National Government Services Medicare Monthly Review Index of Articles Article Issue Page Jun-09 15 (A47181) Mar-09 9 (A48211) Mar-09 9 (L25271) (A44493) Mar-09 9 (L26424) (A45917) Mar-09 9 (L26426) (A45934) Mar-09 9 (L26441) (A45936) Mar-09 9 (L26851) (A46189) Mar-09 9 (L26876) (A46192) Mar-09 9 87641 CPT Code (L26901) (A46201) Mar-09 9 (NCS)/Electromyography (EMG) (NCS)/Electromyography (EMG) Oct-08 14 (PTA) of the Carotid Artery Concurrent with Stenting Apr-10 36 93930, 93931, 93965, 93970, and 93971 May-09 8 95992 Procedures Feb-09 16 Abdominal Ultrasound L28073 Oct-08 20 Abdominal-Pelvic Ultrasound Jan-09 10 Abdominal-Pelvic Ultrasound Oct-10 4 ABN Feb-10 32 ABNs Apr-10 29 Acid Phosphatase – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 A Acid Phosphatase L25879 Oct-08 12 Acupuncture Aug-08 12 Acupuncture Dec-07 41 Advance Beneficiary Notices Dec-09 21 Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage Revised Oct-08 60 AdvanceMed's Role in the Medicare Program Mar-09 8 Albuterol, Levalbuterol and Reclast Jul-07 10 ALJ Hearings Mar-09 25 ALJ Hearings Apr-08 31 Allergy Immunotherapy Jan-09 10 Ambulatory Surgical Centers Mar-08 116 Ambulatory Surgical Centers and NPPs Jun-09 65 Analogues in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Jan-08 32 Anesthesia Services by the Same Physician Providing Medical and Oct-07 72 Anesthesiologists Jan-10 71 Anti-Markup Rule - Purchased Diagnostic Test Apr-10 64 Apheresis May-08 8 Apheresis – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Apheresis (36511-36514) Sep-09 14 Apheresis L26865 (R2) Oct-08 12 Apligraf Oct-08 15 Apr-08 7 Surgical Services ‐ Related to LCD L26003 Apligraf Article- Dermagraph Appeals July 2010 44 Appeals Transition Aug-07 38 Application rejections and denials for physician and certain nonphysician May-09 19 practitioner applications Article for Dermagraft ® – Related to LCD L26003 Apr-09 7 Artificial Hearts Oct-08 44 Astigmatism-Correcting Intraocular Lens Jun-07 10 Astigmatism-Correcting Intraocular Lens Mar-08 47 Astigmatism-Correcting Intraocular Lens Aug-07 49 Audiologic and Vestibular Function Testing Oct-08 6 Audiologic and Vestibular Function Testing Mar-09 9 Audiologists Enrollment Requirement May-08 73 Audiology Policies July 2010 22 Audiology Policies Apr-08 32 Audiology Policies Sept-10 12 Audiology Policies Oct-10 13 Average Sale Price (ASP) Updates Jul-08 66 Azacitidine (e.g., Vidaza™) Oct-08 16 Bariatric Surgery Jan-09 11 Bariatric Surgery Billing Jun-07 16 Bariatric Surgery L28202 Oct-08 20 Bariatric Surgery L28482 Oct-10 5 Beneficiary Signature Requirements. Apr-09 25 B Benign Skin Lesions, Removal of Jan-08 32 Beta2 Microglobulin L28192 Oct-08 20 Beta Glucocerebrosidase Oct-10 5 Bevacizumab Nov-09 7 Bevacizumab Feb-09 8 Bevacizumab (e.g., Avastin™) Apr-08 4 Bevacizumab (e.g., Avastin™) Jun-09 15 Biologic Products for Wound Treatment Mar-08 10 Biologic Products for Wound Treatment and Surgical Interventions Oct-07 5 Biologic Products for Wound Treatment and Surgical Interventions Mar-09 9 Mar-09 9 ‐ Related to LCD L25820 (A46095) ‐ Supplemental Instructions Article (SIA) Blepharoplasty – LCD &SIA Blood Glucose Monitors and Testing Supplies May-10 50 Blood Glucose Monitors and Testing Supplies June-10 49 BNP Natriuretic Peptide Feb-09 8 Bone Mass Measurement – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Bone Mass Measurement – LCD & SIA Oct-07 15 Bone Mass Measurement –revised Jul-07 6 Bortezomib (e.g., Velcade®) Oct-08 17 Botulinum Toxins Jan-08 29 Botulinum Toxins Ocft-10 5 Botulinum Toxins Type A and Type B May-08 8 Botulinum Toxins Type A and Type B Oct-08 12 Botulinum Toxins Type A and Type B – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Brachtherapy Jan-09 11 Brachytherapy (L28433) May-09 5 Brachytherapy L28149 Oct-08 20 Breast Imaging Mammography/Breast Echography (Sonography)/Breast Jun-09 7 MRI-Ductography Breast Imaging: Mammography/Breast Oct-08 13 Breast Imaging: