Lecture 5. Morphological Image Processing Introduction ► Morphology: a branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of animals and plants ► Morphological image processing is used to extract image components for representation and description of region shape, such as boundaries, skeletons, and the convex hull 6/27/2016 2 Preliminaries (1) ► Reflection The reflection of a set B, denoted B, is defined as B {w | w b, for b B} ► Translation The translation of a set B by point z ( z1 , z2 ), denoted ( B ) Z , is defined as ( B) Z {c | c b z, for b B} 6/27/2016 3 Example: Reflection and Translation 6/27/2016 4 Preliminaries (2) ► Structure elements (SE) Small sets or sub-images used to probe an image under study for properties of interest 6/27/2016 5 Examples: Structuring Elements (1) origin 6/27/2016 6 Examples: Structuring Elements (2) Accommodate the entire structuring elements when its origin is on the border of the original set A Origin of B visits every element of A At each location of the origin of B, if B is completely contained in A, then the location is a member of the new set, otherwise it is not a member of the new set. 6/27/2016 7 Erosion With A and B as sets in Z 2 , the erosion of A by B, denoted A B, defined A B z | ( B) Z A The set of all points z such that B, translated by z, is contained by A. A 6/27/2016 B z | ( B) Z Ac 8 Example of Erosion (1) 6/27/2016 9 Example of Erosion (2) 6/27/2016 10 Dilation 2 With A and B as sets in Z , the dilation of A by B, denoted A B, is defined as A B= z | B A z The set of all displacements z, the translated B and A overlap by at least one element. A B z | B A A z 6/27/2016 11 Examples of Dilation (1) 6/27/2016 12 Examples of Dilation (2) 6/27/2016 13 Duality ► Erosion and dilation are duals of each other with respect to set complementation and reflection A B c A B c and c A B A B c 6/27/2016 14 Duality ► Erosion and dilation are duals of each other with respect to set complementation and reflection A B c z | B Z A c z | B Z A c c z | B Z Ac Ac B 6/27/2016 15 Duality ► Erosion and dilation are duals of each other with respect to set complementation and reflection A B c A z | B A c z| B Z c Z A B c 6/27/2016 16 Opening and Closing ► Opening generally smoothes the contour of an object, breaks narrow isthmuses, and eliminates thin protrusions ► Closing tends to smooth sections of contours but it generates fuses narrow breaks and long thin gulfs, eliminates small holes, and fills gaps in the contour 6/27/2016 17 Opening and Closing The opening of set A by structuring element B, denoted A B, is defined as A B A B B The closing of set A by structuring element B, denoted A B, is defined as A B A B B 6/27/2016 18 Opening The opening of set A by structuring element B, denoted A B, is defined as A B 6/27/2016 B | B Z Z A 19 Example: Opening 6/27/2016 20 Example: Closing 6/27/2016 21 6/27/2016 22 Duality of Opening and Closing ► Opening and closing are duals of each other with respect to set complementation and reflection A B c (A c B) c A B ( A B) c 6/27/2016 23 The Properties of Opening and Closing ► Properties of Opening (a) A B is a subset (subimage) of A (b) if C is a subset of D, then C B is a subset of D B (c) ( A B) B A B ► Properties of Closing (a) A is subset (subimage) of A B (b) If C is a subset of D, then C B is a subset of D B (c) ( A B) B A B 6/27/2016 24 6/27/2016 25 The Hit-or-Miss Transformation if B denotes the set composed of D and its background,the match (or set of matches) of B in A, denoted A B, A * B A D Ac W D B B1 , B2 B1 : object B2 : background A B A B1 ( Ac B2 ) 6/27/2016 26 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (1) ► Boundary Extraction The boundary of a set A, can be obtained by first eroding A by B and then performing the set difference between A and its erosion. ( A) A A B 6/27/2016 27 Example 1 6/27/2016 28 Example 2 6/27/2016 29 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (2) ► Hole Filling A hole may be defined as a background region surrounded by a connected border of foreground pixels. Let A denote a set whose elements are 8-connected boundaries, each boundary enclosing a background region (i.e., a hole). Given a point in each hole, the objective is to fill all the holes with 1s. 6/27/2016 30 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (2) ► Hole Filling 1. Forming an array X0 of 0s (the same size as the array containing A), except the locations in X0 corresponding to the given point in each hole, which we set to 1. 