PATERSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE STATE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT APPLICATION TO ATTEND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP This form along with pertinent information that supports this request must be submitted to your immediate supervisor for their approval. All conference requests must be approved by the Board of Education and therefore should be approved by the applicant’s principal and/or immediate supervisor, assistant superintendent and finally submitted to the deputy superintendent for his approval in accordance with the provided cut-off schedule. Please note the following: If multiple applicants are attending the same conference, a separate conference form must be submitted for each individual; all expenses must be itemized; any funded program that expenses are charged to must be indicated on this form; any documentation/literature (i.e. invitation, announcement, flyer, etc.) must be attached to this application along with an itinerary for the event. Also, logon to for per-diem rates as it pertains to lodging and meals & incidentals. APPLICANT’S NAME: APPLICANT’S JOB TITLE and LOCATION: NAME OF PROGRAM/SPONSOR: LOCATION (CITY, STATE): DATE(S) OF CONFERENCE: OBJECTIVE: EXPLAIN HOW CONFERENCE IS RELATED TO WORK: FUNDING BREAKDOWN: Registration $ Transportation Lodging $ $ FUNDED PROGRAM: Meals Other $ $ TOTAL $ ACCOUNT NUMBER: REQUISITION NUMBER(S) – Please list all Requisition Numbers associated with this conference request: NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS ATTENDING THIS CONFERENCE FROM YOUR SCHOOL (including yourself): SIGNATURES: APPLICANT DATE PRINCIPAL DATE SUPERVISOR DATE DIRECTOR DATE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT DATE Dr. Donnie W. Evans STATE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT DATE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED BY BOARD OF EDUCATION YES NO DATE Revised 8/09 Note: Please forward two copies to this office.