University of Sussex Housing Tenant contract [DOC 116KB]

dated: __________________
Made between The Manager and the Tenant referred to in the following particulars.
University of Sussex
2nd Floor, Bramber House
Property owner details available on request
is calculated at a charge of £___.00 per week
(excluding bills)
for contract length of __ weeks = Total: £______.00
payable in instalments as per payment plan.
12th September 2015 to _________ 2016 at
The Manager’s name and address set out above are to be used by the Tenant for all
communications and notices (including those in legal proceedings).
2.0 The Tenant’s Obligations
To pay the rent on time and in full as per payment plan with Student Finance (any
payment or account queries, please contact )
2.2 To keep the Property in as good and clean a state of repair, condition and decoration as
at the start of the Tenancy (excepting for ‘fair wear and tear’). The Tenant must report all
issues with furniture or fittings to the Housing Office immediately. The Tenant must
preserve all contents from damage or destruction and must not remove any of them from
the Property.
2.3 To report all Maintenance problems or issues with the room or property to the Housing
Office immediately in writing or by email to particularly those of a
serious nature such as water or gas leaks. Emergency call-outs will be prioritised over
non-emergency items.
2.4 Not to use or allow the use of the Property for any illegal or immoral act. Not to bring on
to, keep, use or permit to be used on the Property any weapons or dangerous or illegal
substances or any other items such as gas canisters (please note; illegal items or
activities will be treated as a Police matter).
2.5 The Tenant must not do anything or allow anything to be done on the Property that may
be considered to be a nuisance, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience, to the
Manager, the other Tenants in the Property or the occupants of neighbouring properties.
To read gas and electric meters at the commencement of the tenancy term and notify
the utility supplier/s of all tenant names as soon as they receive supplier details. They
will promptly pay all supplier accounts for the supply and consumption of all gas and
electricity to the Property (including VAT) for the full duration of their tenancy
agreement period. The Tenant agrees to provide proof of utility payment to the
Manager upon request and to the Manager reserving the right to pass tenants’
personal contact details and forwarding addresses onto to the relevant utility
companies for debt recovery proceedings in the event of payment default or for the
University to re-charge tenants if reconnection charges are incurred as a result of
unpaid bills.
To ensure where pre-pay utility meters are in place sufficient credit is available for
conducting any pre-arranged maintenance or gas safety inspections or for re-igniting
gas boilers which have shut down as a safety mechanism when deprived of gas.
Tenants must also ensure sufficient top-up is provided when going away during the
winter to provide minimal heating levels to prevent burst pipes. Call out charges and/or
charges to top up credit meters will be re-charged to tenants by the Manager
To pay own television licence fees and any other charges for cable, sky satellite or
other television services for the Property. To seek the Manager’s written permission for
the installation of any cabling requiring holes to be drilled through walls/floors no less
than two weeks in advance and to be liable for any damage caused.
2.9 To register for Council-Tax exemption as a full-time student with Brighton and Hove City
Council visit
2.10 To familiarise themselves with all the appliances and equipment in the Property. The
Tenant is responsible for ensuring that their fridge freezer is operating correctly before
purchasing food and for de-frosting the fridge/freezer regularly. The Manager will not
reimburse the Tenant any financial compensation of loss/ spoilt food. The tenant is
also responsible for not overloading the washing machine or putting unsuitable items
such as trainers into it which can cause mechanical breakdown.
2.11 To pay the entire invoice and cost of any contractors (ie Emergency Locksmith) that
the Tenant arranges unless previously authorised in writing by the Manager.
2.12 If, following a request by the Tenant, a contractor attends the property to find no
problem or an issue owing to negligent use then Tenant/s will be re-charged.
2.13 Not to obstruct communal areas and fire exit routes of the building or keep or leave
any items in common parts including bicycles. Any damage to walls, furnishings or
flooring will also be re-chargeable.
2.14 Not to remove items provided in communal areas for personal use in rooms as these
items are provided for the use of ALL tenants.
2.15 Not to use any form of cooking equipment in bedrooms including kettles.
2.16 Not to use any lighted materials in house except if gas cooker needs clicker igniter
2.17 Not to keep or bring into the Property any pet or animal.
2.18 Pay for Pest Control services where infestations have arisen owing to poor hygiene
and improper disposal of rubbish (with the exception of woodworm and wood boring
insects and exterior infestations such as wasp’s nests).
2.19 Not to block or put noxious or damaging substances into sinks, basins, baths,
showers, toilets, cisterns, wastes or soil pipes in the Property or allow them to overflow
(this includes but is not limited to food items blockages). Should the drainage become
blocked owing to negligent use/blockages, tenants will be re-charged for contractor
call-out to remedy.
2.20 Not to waste water unnecessarily (ie by leaving taps on)
2.21 To share equal responsibility for the clean upkeep of the Common areas and ensure
that bathrooms and kitchens (including kitchen equipment) is cleaned after personal
use with personal washing up done and personal waste correctly disposed of.
To keep the exterior of the Property free from rubbish and ensure that it is correctly
sorted and disposed of and regularly collected by the City Council. Visit www.brighton-
property postcode for your street bin (or communal bin) collection day.