Mammography/Breast Echography Mar-09 9 Breast Imaging:Mammography/Breast Echography May-08 9 Breast Mammography / Echography Sep-09 15 Breast MRI/Ductography Nov-09 8 BSIA Nov-09 7 B-Type natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Testing Aug-07 12 (Sonography)/Breast MRI/Ductography B Apr-09 7 May-08 9 Mar-09 9 Apr-09 7 Oct-08 17 Jul-09 9 Cardiac Catheterization Nov-09 9 Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography May-08 10 ‐ type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Testing C Capsule Opacification Following Cataract Surgery: Discission and YAG Laser Capsule Opacification Following Cataract Surgery: Discission and YAG Laser Capsulotomy – LCD & SIA Carboplatin (Paraplatin®, Paraplatin ‐ AQ®) Carboplatin (Paraplatin®, Paraplatin ‐ AQ®) Cardiac Catherization and Coronary Angiography Cor#1 (L26890) (A48368) Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography Oct-08 15 Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography Oct-10 6 Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography (R4) Jun-09 8 Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography –LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography Revised Dec-08 9 Cardiac Computed Tomography (CCT) and Coronary Computed Oct-07 5 Mar-09 9 Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography Aug-08 31 Cardiac Output Measurement Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance Oct-07 6 Tomography Cardiac Computed Tomography (CCT) and Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) – Supplemental Instructions Article (SIA) Cardiac Output Measurement Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance (L25447) Mar-09 10 Cardiac Rehabilitation 8 Dec-07 Cardiac Rehabilitation Oct-07 15 Cardiac Rehabilitation Feb-08 17 Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine May-08 9 Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine (L26859) Jul-09 9 Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine L26859 Oct-08 13 Cataract Extraction May-08 10 Cataract Extraction Jan-08 32 Cataract Extraction – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Category III CPT ® Codes (L25275) Jan-08 5 Category III CPT ® Codes (L25275) Dec-07 11 Category III CPT ® Codes (L25275) Jun-09 15 Category III CPT® Codes Oct-07 7 CERT Contacts and Web Sites Sep-08 4 CERT Contacts and Web Sites Mar-09 4 CERT Documentations Requirements May-09 4 CERT Physician Orders for Labs and Diagnostics Sep-08 4 CERT Requesting Physician Orders Jun-08 5 Chiropractic Services Oct-08 6 Clarification to Audiology Update Transmittal Aug-08 96 Clinical Laboratory Service Competitive Bidding Demostration Mar-08 55 Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Socialworker Fee Schedule 2008 Feb-08 32 Clinical Research Studies HCPCS Modifier Feb-08 72 Clinical Review Judgement July 2010 43 Clinical Socialworker and Psychologist Fee Schedule 2008 Feb-08 32 Clinical Trial Feb-09 59 Clinical Trial Claims Registry Number Feb-08 71 Clinical Trial Healthy control Group Volunteers Oct-10 34 Clinical Trial Policy Oct-07 44 Clinical Trial Routine Costs Nov-08 43 Clinical Trial Services for Managed Care Beneficiaries Nov-09 49 Clinical Trials (CR6431) Jul-09 25 Clinical Trials (CR6431) revised Aug-09 16 Clinical Trials and Medicare Payment Mar-10 7 Clotting Factor Mar-09 21 COB- SNF - Exceptionally Intensive Outpatient Hospital Services Aug-10 25 COBA Provider Identifiers (qualifiers) Dec-08 8 Collagen Meniscus Implant July 2010 39 Colonography for Colorectal Cancer Oct-09 31 Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy/Proctosigmoidoscopy – Oct-08 13 Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy/Proctosigmoidoscopy – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Colorectal Cancer Screening Feb-09 8 Colorectal Cancer Screening Jan-08 33 Comment Period for Draft LCD June 07 Memo 6 Compendia as Auth Source for use of Med-accept indication of Mar-10 29 Compounded Drugs (j3490) Dec-07 41 Computed Tomographic (CT) Colongraphy Oct-08 13 drugs/Biologicals Used off-label in Anti Cancer regimens Computed Tomographic (CT) Colonography Oct-07 7 Computed Tomographic (CT) Colonography (L25233) May-09 6 Computed Tomography Nov-09 9 Computed Tomography Jan-09 12 Computed Tomography Oct-10 6 Computed Tomography (L28516) May-09 7 Computerized Corneal Topography L28201 Jun-09 9 Computerized Dynamic Posturography Oct-08 20 Computerized Dynamic Posturography L28193 Jun-09 9 Consignment Closets Sep-09 26 Consignment Closets Oct-09 28 Consignment Closets and Stock and Bill Arrangements Mar-10 24 Consultation Services Payment Policy 2010 Jan-10 39 Consultation Servicess Q & A Apr-10 38 Corneal Pachymetry L28142 Jun-09 9 CPAP Nov-08 35 CPAP Therapy Aug-08 32 C-Reactive protein (hsCRP) Aug-07 12 Critical Care Visits and Neonatal Intensive Care Sep-08 83 Critical Care Visits and Neonatal Intensive Care Aug-08 84 Critical Care Visits and Neonatal Intensive Care Jul-08 101 Sep-07 31 D Date Of Service for Laboratory and Pathology Specimens Date Of Service for Laboratory and Pathology Specimens Jul-08 51 Debridement Services Oct-08 6 Debridement Services (L27373) May-09 7 Deceased Providers Aug-07 88 Decitabine (e.g., Dacogen™) Oct-08 16 Deductible Coinsurance and Premium Rates for 2008 Feb-08 34 Deductible Coinsurance and Premium Rates for 2009 Dec-08 48 Denileukin Difitox (e.g., Ontak®) Oct-08 17 Dental Services May-09 12 Dermagraft® Oct-08 17 Apr-09 7 ‐ Related to LCD L26003 Dermal Regeneration Template, Integra ® Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing Diabetes NCD Surgery Jun-09 26 Diabetes Screening Jul-08 57 Diabetes Self Management Training June 07 Memo 7 Diabetes Self Management Training Jul-07 23 Diabetes Supplies and Services Dec-07 59 Diabetes Supplies and Services Jan-08 67 Diagnostic Tests Anti-Markup Pricing Apr-09 26 Difibrillator Modifier Services Provided in Clinical Study June-10 31 Discarded Drugs Jul-07 12 Discarded Drugs Oct-10 24 Discarded Drugs and Biologicals June 07 Memo 29 Discarded Drugs and Biologicals June 10 28 Doxorubicin HCl - Related to LCD L25820 Oct-08 17 Doxorubicin, Liposomal (Doxil) Oct-08 17 Drugs and Biologicals Feb-08 8 Drugs and Biologicals Jun-07 28 Drugs and Biologicals, Coverage for Label and Off Label Uses Feb-09 8 Drugs and Biologicals, Coverage for Label and Off Label Uses Jan-09 18 Drugs and Biologicals, Coverage for Labeled and Off Oct-07 7 Drugs and Biologicals, Coverage for, Mar-08 5 Drugs and Biologicals, Coverage for, Label and Off Apr-08 4 May-09 7 ‐ Labeled Indications ‐ Label Uses ‐ L25820 Drugs and Biologicals, Coverage of, for Label and Off ‐ Label Uses DSMTCDE Sep-09 24 Duplicate Claims May-08 21 Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) (L27427) Mar-09 10 Electrocardiography (ECG/EKG) Oct-08 6 Electronic Signatures Feb-10 13 Electronic Signatures Oct-10 3 End Stage Renal Disease 50/50 modifier Dec-09 67 End Stage Renal Disease 50/50 rule modifier May-10 63 Endoscopy by Capsule Oct-07 8 Endoscopy by Capsule L25468 Jun-09 10 E Endoscopy by Capsule L25468 Oct-08 13 Endoscopy by Capsule L25468 Oct-08 13 Endoscopy by Capsule LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Epidural/Intrathecal Injections L28117 Oct-08 20 Erectile Dysfunction, Evaluation and Treatment (L27371) Oct-08 7 Erectile Dysfunction, Evaluation and Treatment (L27371) Mar-09 10 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Oct-07 8 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Oct-08 14 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) – Supplemental Instructions Mar-09 9 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) (L25639) Jul-09 9 Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents Nov-07 14 Article (SIA) Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) (L25211) Apr-08 6 Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) (L25211) Jun-09 6 Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents in Neoplastic Conditions Apr-08 35 Erythropoiesis Stimulting Agents in Cancer Mar-08 49 Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA) Jan-08 4 Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA) Jun-08 4 Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA) Feb-08 7 Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA) Oct-07 8 Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA) Oct-08 13 ESA in Cancer and Related Neoplastic Conditions Jun-08 16 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) Oct-08 14 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) Jan-08 31 ESRD Clarification Feb-09 46 ESRD Composite Rate Services Nov-09 14 ESRD Diagnostic Tests Aug-09 21 ESRD Facility Vaccine Administration Nov-09 15 ESRD Related Services Apr-08 91 ESWT Jan-09 12 Etoposide - LCD L25820 Nov-08 5 Etoposide (Etopophos®, Toposar®, Vepesid®, VP 16 Oct-08 17 Evaluation and Management Services Resource Oct-08 36 Exclusions Jan-09 6 EXRD Monthly Capitation Payment Teaching Physician Requirements Apr-08 89 Extended Opthalmoscopy L25466 Sep-09 15 Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Muculoskeletal indications Jan-09 12 Extremity Venous Evaluation Nov-09 10 Family History Under IPPI Oct-09 98 FDG Oct-08 43 Filgrastim, Pegfilgrastim (e.g., Neupogen®, Neulasta TM) Mar-09 11 Fixed Wing Air Ambulance Apr-09 9 Flow Cytometry Oct-08 7 Flow Cytometry (L27386) Mar-09 11 Flow Cytometry L28123 Oct-08 21 F ‐ Related to LCD L25820 Flu Shot Frequency Oct-10 31 Foot Care Coverage Jul-07 65 Foot Care Services May-09 23 Gemcitabine Hydrochloride (e.g., Gemzar®) Apr-08 5 Gemcitabine Hydrochloride (e.g., Gemzar®) Nov-09 9 G Geriatric psychiatry Aug -10 54 H HCPCS DRUG CODES Apr-09 8 Healthy Vision Jun-07 26 Heartbreath Test for Heart Transplant Rejection Mar-09 36 Heartsbreath Test for Heart Transplant Rejection Revised Apr-09 63 Hematocrit and Hemoglobin for ESA Jul-08 59 Hepatic Function Panel Oct-08 7 Hepatic Function Panel Nov-09 9 High Sensitivity C Mar-09 9 Home Glucose Monitors Jun-09 35 Homocysteine Level, Serum Oct-07 9 Homocysteine Level, Serum – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Hospice – Determining Terminal Status Oct-07 14 Hospice Jun-09 6 Hospice and Pallative Care Specialty Code Jun-09 42 Hospice NPI Jan-10 25 ‐ Reactive Protein (hsCRP) Testing – LCD & SIA ‐ Determining Terminal Status (L25678) Hospice Services Mar-10 26 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing L29508 Jun-09 11 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO) Oct-07 9 I&D Jan-09 13 ICD 10 Jun-09 20 ICD 10 Implementation Information July 2010 61 ICD 10 CM/PCS Nov-08 46 ICDs Jan-09 17 Ifosfamide(Ifex) Oct-08 17 Jul-07 13 I ‐ Related to LCD L25820 Immune Globulin Immune Globulin July 07 Memo 13 Immune Globulin June 07 Memo 41 Immunohistochemistry Oct-08 8 Immunohistochemistry (L27348) Mar-09 11 Implantable Tissue Markers and Implantable Radiation Dosimeters Sept-10 53 Implanted Catheter/Pump for Drug infusion Oct-08 21 Incident to Policy Update Rescinded CR #52887 Jul-08 101 Incident To Policy Updated CR5288 revised Jun-08 60 Incision and Drainage of Abscess of Skin, Subcutaneous and Accessory Jan-09 13 Independent Diagnostic Testing Facilities, May-09 8 Independent Lab Billing for Technical Component of Pathology Mar-08 103 Structures Independent Laboratory Billing Sep-08 80 Indepentant Diagnostic testing Facilities Jul-08 50 Indepentant Lab Billing for TC of Pathology Apr-08 99 Infrared Coagulation (IRC) of Hemorrhoids Oct-07 10 Infrared Coagulation (IRC) of Hemorrhoids – LCD & SIA Jan-08 6 Infrared Coagulation (IRC) of Hemorrhoids – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Infusion Oct-08 21 Initial Apr-08 96 Initial Preventive Physical Examination Dec-08 44 Inpatient Aug-08 77 Apr-08 95 Hospital Care Services and Observation or Inpatient Service Hospital Visits Inpatient Hospital Visits Inpatient Rehabilitation Services Provided