2. Xk = (Xk-1 + B) Ac k=1,2,3,… Stop the iteration if Xk = Xk-1 6/27/2016 31 Example 6/27/2016 32 6/27/2016 33 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (3) ► Extraction of Connected Components Central to many automated image analysis applications. Let A be a set containing one or more connected components, and form an array X0 (of the same size as the array containing A) whose elements are 0s, except at each location known to correspond to a point in each connected component in A, which is set to 1. 6/27/2016 34 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (3) ► Extraction of Connected Components Central to many automated image analysis applications. X k ( X k 1 B ) A B : structuring element until X k X k -1 6/27/2016 35 6/27/2016 36 6/27/2016 37 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (4) ► Convex Hull A set A is said to be convex if the straight line segment joining any two points in A lies entirely within A. The convex hull H or of an arbitrary set S is the smallest convex set containing S. 6/27/2016 38 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (4) ► Convex Hull Let B i , i 1, 2, 3, 4, represent the four structuring elements. The procedure consists of implementing the equation: X ki ( X k 1 * B i ) A i 1, 2,3, 4 and k 1, 2,3,... with X 0i A. When the procedure converges, or X ki X ki 1 , let D i X ki , the convex hull of A is 4 C ( A) Di i 1 6/27/2016 39 6/27/2016 40 6/27/2016 41 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (5) ► Thinning The thinning of a set A by a structuring element B, defined A B A ( A * B) A ( A * B) 6/27/2016 c 42 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (5) ► A more useful expression for thinning A symmetrically is based on a sequence of structuring elements: 1 2 3 n B B , B , B ,..., B where B i is a rotated version of B i -1 The thinning of A by a sequence of structuring element {B} A {B} ((...(( A B1 ) B 2 )...) B n ) 6/27/2016 43 6/27/2016 44 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (6) ► Thickening: The thickening is defined by the expression A B A A* B The thickening of A by a sequence of structuring element {B} A {B} ((...(( A B1 ) B 2 )...) Bn ) In practice, the usual procedure is to thin the background of the set and then complement the result. 6/27/2016 45 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (6) 6/27/2016 46 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (7) ► Skeletons A skeleton, S ( A) of a set A has the following properties a. if z is a point of S ( A) and ( D) z is the largest disk centered at z and contained in A, one cannot find a larger disk containing ( D) z and included in A. The disk ( D) z is called a maximum disk. b. The disk ( D) z touches the boundary of A at two or more different places. 6/27/2016 47 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (7) 6/27/2016 48 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (7) The skeleton of A can be expressed in terms of erosion and openings. K S ( A) Sk ( A) k 0 with K max{k | A kB }; Sk ( A) ( A kB) ( A kB) B where B is a structuring element, and ( A kB) ((..(( A B) B) ...) B) k successive erosions of A. 6/27/2016 49 6/27/2016 50 6/27/2016 51 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (7) A can be reconstructed from the subsets by using K A ( S k ( A) kB) k 0 where S k ( A) kB denotes k successive dilations of A. ( S k ( A) kB) ((...