Abnormal Behavior Pertemuan 22 Matakuliah : L0014/Psikologi Umum Tahun

Matakuliah : L0014/Psikologi Umum
: 2007
Abnormal Behavior
Pertemuan 22
Definition of Abnormal Behavior (1)
Actions, thoughts and feelings that are harmful to the person or to others
Harmful :
Experiencing discomfort feeling (as in feeling anxious or depressed)
Not being able to function in a job
Not being able to relate to people well enough to have enduring friendship or family
Having physical health problems that result from abnormal behavior
The definition of abnormality requires subjective judgment
It must be decide whether an individual’s problems are severe enough to be
considered “harmful”
2. Subjectivity – the decision reflects the value of the person making the determination
and values differ greatly from one culture to another
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Definition of Abnormal Behavior (2)
Psychologist have been unable to agree on how abnormal behavior
differs from normal behavior ?
• Continuity hypothesis
– The view that abnormal behavior is just a more severe form of normal
psychological problems
• Discontinuity hypothesis
– The view that abnormal behavior is fundamentally different from normal
psychological problems
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Historical Views of Abnormal Behavior
• Supernatural Theories
• Biological Theories
• Psychological Theories
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Contemporary Views of Abnormal Behavior
DSM : Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Definitions & terminology of the American Psychiatric Association
DSM IV = version 4.
Multi-axial system : the mental health professional can give more
than one diagnosis and provide additional relevant information
The 5 axes of DSM IV
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Clinical Disorders
Personality Disorders and mental retardation
General medical conditions
Psychosocial and environmental problems
Global assessment of funtioning
The problem of Stigma
We have very negative perceptions of people with such problems
People with mental health problems make us uncomfortable and
frightened, dangerous and trustworthy
Consequences of stigma :
1. Make mental problems worse
2. Prevent persons with mental health problems from seeking help
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The best solution for stigma is education
The Concept of Insanity
A legal definition concerning a person’s inability to tell right from
wrong, ability to understand the trial proceedings or whether the
person is a direct danger to self or others
3 different legal meanings :
1. Not guilty by reason of insanity
2. Competence to stand trial
3. Involuntary commitment
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Abnormal Behavior
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Anxiety Disorders
Psychological Disorders that involve excessive levels of negative emotions, such as
nervousness, tension, worry, fright, and anxiety
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Phobia is an intense, irrational fear
• 3 types of phobias :
– Specific phobia
a phobic fear of one relatively specific thing
– Social phobia
a phobic fear of social interaction, particularly those with strangers and those
in which the person might be viewed negatively
– Agoraphobia
an intense fear of leaving one’s home or other familiar places
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder
An uneasy sense of general tension and apprehension for no apparent
reason that makes the individual highly uncomfortable because of
its prolonged presence
Panic Anxiety Disorder
A pattern of anxiety in which long periods of calm are broken by an
intensely uncomfortable attack of anxiety
Obsessive – Compulsive Disorders
Disorder that involve obsessions (anxiety – provoking thoughts that
will not go away) and/or compulsions (irritable urges to engage in
specific irrational behaviors)
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The condition caused by extremely stressful experiences in which the person later experiences
anxiety and irritability; has upsetting memories, dreams, and realistic flashbacks of the
experience; and tries to avoid anything that reminds him or her of the experience
PTSD in person who experienced highly stressful events is defined as following :
Recollections of stressful event that intrude into their walking consciousness and fill in their
dreams with horror. At times, the person feels and acts as if the stressful event was happening
Intense emotional and autonomic reactions to stimuli that remind them of the event
An avoidance of stimuli associated with the event
Feeling numbed to the ordinary emotions and pleasures of life
Difficulty sleeping, hyper arousal, irritability and difficulty concentrating
4 factors that determines who develops PTSD following stress :
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Severity of stress
Characteristic of the person before traumatic event
Social Support
Sex of the victim
Somatoform Disorders
Disorders in which the individual experiences the symptoms of physical health problems that
have psychological rather than physical causes
