Annual academic development cycle [DOCX 46.66KB]



Date 29 th September 2015

From Chris Wellings, Head of ADQE

To Directors of Teaching and Learning

School Administrators and Managers

Curriculum and Assessment Officers

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Academic Registrar

Director of Student Recruitment

Head of Admissions

Head of Student Systems

Prospectus Editor

Academic development cycle 2015/16

This note provides guidance on timescales and processes for curriculum development activity during 2015/16. The guidance covers:

1. New course titles

2. New pathways and the creation of major/minor degrees using pathways

3. Course title changes

4. Course and pathway withdrawal and suspension

5. New modules and module changes

6. New award types

7. New research degree titles

8. Summary timeline


The academic development timescales set out below are linked to the admissions and recruitment cycle, the publication of the 2017/18 print prospectuses, and the creation of the 2016/17 timetable and module options system. It is essential that these timescales are adhered to so that new courses can benefit from maximum opportunity to recruit and so that timetabling and student module selection can operate efficiently.

Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)

An Officers Group is currently meeting to implement the CMA guidance on the application of consumer legislation to Higher Education. This will include an increased emphasis on the University’s obligation to provide prospective students with clear and accurate information about courses to inform applicant decision making. Adherence to the processes and timescales below will support the University to fulfil this obligation.


The Academic Development and Quality Enhancement team are available to support

Schools with curriculum development business, including advice on the Academic

Framework, Sussex Choice and developing schedules for consideration of proposals by committees. Please contact:

Chris Wellings, Head of ADQE

01273 677468

Damien Jarvis, ADQE Manager


01273 872775

Claire Brennan, ADQE Manager

(Curriculum) (until 31 st December 2015)

TBC, ADQE Officer

01273 678837

See also

All forms referred to in the following guidance are available from the ADQE website:

1. New course titles

New course titles and pathways require approval by the Portfolio Approval Committee

(PAC). PAC is a committee of Performance Committee with responsibility for ensuring the cost effective use of University resources in relation to academic development. The terms of reference, composition and membership of PAC are available on Sussex


Schools are asked to please note the following:

There are two approval stages. Stage 1 is an initial opportunity for consideration of the academic and business case for new developments. Stage

2 provides for a more detailed consideration prior to validation, supported by market research and financial business case reports.

During 2015/16, PAC will only consider new undergraduate courses for a

2016/17 start where stage 1 approval has already been granted, and only up until the 23 rd and 24 th November 2015 meetings. It is necessary to adopt this approach because the 2016/17 UCAS cycle is already underway and there is insufficient time for effective recruitment if courses are brought on stream midcycle.

Similarly, postgraduate courses for 2016/17 delivery will only be considered where stage 1 approval has already been granted. The final opportunity for approval will be the 23 rd and 24 th November 2015 meeting.

In order to be included in the 2017/18 print prospectus new undergraduate courses must secure stage 2 approval by no later than PAC’s 2 day planning meeting on 23 rd and 24 th November 2015.

In order to be included in the 2017/18 print prospectus new postgraduate courses must secure stage 2 approval by the PAC meeting of 22 nd February


The PAC Secretary will publish all PAC outcomes within one week of the committee meeting to Schools and Professional Services colleagues as appropriate

A change for 2015/16 is that, in order to streamline the process and to support recruitment and compliance with consumer legislation, Schools are being asked to submit marketing copy alongside the stage 2 PAC proposal. A template for collecting this information will be circulated in due course.

2. New pathways and the creation of major/minor degrees using pathways

Schools are asked to please note the following:

2.1 New pathways

The Academic Framework allows for both 60 and 90 credit pathways.

Successful completion of a 60 credit pathway is recognised on the degree certificate. Successful completion of a 90 credit pathway leads to a major/minor degree title, where an approved course title exists.

There is a one approval stage for pathways.

New pathways for September 2016 delivery may be proposed up to and including the 22 nd February 2016 meeting of PAC. This extended timeframe is possible because new undergraduate entrants will not make their option choices until after registration in September 2016 and because Stage 1 (Level

4) elective modules are always timetabled in the ‘elective tube’.

2.2 Creation of major/minor degrees using pathways

90 credit pathways can be combined with existing single honours degrees to create new major/minor degrees, providing that 90 credits of the existing major degree can be replaced by the minor component. ADQE wrote to Schools in March 2015 to seek expressions of interest for new major/minors created in this way, including through extending existing 60 credit pathways to 90 credits.

PAC will approve new major/minor degree where the two subjects can be combined in an academically coherent way, where there is recruitment potential and where efficient use of University resources is assured.