(( S k ( A) B) B)... B) 6/27/2016 52 6/27/2016 53 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (8) ► Pruning a. Thinning and skeletonizing tend to leave parasitic components b. Pruning methods are essential complement to thinning and skeletonizing procedures 6/27/2016 54 Pruning: Example 6/27/2016 X1 A {B} 55 Pruning: Example X 2 X1 * B k 8 k 1 6/27/2016 56 Pruning: Example X3 X2 H A H : 3 3 structuring element 6/27/2016 57 Pruning: Example X 4 X1 X 3 6/27/2016 58 Pruning: Example 6/27/2016 59 Some Basic Morphological Algorithms (9) ► Morphological Reconstruction It involves two images and a structuring element a. One image contains the starting points for the transformation (The image is called marker) b. Another image (mask) constrains the transformation c. The structuring element is used to define connectivity 6/27/2016 60 Morphological Reconstruction: Geodesic Dilation Let F denote the marker image and G the mask image, F G. The geodesic dilation of size 1 of the marker image with respect to the mask, denoted by DG(1) ( F ), is defined as DG(1) ( F ) F B G The geodesic dilation of size n of the marker image F with respect to G, denoted by DG( n ) ( F ), is defined as DG( n ) ( F ) DG(1) ( F ) DG( n 1) ( F ) with DG(0) ( F ) F . 6/27/2016 61 6/27/2016 62 Morphological Reconstruction: Geodesic Erosion Let F denote the marker image and G the mask image. The geodesic erosion of size 1 of the marker image with respect to the mask, denoted by EG(1) ( F ), is defined as EG(1) ( F ) F B G The geodesic erosion of size n of the marker image F with respect to G, denoted by EG( n ) ( F ), is defined as EG( n ) ( F ) EG(1) ( F ) EG( n 1) ( F ) with EG(0) ( F ) F . 6/27/2016 63 6/27/2016 64 Morphological Reconstruction by Dilation Morphological reconstruction by dialtion of a mask image G from a marker image F , denoted RGD ( F ), is defined as the geodesic dilation of F with respect to G, iterated until stability is achieved; that is, RGD ( F ) DG( k ) ( F ) with k such that DG( k ) ( F ) DG( k 1) ( F ). 6/27/2016 65 6/27/2016 66 Morphological Reconstruction by Erosion Morphological reconstruction by erosion of a mask image G from a marker image F , denoted RGE ( F ), is defined as the geodesic erosion of F with respect to G, iterated until stability is achieved; that is, RGE ( F ) EG( k ) ( F ) with k such that EG( k ) ( F ) EG( k 1) ( F ). 6/27/2016 67 Opening by Reconstruction The opening by reconstruction of size n of an image F is defined as the reconstruction by dilation of F from the erosion of size n of F ; that is OR( n ) ( F ) RFD F nB where F nB indicates n erosions of F by B. 6/27/2016 68 6/27/2016 69 Filling Holes Let I ( x, y ) denote a binary image and suppose that we form a marker image F that is 0 everywhere, except at the image border, where it is set to 1- I ; that is 1 I ( x, y ) F ( x, y ) 0 then if ( x, y ) is on the border of I otherwise H R ( F ) D Ic 6/27/2016 c 70 SE : 3 3 1s. 6/27/2016 71 H R ( F ) D Ic 6/27/2016 c 72 Border Clearing It can be used to screen images so that only complete objects remain for further processing; it can be used as a singal that partial objects are present in the field of view. The original image is used as the mask and the following marker image: I ( x, y ) F ( x, y) 0 X I RID ( F ) 6/27/2016 if ( x, y ) is on the border of I otherwise 73 6/27/2016 74 Summary (1) 6/27/2016 75 Summary (2) 6/27/2016 76 6/27/2016 77 6/27/2016 78 Gray-Scale Morphology f ( x, y ) : gray-scale image b( x, y ): structuring element 6/27/2016 79 Gray-Scale Morphology: Erosion and Dilation by Flat Structuring f ( x s, y t ) f b ( x, y) (min s ,t )b f ( x s, y t ) f b ( x, y) max ( s ,t )b 6/27/2016 80 6/27/2016 81 Gray-Scale Morphology: Erosion and Dilation by Nonflat Structuring f ( x s, y t ) bN ( s, t ) f bN ( x, y) (min s ,t )b f ( x s, y t ) bN ( s, t ) f bN ( x, y) max ( s ,t )b 6/27/2016 82 Duality: Erosion and Dilation f b c c ( x, y ) f b ( x, y ) where f c f ( x, y ) and b b( x, y ) f b c f b 6/27/2016 c c f b ( f b) c 83 Opening and Closing f b f b b f b f b b f b f 6/27/2016 f c bf b c b f b f b c c 84 6/27/2016 85 Properties of Gray-scale Opening (a) f bf (b) if f1f 2 , then f1 b f 2 b (c ) f b b f b where er denotes e is a subset of r and also e( x, y ) r ( x, y ). 