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Somatization Disorders
Intensely and Chronically uncomfortable psychological conditions that involve
numerous symptoms of somatic (body) illnesses without physical cause
A mild form of somatization disorder characterized by excessive concern about one’s
Conversion Disorders
Somatoform disorders in which individuals experience serious somatic symptoms
such as functional blindness, deafness,and paralysis
Somatoform pain Disorders
In which individual experiences a relatively specific and chronic pain that has a
psychological rather than physical cause
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Dissociative Disorders
A category of conditions involving sudden cognitive changes, such as sudden
loss of memory or loss of one’s identity
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• Broad category of loosely related conditions
• Four kinds
– Depersonalization – distorted, unreal feelings
the perceptual experience of one’s body or surroundings becoming distorted
or unreal in someway
– Dissociative amnesia – psychological cause
involves a loss of memory that has a psychological rather than a physical
– Dissociative fugue – complete loss of memory
a period of “wandering” that involves a loss of memory and a change in
– Dissociative identity disorder – once known as multiple personality disorder;
very controversial issue
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the individual appears to shift abruptly and repeatedly from one
“personality” to another
Mood Disorders
Psychological disorders involving depression and /or abnormal elation
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• Two forms
– Major Depression
• Major depression - episodic disorder, quite common, often mild but takes its toll
– Rare to have psychotic distortion of reality
• Bipolar disorder (depression and mania)
• Caused by high levels of anxiety; genetic influences
• Cognitive factors – negative views of self
– Bipolar Disorder
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Alternating irregular periods of severe depression and mania
Mania – mood disturbance in which person experiences a high, intense euphoria
High self-esteem, unrealistic optimism
Psychotic distortion during episodes; damaging or extreme behavior
Occurs in multiple episodes; cause unknown
Human Diversity
• Ethnic and gender differences in depression and suicide
– Women more at risk for depression
– Depressed persons more at risk for suicide
– American Indians have highest rate of suicide
– African Americans have lowest rate and Hispanic groups have second
lowest rate (rates vary among Hispanic subgroups)
– White women have highest rate of females
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Personality Disorders
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Abnormal Behavior
• Uncommon disorder affecting more men than women
– Can appear gradually or with sudden break
– Characterized by 3 types of serious problems
• Delusions and hallucinations
• Disorganized thinking, emotions, behavior
• Reduced enjoyment and interests
– Causes: genetic and environment
Abnormal Behavior
• A psychological disorder involving cognitive disturbance
(delusions and hallucinations), disorganization and reduced
enjoyment and interests
• Subtypes
– Paranoid schizophrenia
• False beliefs, delusions (grandeur, paranoia,
persecution), hallucinations
– Disorganized schizophrenia
• Delusions, hallucinations, cognitive processes highly
disorganized or fragmented
• Extreme social withdrawal
Abnormal Behavior
• Subtypes
– Catatonic schizophrenia
• May have delusions and hallucinations; most
abnormalities in social interaction, body posture and
movement (waxy flexibility in stupors)
Abnormal Behavior
Delusional Disorder
• Characterized by paranoid delusions of grandeur and
– Dangerous because of believability of delusions
– Reverand Jim Jones and Jonestown deaths
– David Koresh and Waco (TX) deaths
Abnormal Behavior
Attention Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
• Inattention
Cannot focus
Fails to see details
Careless mistakes
Highly distractible
Incomplete tasks
Often loses items
Does not listen
Dislikes/avoids focused tasks
Often forgetful
Abnormal Behavior
Attention Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
• Hyperactivityimpulsivity
– Often fidgets or squirms when
– Often leaves seat when should
remain seated
– Runs/climbs excessively
– Difficulty engaging in
play/leisure quietly
– Often interrupts/intrudes
– Often on-the-go; driven like
a motor
– Talks excessively
– Blurts out answers before
question is finished
– Can’t wait for turn
Abnormal Behavior
Personality Disorders
• Schizoid personality disorder
– Blunted emotions, social withdrawal, but no serious cognitive disturbances
• Antisocial personality disorder
– Feel little guilt, exploit others, frequent violation of social rules and laws
– Difficulty with personal relationships
– Low tolerance for frustration, lie easily/skillfully
Abnormal Behavior
Other Personality Disorders
Schizotypal personality disorder
Paranoid personality disorder
Histrionic personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Avoidant personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder