement
In Japan, the ground floor is called the first floor
White flowers should be avoided in rooms because
they are associated with funerals in Japan
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Etiquette & Table Manner
• On the rare occasion you are invited to a Japanese
• Remove your shoes before entering and put on the
slippers left at the doorway.
• Leave your shoes pointing away from the doorway
you are about to walk through.
• Arrive on time or no more than 5 minutes late if
invited for dinner.
• If invited to a large social gathering, arriving a little
bit later than the invitation is acceptable, although
punctuality is always appreciated.
• Unless you have been told the event is casual,
dress as if you were going into the office.
• If you must go to the toilet, put on the toilet
slippers and remove them when you are finished.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Etiquette & Table Manner
Wait to be told where to sit. There is a protocol to be
The honoured guest or the eldest person will be seated in
the centre of the table the furthest from the door.
The honoured guest or the eldest is the first person to
begin eating.
Never point your chopsticks.
It will yield tremendous dividends if you learn to use
Do not pierce your food with chopsticks.
Chopsticks should be returned to the chopstick rest after
every few bites and when you drink or stop to speak.
Do not cross your chopsticks when putting them on the
chopstick rest.
Place bones on the side of your plate.
Try a little bit of everything. It is acceptable to ask what
something is and even to make a face if you do not like
the taste.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Etiquette & Table Manner
Bina Nusantara
Don't be surprised if your Japanese colleagues slurp their
noodles and soup.
Mixing other food with rice is usually not done. You eat a
bit of one and then a bit of the other, but they should
never be mixed together as you do in many Western
If you do not want anything more to drink, do not finish
what is in your glass. An empty glass is an invitation for
someone to serve you more.
When you have finished eating, place your chopsticks on
the chopstick rest or on the table. Do not place your
chopsticks across the top of your bowl.
If you leave a small amount of rice in your bowl, you will
be given more. To signify that you do not want more rice,
finish every grain in your bowl.
It is acceptable to leave a small amount of food on your
plate when you have finished eating.
Conversation at the table is generally subdued. The
Japanese like to savour their food.
HO 0708
Week 11
Meeting Etiquette
• Greetings in Japan are very formal and ritualized.
• It is important to show the correct amount of
respect and deference to someone based upon
their status relative to your own.
• If at all possible, wait to be introduced.
• It can be seen as impolite to introduce yourself,
even in a large gathering.
• While foreigners are expected to shake hands, the
traditional form of greeting is the bow. How far you
bow depends upon your relationship to the other
person as well as the situation. The deeper you
bow, the more respect you show.
• A foreign visitor ('gaijin') may bow the head slightly,
since no one expects foreigners to generally
understand the subtle nuances of bowing.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Gift Giving Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
Gift-giving is highly ritualistic and meaningful. If you buy
the gift in Japan, have it wrapped.
The ceremony of presenting the gift and the way it is
wrapped is as important--sometimes more important-than the gift itself.
Gifts are given for many occasions.
The gift need not be expensive, but take great care to ask
someone who understands the culture to help you decide
what type of gift to give.
Good quality chocolates or small cakes are good ideas.
Do not give lilies, camellias, lotus blossoms or white
flowers as they are associated with funerals.
Do not give potted plants as they encourage sickness,
although a bonsai tree is always acceptable.
Give items in odd numbers, but not 9.
Pastel colours are the best choices for wrapping paper.
Gifts are not opened when received.
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
• Appointments are required and, whenever
possible, should be made several weeks in
• It is best to telephone for an appointment rather
than send a letter, fax or email.
• Punctuality is important. Arrive on time for
• Since this is a group society, even if you think you
will be meeting one person, be prepared for a
group meeting.
• The most senior Japanese person will be seated
furthest from the door, with the rest of the people in
descending rank until the most junior person is
seated closest to the door.
• It may take several meetings for your Japanese
counterparts to become comfortable with you and
be able to conduct business with you.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
• This initial getting to know you time is crucial to
laying the foundation for a successful relationship.
• You may be awarded a small amount of business
as a trial to see if you meet your commitments.
• If you respond quickly and with excellent service,
you prove your ability and trustworthiness.
• Never refuse a request, no matter how difficult or
non- profitable it may appear. The Japanese are
looking for a long-term relationship.
• Always provide a package of literature about your
company including articles and client testimonials.
• Always give a small gift, as a token of your esteem,
and present it to the most senior person at the end
of the meeting. Your Japanese contact can advise
you on where to find something appropriate.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Negotiation
• The Japanese are non-confrontational. They
have a difficult time saying 'no', so you must
observe their non-verbal communication.
• It is best to phrase questions so that they can
answer yes. For example, do you disagree
with this? Group decision-making and
consensus are important.
• Written contracts are required.