6/27/2016 86 Properties of Gray-scale Closing (a) f f b (b) if f1f 2 , then f1 b f 2 b (c ) 6/27/2016 f b b f b 87 6/27/2016 88 Morphological Smoothing ► Opening suppresses bright details smaller than the specified SE, and closing suppresses dark details. ► Opening and closing are used often in combination as morphological filters for image smoothing and noise removal. 6/27/2016 89 Morphological Smoothing 6/27/2016 90 Morphological Gradient ► Dilation and erosion can be used in combination with image subtraction to obtain the morphological gradient of an image, denoted by g, g ( f b) ( f b) ► The edges are enhanced and the contribution of the homogeneous areas are suppressed, thus producing a “derivative-like” (gradient) effect. 6/27/2016 91 Morphological Gradient 6/27/2016 92 Top-hat and Bottom-hat Transformations ► The top-hat transformation of a grayscale image f is defined as f minus its opening: That ( f ) f ( f b) ► The bottom-hat transformation of a grayscale image f is defined as its closing minus f: Bhat ( f ) ( f b) f 6/27/2016 93 Top-hat and Bottom-hat Transformations ► One of the principal applications of these transformations is in removing objects from an image by using structuring element in the opening or closing operation 6/27/2016 94 Example of Using Top-hat Transformation in Segmentation 6/27/2016 95 Granulometry ► Granulometry deals with determining the size of distribution of particles in an image ► Opening operations of a particular size should have the most effect on regions of the input image that contain particles of similar size ► For each opening, the sum (surface area) of the pixel values in the opening is computed 6/27/2016 96 Example 6/27/2016 97 6/27/2016 98 Textual Segmentation ► Segmentation: the process of subdividing an image into regions. 6/27/2016 99 Textual Segmentation 6/27/2016 100 Gray-Scale Morphological Reconstruction (1) ► Let f and g denote the marker and mask image with the same size, respectively and f ≤ g. The geodesic dilation of size 1 of f with respect to g is defined as Dg(1) ( f ) f g g where denotes the point-wise minimum operator. The geodesic dilation of size n of f with respect to g is defined as Dg( n ) ( f ) Dg(1) Dg( n 1) ( f ) with Dg(0) ( f ) f 6/27/2016 101 Gray-Scale Morphological Reconstruction (2) ► The geodesic erosion of size 1 of f with respect to g is defined as Eg(1) ( f ) f g g where denotes the point-wise maximum operator. The geodesic erosion of size n of f with respect to g is defined as Eg( n ) ( f ) Eg(1) Eg( n 1) ( f ) with Eg(0) ( f ) f 6/27/2016 102 Gray-Scale Morphological Reconstruction (3) ► The morphological reconstruction by dilation of a grayscale mask image g by a gray-scale marker image f, is defined as the geodesic dilation of f with respect to g, iterated until stability is reached, that is, RgD ( f ) Dg( k ) f with k such that Dg( k ) f Dg( k 1) f The morphological reconstruction by erosion of g by f is defined as E (k ) f with k such that Eg( k ) f Eg( k 1) f Rg ( f ) Eg 6/27/2016 103 Gray-Scale Morphological Reconstruction (4) ► The opening by reconstruction of size n of an image f is defined as the reconstruction by dilation of f from the erosion of size n of f; that is, OR( n ) ( f ) R Df f nb The closing by reconstruction of size n of an image f is defined as the reconstruction by erosion of f from the dilation of size n of f; that is, CR( n) ( f ) R Ef f nb 6/27/2016 104 6/27/2016 105 Steps in the Example 1. Opening by reconstruction of the original image using a horizontal line of size 1x71 pixels in the erosion operation OR( n ) ( f ) R Df f nb 2. Subtract the opening by reconstruction from original image f ' f OR( n ) ( f ) 3. Opening by reconstruction of the f’ using a vertical line of size 11x1 pixels f 1 OR( n) ( f ') R Df f ' nb ' 4. 6/27/2016 Dilate f1 with a line SE of size 1x21, get f2. 106 Steps in the Example 5. Calculate the minimum between the dilated image f2 and and f’, get f3. 6. By using f3 as a marker and the dilated image f2 as the mask, R Df 2 ( f 3) D (f k2) f 3 with k such that D (f k2) f 3 D (f k21) f 3 6/27/2016 107