(My apologies to Ken Williams!) Protein Structures Without Crystals: Single-particle Electron Cryo-Microscopy Fred J. Sigworth Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology Department of Biomedical Engineering Yale University Cryo-EM protein structure determination: 2D crystals electrons C Electron crystallography Cryo-EM protein structure determination: single particles electrons C Single-particle cryo-EM The Cryo-EM Specimen EM grid 3 mm Grid square Hole in carbon film 60 µm 1 µm A Cryo-EM Specimen 500 nm Ice spanning a hole Yale’s Tecnai F20 electron cryo-microscope. It has a field-emission source for high resolution imaging of phase-contrast specimens. A single-particle micrograph From our $900k microscope: Solubilized IP3 receptors. Processing the single-particle images 1. Original micrograph 2. Normalized and centered particle images Boxed Particles 3. Class Averages 1000 Å Class averages from IP3R particle images Here are compared projections from a 3D model (left columns) and the experimental class averages (right columns) [ alfa,beta ] = [ [ [ [ [ 0.0 , 33.60 , 57.60 , 67.20 , 86.40 , 0.0 ] , [ 20.00 ] , [ 38.57 ] , [ 54.00 ] , [ 33.75 ] , [ 4.80 , 0.0 ] , [ 33.60 , 10.00 ] , 48.00 , 7.50 ] , [ 48.00 , 15.00 ] , 57.60 , 45.00 ] , [ 67.20 , 48.00 ] , 76.80 , 45.00 ] , [ 76.80 , 50.62 ] , 86.40 , 39.37 ] The Ryanodine Receptor, and our first IP3 Receptor structure. Both of these intracellular Ca2+-release channels have been studied only by EM. The computational magic: deducing the 3D structure from projections Example of 3D reconstruction Fourier transforms The Projection Theorem, well known to medical imaging, allows the reconstruction of 3D volumes from projections. 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 20 40 20 40 2 60 20 40 60 3 Projection images 1 60 The Fourier transforms of images are inserted as planes into a 3D volume. The inverse transform then yields the 3D structure. Ca-ATPase map thanks to D. L. Stokes Example of 3D reconstruction Projection images Fourier transforms A better reconstruction from 9 projections. 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 20 40 60 1 20 40 60 2 20 40 60 3 20 40 60 4 20 40 60 5 Common lines method for orienting projections Every pair of 2D projections shares a common 1D projection (a “common line”). The common lines show the relative directions of the projections. How many particle images are needed? N Resolution 2k 20 Å 70k 10 Å 1M 4Å ? Why are so many images required? Log Noise Log Signal The signal-to-noise ratio of a single image is far below unity. Many images must be averaged to get SNR>1, especially at high resolution. Resolution Rosenthal and Henderson, J. Mol. Biol. 2003 At present, the record for resolution is about 6 Å. The Gro-EL single-particle study by Ludtke et al. (Structure 2004) used 40,000 particles. Because GroEL has symmetry (14 subunits per particle) this is equivalent to 280,000 asymmetric units. Resolution is estimated by the Fourier Shell Correlation function. GroEL from single particles The 6 Å cryo-EM density map is detailed enough to allow the identification of alpha helices. How to acquire all these images? The Leginon software system developed by Carragher, Potter and colleagues, performs automatic EM data acquisition. We are setting up this system on our microscopes. The Leginon system Leginon acquires images and identifies “interesting” regions in a hierarchical fashion at magnifications from 100x to 100,000x Some technical challenges in single-particle cryo-EM 1. Particle selection from micrographs 2. Imaging membrane proteins in membranes 3. Improving the phase contrast 1. Particle selection The challenge is to find thousands of particles automatically. Here’s a snapshot from the computer program we entered into the Scripps particle-selection bakeoff. Shirley Wang 2. Imaging membrane proteins in membranes The spherical reconstruction strategy allows membrane proteins to be imaged And two orientation angles determined Simulated images of Ca-ATPase in vesicles Fitting and subtracting the membrane image A “scalable” membrane model is fitted to an EM image and subtracted. The resulting image can be processed for single-particle reconstruction. 3. The prospect of better phase-contrast imaging The Zernike phase plate is well known in light microscopy. Boersch proposed an electrostatic phase plate in the 1940s. Electrons passing through the center of the device experience ~40 V•µm of potential, shifting their phase by π/2. The trick will be to fabricate a 1 µm or smaller device, suspended in the middle of a 30 µm aperture disc. The contrast of cryo-EM images could be increased. Danev and Nagayama (2001) have demonstrated a microfabricated phase-plate which gives a much better contrast-transfer function. Cryo-EM Technology There’s lots to do. Why not work with us on cryo-EM technology? QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Liguo Wang Chris Cantener QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. David Chester QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Quic kTime™ and a TIFF (Unc ompres sed) dec ompres sor are needed to see this pic ture. Puey Ounjai Sigworth Lab Collaborators K Channels Youshan Yang Teresa Giráldez Chris Cantener Shumin Bian Yangyang Yan Planar Patch Clamp Electrodes Kate Klemic Xiaohui Li Farah Laiwalla IP3 Receptors David Chester Bill Grenawitzke EM Technology Liguo Wang David Chester Puey Ounjai Paul Sawroop Barbara Ehrlich Ed Moczydlowski Eugenio Culurciello Mark Reed Jim Klemic 250 Å