2.23 To keep the garden and/or light well and yard areas free of all rubbish. The University
will provide regular basic gardening services monthly between April – October.
2.24 Not to store anything in the grounds of the Property that is untidy, unclean, and
unsightly or in any way detrimental to the Property. The Tenant/s will be re-charged if
the University needs to remove any rubbish build-up (except in cases of local authority
collection strikes)
2.25 Parking does not form part of this tenancy agreement and is at the discretion of the
Landlord or council. The Tenant is not permitted to sublet any garage, outbuildings or
driveway areas that come with the property.
2.26 Not to access any loft space (or basements, unless they form part of the lettable
property, or for reasons of meter access)
2.27 Not to access any roof or parapet areas..
2.28 Not to attach or place anything to the walls, floors, ceilings, door frames, window
frames or any other part of the Property. .
2.29 Not to bring into the Property any furniture, furnishings or equipment (including
electrical items) and other personal effects that do not meet the required statutory
safety standards. Not to remove the landlord’s furniture or put it outdoors.
2.30 Take all necessary steps to adequately heat and ventilate the Property and not to dry
clothes inside the property to prevent condensation. Where such condensation may
occur, to take care to promptly wipe down and clean surfaces as required to stop the
build-up of mould growth which may cause damage to the Property and its Contents.
If mould/damp is caused as a result of the Tenant’s failure to comply with this clause, it
will be the Tenant’s responsibility to pay the costs of the damage caused.
2.31 Ensure that ventilators are not blocked or extractor fans switched off.
The Tenant
must inform The Manager immediately if any brown or sooty build up appears on any
gas appliance.
2.32 Leave heating on at minimal setting when away during winter to prevent frozen pipes.
2.33 Not alter the operation of or disable any smoke alarms. Please note that tampering
with fire equipment is a disciplinary offence and fines for doing so as well as repair
costs will be incurred by the Tenant/Tenants. If there is a problem with your fire alarm,
inform the Housing Office immediately.
2.34 Not to alter, decorate or change the style or colour of existing colour schemes or
damage walls with fixatives or blue-tack.
2.35 Not to smoke in any room within the property. All residences are non-smoking
2.36 To pass onto the Housing Office any formal Notices delivered to the property by the
Council or other bodies.
2.37 Permit the Landlord/Manager or any contractor who needs reasonable access to the
Property in order to inspect, survey, repair, improve or clean the Property or to show
around prospective new Tenants or buyers to enter the Property at any reasonable
time upon giving 24 hours written notice (which may be given by email) or in the event
of an emergency at any time causing as little inconvenience to the Tenant as
reasonably practicable.
2.38 Not to carry out any trade, profession or business at the Property
2.39 Not to receive any paying guests. Non-paying guests may stay for up to three
consecutive nights, as on campus, but only in the tenant’s room, and only if the tenant
whose guests they are is also present.
2.40 Tenants will be held responsible for their guest’s behaviour and for any damages
caused by their guests.
2.41 Not to assign or sub-let any part of the property or allow the property to be occupied by
more than the maximum number of permitted persons.
2.42 Not to use non-bedroom areas (ie lounges or conservatories) as bedrooms
2.43 No keys will be issued to any parties other than the legal occupant of the room/house.
Please present Student ID to Housing Office (or York House Reception out of hours) if
spare keys are needed owing to emergency lock-out.
2.44 Tenants should consider insuring their own belongings
2.45 Notify the Manager in advance if the Property is to be left unoccupied for more than 10
days and take such steps as they may reasonably prescribe.
2.46 To ensure that if the property is left unoccupied for any period of time all points of entry
are locked and secured.
2.47 Not to change the locks, install additional locks or have duplicate keys made without
the prior written consent of the Manager. The Tenant must supply the Manager with a
set of keys immediately upon replacement or addition of locks. The Tenant
acknowledges the Manager is entitled to hold a set of keys.
2.48 Return the Property and the Contents at the end of the tenancy clean, in as good a
state of repair and decoration as it was at the beginning of the tenancy (reasonable
wear and tear excepted).
Tenants are expected to leave the Contents in
the approximate positions that they were situated in at the beginning of the tenancy.
Charges may be applied for missing furniture or unreported damages at the end of
2.49 Make good any damage to the Property or its Contents or pay full and proper
compensation to the Manager for repair or replacement of affected items.
2.50 Return all keys for the property (labelled with house and room no.) to the Housing
Office (or out of hours, York House Reception by 12.00 noon on the end of contract
date. Failure to return the keys (and unidentifiable keys are counted as non-returned
keys) will incur an administration charge of £30.00 per key
2.51 Give up the Property with vacant possession at the end of the tenancy
2.52 Not withhold any rent payments in relation to maintenance work. If compensation is
sought owing to a delayed (reported) repair, please submit a written complaint to the
Housing Office and this will be dealt with as a separate matter to the rent.