• The Japanese often remain silent for long
periods of time. Be patient and try to work out
if your Japanese colleagues have understood
what was said.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Negotiation
• Japanese prefer broad agreements and mutual
understanding so that when problems arise they
can be handled flexibly.
• Using a Japanese lawyer is seen as a gesture of
goodwill. Note that Japanese lawyers are much
more functionary.
• Never lose your temper or raise your voice during
• Some Japanese close their eyes when they want
to listen intently.
• The Japanese seldom grant concession. They
expect both parties to come to the table with their
best offer.
• The Japanese do not see contracts as final
agreements so they can be renegotiated.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Card
• Business cards are exchanged constantly and with
great ceremony.
• Invest in quality cards and keep your business
cards in pristine condition.
• It is wise to have one side of your business card
translated into Japanese.
• Give your business card with the Japanese side
facing the recipient.
• Make sure your business card includes your title,
so your Japanese colleagues know your status
within your organization.
• Business cards are given and received with two
hands and a slight bow.
• Examine any business card you receive very
• During a meeting, place the business cards on the
table in front of you in the order people are seated.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
– Facts and Statistics
– Location: Eastern Asia, southern half of the Korean
Peninsula bordering the Sea of Japan and
the Yellow Sea
– Capital: Seoul
– Climate: temperate, with rainfall heavier in summer
than winter
– Population: 48,598,175 (July 2004 est.)
– Ethnic Make-up: homogeneous (except for about
20,000 Chinese)
– Religions: no affiliation 46%, Christian 26%, Buddhist
26%, Confucianist 1%, other 1%
– Government: republic
– Official Language: Korean
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Cultural Values
• After WW II, Korean was partitioned into 2
countries: North Korea and South Korea
• South Korea is a democratic country and North
Korea as a strict communist society
• South Korea (along with Singapore, Taiwan and
Hong Kong) is often referred to as one of the 4
mini’s dragons’ of Asia
• Except for a small Chinese minority, the people are
all ethnic Korean
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Cultural Values
• Korea is an hierarchical society with status
determined primarily by age, sex, family and
• Education is highly valued and is seen as the path
to success
• The most important occasions in a Korean’s life:
marriage, 1st and 60th birthdays
• Women have to obey 3 men: father, husband and
son (Confucian tradition)
• Late for appointment is not acceptable
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Cultural Values
• The family is the most important part of Korean life.
• In Confucian tradition, the father is the head of the
family and it is his responsibility to provide food,
clothing and shelter, and to approve the marriages of
family members.
• The eldest son has special duties: first to his
parents, then to his brothers from older to younger,
then to his sons, then to his wife, and lastly to his
• Family welfare is much more important than the
needs of the individual.
• Members of the family are tied to each other
because the actions of one family member reflect on
the rest of the family.
• In many cases the family register can trace a
family's history, through male ancestors, for over 500
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language and Communication
Verbal Communication
•Korean language has its own phonetic alphabet
•The family name comes before given names –
usually a one-syllable name, and is followed by one
or two-syllable given name (e.g. Kim, Lee, Yi, Pak,
• Harmony and respect is valued
• The concept of Kibun is central – refers to a
person’s mood or current state of mind
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language and Communication
• Another important concept is nunchi (the ability
to sense another’s kibun)
• Criticism and disagreement should be expressed
only in an indirect way
• In getting to know one another, marital status
and number of children are not seen as being
too personal
• Strangers tend to be viewed as less important
(apology is not usually made if strangers are
unintentionally bumped or stepped-upon)
• Comfortable with silence
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language and Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
• It is quite common for them to maintain composure
when they feel sorrow, embarrassment, anger or
• They avoid saying “No”, but they may tip their
head back and audibly suck air in through their
teeth to signal “No”
• Normally Koreans look to either side when not
keeping eye-contact. Eye contact is made much
less frequently
• It is not unusual to see members of the same sex
(especially young people) holding hands or
touching one another in affectionate ways
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Language and Communication
• When passing and receiving something, it is polite
to use both hands
• The manner of greeting depends on age and
status. A bow is the traditional greeting, but men
usually also shake hands
• People tend to cover their mouth when yawning or
using a toothpick
• Pointing & beckoning (with the hand) is best
avoided with Koreans
• They tend to use non-verbal communication
because it is awkward for Koreans to talk to
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
The Concept of Kibun
• Kibun is a word with no literal English
translation; the closest terms are pride, face,
mood, feelings, or state of mind.
• If you hurt someone's kibun you hurt their
pride, cause them to lose dignity, and lose
face. Korean interpersonal relationships
operate on the principle of harmony.
• It is important to maintain a peaceful,
comfortable atmosphere at all times, even if it
means telling a "white lie".
• Kibun enters into every facet of Korean life.