Schools are asked to please note the following:

PAC will continue to accept proposals for new major/minor degrees during

2015/16, including where this involves extending an existing 60 credit pathway to 90 credits. Such major/minor combinations can be advertised for entry with a dedicated UCAS code. In order for new major/minor combinations of this type to appear in the 2017/18 print prospectus, they need to secure approval by no later than the two day PAC planning meeting taking place on 23 rd and 24 th

November 2015 .

Students registered on a single honours course who complete a 60 credit pathway may transfer to a named major/minor degree in their final year, where an approved degree title exists.

3. Course title changes

Course title changes require PAC approval. Proposals will be considered in relation to academic coherence, impact on the University’s course portfolio and market position.

Schools are asked to please specify proposed timescales for course title changes and should note that changes will not be approved mid-cycle because this would be disruptive to applicants and would be poor practice in relation to consumer law.

Schools can contact Admissions to discuss the likely operational impact of any proposed title change.

The form for proposing course title changes is available from the ADQE website.

4. Course and pathway withdrawals and suspensions

The withdrawal of a course or pathway requires approval by PAC and can be triggered by a. a proposal from a School or b. on recommendation from PAC following its annual planning meeting, at which admissions and recruitment data is reviewed.

In considering proposals for course withdrawal or suspension, PAC will have due regard to impact on School academic portfolios, recruitment and any existing applicants.

5. New modules and module changes

5.1 Authority to approve changes

Module changes are categorised as either minor or major (see the Academic

Development Handbook).

School Teaching and Learning Committees (STLCs) are empowered to: i. Approve major changes affecting up to 25% (30 credits) of a course stage in any one academic year. It is essential that any such changes are made only at the autumn or spring meetings of STLC, in order that the changes can be incorporated into the timetable. ii. Approve minor changes

Any changes approved by STLCs must be reported to the Secretary to the Curriculum

Development and Approval Sub-Committee for onward reporting to the University

Teaching and Learning Committee.

New modules and major module changes affecting in excess of 25% of a course stage require approval from the Curriculum Development and Approval Sub-Committee.

5.2 Timing of approval for timetable-sensitive changes

Some types of curriculum change impact upon the timetable. These include: new modules, changes to modes of study, changes to course and pathway structures and withdrawal or suspension of modules. Such changes need to be fully approved by the

University Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC) meeting on 16 th March 2016 in order to meet the timetable creation deadline.

The 2015/16 committee cycle provides two opportunities to process changes affecting the 2016/17 timetable, as follows.

STLC W/C: 2 nd November 2015

Deadline for STLC proposals to ADQE 11 th November 2015



Meeting of 25 th November 2015

W/C: 15 th February 2016

Deadline for STLC proposals to ADQE 23 rd February 2016

CDASC Meeting of 1 st March 2016

UTLC receives report of all changes Meeting of 16 th March 2016 approved through autumn and spring

Schools are asked where possible to seek an even division of business across the two cycles in order to avoid a bottleneck in February.

6. New award types

When a new award type is proposed, for example the MPharm, this requires addition to the Academic Framework as an award of the University. The outline process is consideration by UTLC and Senate. Please contact the Secretary to the University

Teaching and Learning Committee to discuss any proposals for new awards.

7. New research degree titles

When a new award type is proposed, for example the Industrial Doctorate or the PhD by Published Works, this requires addition to the Academic Framework as an award of the University. The outline process is consideration by Doctoral School Board and formal approval by Senate. Please contact the Secretary to Doctoral Studies

Committee to discuss any proposals for new awards. When a new subject area is proposed for inclusion within subject listings in the prospectus for marketing reasons, for example the PhD in African Studies, no formal approval is required but one School must take responsibility for Admissions to the new subject area.

8. Summary timeline

Month Key dates

October 20 th PAC







W/C 2 nd


11 th

23 rd and 24 th

PAC Annual

Planning meeting

25 th CDASC

W/C 15 th


22 nd PAC

23 rd

1 st CDASC

16 th UTLC

W/C 25 th


New course and pathway approval deadlines

New course proposals:

2016/17 start stage 2

(where stage 1 already granted)

2017/18 stage 1 or 2

New pathway proposals:

2016/17 new pathways

Module change approval deadlines

Approval of module changes for 2016/17 that affect timetabling (see section 5 above)

Deadline for module change proposals to ADQE

Deadline for inclusion in

2017/18 undergraduate print prospectus

Approval of 2016/17 module changes that affect timetabling

(see section 5 above)

Approval of module changes for 2016/17 that affect timetabling (see section 5 above)

Deadline for 2016/17 postgraduate print prospectus

Deadline for module change proposals to ADQE

Approval of module changes for 2016/17 that affect timetabling (see section 5 above)

Final ratification of all timetable-sensitive module changes for 2016/17

Regular business plus module changes that do not affect timetabling



4 th

4 th

13 th CDASC

1 st


Deadline for module changes to ADQE

Approval of module changes

UTLC / close of 2015/16 academic development cycle