The Landlord/Manager’s Obligations
The Landlord/Manager will permit the Tenant to quietly possess and enjoy the
Property during the Tenancy without any unreasonable or unlawful interruption,
provided that the Tenant is paying the rent and complying with the Tenant’s
The Landlord will insure the Property (but not the contents) with an Insurance
Company of repute against fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riots, civil commotion,
earthquakes, storm, tempest, flood, bursting and overflowing of water pipes, tanks and
other apparatus, impact by road vehicles and other risks which the Landlord decides
should be insured against. The Landlord reserves the right to claim any policy excess
incurred as a result of a claim attributable to the Tenant’s actions.
The Manager will provide emergency accommodation to the tenant if for any period the
Property is rendered uninhabitable by fire, flood or other calamity.
To undertake necessary repairs to the Property in a timely manner from the time of
reporting to the Housing Office by the tenant, prioritising emergencies such as water
leaks or boiler failure.
To respond promptly and appropriately to any complaints by tenants as a result of
failure to address all reasonable tenant requests in a timely fashion.
The Landlord/Manager will not be responsible for any loss or inconvenience suffered
as a result of a failure of supply or service to the Property supplied by a third party,
where such failure is not caused by an act or omission on the part of the
Landlord/Manager (ie if a temporary gas, water or power outtage is owing to area
failure or works).
The Landlord/Manager will ensure no less than 24hrs written notice is given to the
tenants prior to any visits to the property of a non-emergency nature or which are not
in response to the tenants’ request regarding a Maintenance issue.
The Manager will arrange one inspection to the property per semester during which
access to all rooms will be required. Tenants will be given standard written notice and
will be welcome to be present during the inspection
The Manager will provide fortnightly top-up cleaning of the communal areas with the
exception of the Christmas and Easter break. Residents will remain responsible for
their own washing up, and cleaning and tidying after themselves including tidying and
cleanliness of their study/bedroom. Tenants must also keep cookers and
fridge/freezers clean and hygienic for all to use and prevent icing up of fridge/freezers.
3.10 The Manager will provide monthly garden/yard maintenance visits between October-
April each year, with a couple of visits over the Winter months.
End of Contract, Room Swaps and Early Termination
This agreement is intended to create an unregulated Tenancy Agreement.
provisions for the recovery of possession by the Landlord/Manager and Section 21 of
the Housing Act (as amended) apply. These tenancies do not guarantee the Tenant
any right to remain in possession after the fixed term.
If the Tenant requires accommodation after the end of their contract, they should
contact the Housing Office from 1st May to request. However, where offered, the
Housing Office does not guarantee that the accommodation will be located in the same
property or room.
For normal end of tenancy the Tenant agrees to vacate the property by 10am on the
final day of contract; having settled final utility bill payments with housemates and
taken final meter readings. Tenant will leave study/bedroom empty and clean with
lights off and curtains and window/s shut. They will ensure communal areas clean, all
lights off, all windows locked, all appliances off, all doors locked, all rubbish properly
disposed of and all keys returned to Housing Office (labelled). Student Finance will
adjust any payments or refunds due within days of the end of the rental liability period.
If the Tenant wishes to swap University-managed rooms or properties with another fulltime Sussex student during contract, they need to contact the Housing Office to
arrange once they have found a suitable candidate to change contracts (subject to
approval by the Housing Office). It is not permitted to swap without completing this
process, even if the swap is within the same house. The administrative fee for swaps
Is £25. Illegal room swaps or sub-lets will result in a charge of £250 and may result in
legal proceedings by the university in addition to charges for any damages caused by
the illicit tenant .
If the Tenant wishes to terminate their contract early they should advertise for a fulltime Sussex student with no pre-existing accommodation contract with, or debts to, the
University of Sussex. When the Tenant has found a suitable candidate they should
contact the Housing Office and arrange a new tenancy appointment to prepare a
tenancy agreement for the new tenant (see 5.4) and to fill in a Termination form to end
their own tenancy. There is an administration fee of £50 for this service. The Tenant
will need to depart on the stated date ensuring their room is fully vacated, they have
settled (any) final utility bills with their housemates and returned their (labelled) keys to
the Housing Office. Lost or unidentifiable keys will result in re-charges of £50 per key.
5.6 Where the tenant is withdrawing from the University, they will need to supply written
proof to the Housing Office and fill in a Termination Form. They will be subject to a £50
termination fee and one months’ rent (unless they have found a suitable Sussex Student
tenant to replace them (see 5.4). The Tenant will need to depart on the stated date
ensuring their room is fully vacated, they have settled (any) final utility bills with their
housemates and returned their (labelled) keys to the Housing Office. Lost or
unidentifiable keys will result in re-charges of £50 per key.
5.7 Any fees payable by, or monies owed to, the departing tenant will be debited /credited to
the Tenants’ Sussex Student Account by Student Accounts at the end of the Tenant
rental liability period (or soon after a suitable replacement tenant has been found and
their new contract has commenced to take over from existing Tenant contract).
For all other details of tenancy please refer to your Sussex Uni Housing Tenant
Handbook given to you with your keys and which forms an extension of this
Manager (Housing Office):_______________________
On this date___________________________________2015
*Please note before signing that this is a fixed term and legally-binding
Tenancy Agreement. If you wish to cancel this Agreement you must do so within
the 7 day cooling off period from the date of signature.*