• It is important to know how to judge the state
of someone else's kibun, how to avoid hurting
it, and how to keep your own kibun at the
same time.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
The Concept of Kibun
• In business, a manager's kibun is damaged
if his subordinates do not show proper
respect. A subordinate's kibun is damaged if
his manager criticizes him in public.
• Nunchi is the ability to determine another
person's kibun by using the eye.
• Since this is a culture where social harmony
is crucial, being able to judge another
person's state of mind is critical to maintain
the person's kibun.
• Nunchi is accomplished by watching body
language and listening to the tone of voice
as well as what is said.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Preferences
Bina Nusantara
Koreans will try different kinds of food,
especially if
it is fresh and light – tropical fresh fruit and fish are
• Korean food is generally spicy
• By tradition, all the food is put on the table
at the
same time
• A meal is not considered a meal is there is
no rice
• The rice is almost always accompanied by
– a spicy pickled dish of which the chief
ingredients are Korean cabbage and radish
• Beef is
0708most popular meat
Week 11
Dining Preferences
Bina Nusantara
A spoon and chopsticks are used for eating
Eating any food with the fingers is seen as impolite
Everything is eaten from bowls, not plates
Nose-blowing and sneezing are unacceptable,
particularly at the table
Koreans are keen tea-drinkers
Drinking alcohol is important for males for social
and business reasons
Drinks are poured with the right hand supported by
the left and glasses are received with both hands
Glasses are sometimes exchanges, being
symbolic of the family spirit that Korean value
Whisky is popular, are as beer and wine
Water is served at the end of the meal
HO 0708
Week 11
Service Preferences
• Four (4) is an unlucky number, so it is best to
avoid putting Koreans on the 4th floor
• Tipping is not widespread
• Usually 10% service charge and 10% tax are
added to hotel and restaurant bills
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Meeting Etiquette
Bina Nusantara
Greetings follow strict rules of protocol.
Many South Koreans shake hands with
expatriates after the bow, thereby blending both
cultural styles.
• The person of lower status bows to the person
higher status, yet it is the most senior person who
initiates the handshake.
• The person who initiates the bow says, "mannasuh pan-gop-sumnida", which means "pleased to
meet you."
• Wait to be introduced at a social gathering and
when you leave, say good-bye and bow to each
person individually.
HO 0708
Week 11
Gift Giving Preferences
Bina Nusantara
Gifts express a great deal about a relationship and are
always reciprocated.
It is inconsiderate to give someone an expensive gift if
you know that they cannot afford to reciprocate
Bring fruit or good quality chocolates or flowers if invited
to a Korean's home.
Gifts should be wrapped nicely.
The number 4 is considered unlucky, so gifts should not
be given in multiples of 4.
Giving 7 of an item is considered lucky
Wrap gifts in red or yellow paper, since these are royal
colours. Alternatively, use yellow or pink paper since
they denote happiness.
Do not wrap gifts in green, white, or black paper.
Do not sign a card in red ink.
Use both hands when offering a gift.
Gifts are not opened when received.
HO 0708
Week 11
Dining Preferences
If you are invited to a South Korean's house:
• It is common for guests to meet at a common spot
and travel together.
• You may arrive up to 30 minutes late without giving
• Remove your shoes before entering the house.
• The hosts greet each guest individually.
• The host pours drinks for the guests in their
presence. The hostess does not pour drinks.
• The hosts usually accompany guests to the gate or
to their car because they believe that it is insulting
to wish your guests farewell indoors.
• Send a thank you note the following day after being
invited to dinner.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Meeting Etiquette
Appointments are required and should be made 3 to
4 weeks in advance.
You should arrive on time for meetings as this
demonstrates respect for the person you are
The most senior South Korean generally enters the
room first.
It is a good idea to send both an agenda and backup material including information about your
company and client testimonials prior to the
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Meeting Etiquette
The main purpose of the first meeting is to get to
know each other.
Meetings are used to understand a client's needs
and challenges. They lay the foundation for
building the relationship.
Do not remove your jacket unless the most senior
South Korean does so.
Have all written materials available in both English
and Korean.
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Business Card
Business cards are exchanged after the initial
introductions in a highly ritualized manner.
Have one side of your business card translated into
Using both hands, present your business card with
the Korean side facing up so that it is readable
by the recipient.
Examine any business card you receive carefully.
Put the business cards in a business card case
or a portfolio.
Never write on someone's business card in their
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Bina Nusantara
HO 0708
Week 11
Review Questions
Bina Nusantara
Koreans value the concept of Kibun. What is it?
Please explain the concept of “face” in
Japanese society.
Compare the business negotiations in China
and Japan. What can you conclude?
What kind of presents you should give for
Japanese? Chinese? and Koreans? What to
avoid? And why?
What are the Japanese’ preferences for
HO 0708