in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Oct-07 11 Mar-09 9 Insulin Treatment (Therapy) IV May-10 26 Integra® Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing Oct-08 17 Integra® Dermal Regeneration Template, Oct-08 17 Interlaminar or Cadul Epidural and -or Intrathecal Injections Apr-09 8 Intermittent Inotropic Infusion for the Treatment of Chronic Heart May-08 10 Interventional Cardiology L28129 Oct-08 21 Intra-articular Inject of Hyaluronans, Hyalgan, Supartz, Eurlexxa Feb-08 8 Intracranial Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty with Stenting Aug-08 34 Facility (IRF) Inpatient Rehabilitation Services Provided in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) ‐‐ LCD & SIA Failure in an Outpatient Setting Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) Oct-08 17 Investigational Device Exemption Requests Dec-07 4 Investigational Device Exemption Requests Oct-07 15 Ionized Calcium Jun-09 11 IPPI Family History Oct-09 98 Irinotecan Hydrochloride (e.g., Camptosar®) Oct-08 17 Iron Dextran Nov-08 90 Irridiated Blood Products Jan-09 13 IVIG Preadmission Services Aug-07 54 J K Kidney disease Patient Education Services Feb-10 29 Laboratory - Diagnostic Test Medical Necessity Apr-09 6 Laryngoscopy, Diagnostic Jun-09 12 Laser Ablation of the Prostate Oct-08 8 LCD Reconsiderations Apr-08 7 LCD Retired Coverage New York, New Jersey Jul-08 15 Lipid Profile/Cholesterol Testing Oct-08 9 Lipid Profile/Cholesterol Testing (L27352) Jul-09 10 Lipid Profile/Cholesterol Testing L27352 Apr-09 7 Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Reconsideration Process Mar-09 11 L ‐ Medical Policy Article (A47355) Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement Nov-07 38 Luteinizing Hormone Jan-08 31 Mar-09 12 Magnetic Resonance Angiography Aug-07 15 Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Aug-10 Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Oct-07 11 Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Magnetic Resonance Angiography Zostavax - revised Aug-07 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Jan-09 13 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Jan-08 28 ‐ Releasing Hormone (LHRH Luteinizing Hormone ‐ Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Analogs (L26369) M 20 Mammography Jan-08 75 Mammography Claims, Self Referred Jul-08 72 Mammography/Breast Echography Nov-09 8 Mammography/Breast Echography May-08 9 Mammography/Breast Echography SIA Nov-09 8 Medical Nutrition Therapy Jan-08 4 Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Services Mar-09 9 Medical reasonableness Apr-09 25 Medically Necessary Removal of Impacted Cerumen Jun-09 12 Medical Record Retention Sept-10 30 Medical Review Judgement Jun-10 43 Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Limitation Dec-09 35 ‐‐ Medical Policy Article Mental Health Services Apr-10 28 Mental Health Services, Payments for Dec-08 30 Mentl Health Services Feb-09 33 Mepivacaine Reimbursement Dec-07 41 Missed Appointments Aug-07 56 Missing or Illegible Signatures continued Sep-09 10 Mitomycin (Mutamycin®, Mitomycin Oct-08 17 Modifier 25, Misuse of Nov-08 7 Modifier 50 Sep-09 25 Modifier 59 Jul-07 56 Modifier HCPCS Clinical Research Studies Feb-08 72 ‐ C) MOHS Micrographic Surgery – Supplemental Instructions Article (SIA) Mar-09 9 Morphometric Analysis L28132 Oct-08 21 MRI Jan-09 13 MRI Nov-09 44 MRI Procedures Nov-07 36 MUE Medically Unlikely Edits Mar-10 23 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Aug-07 14 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Sep-07 16 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Jan-08 33 Apr-09 6 N Nail Debridement Nail Debridement Reminder Apr-09 9 Nasal Punctum May-08 11 Mar-09 9 National Drug Codes Mar-09 51 National Drug Codes May-08 69 National Provider Identifier June 07 Memo 10 National Provider Identifier Dec-07 104 Natriuretic Peptide Oct-07 29 Nebulized Beta Adrenergic Agonist Therapy Feb-08 51 ‐ Nasolacrimal Duct Dilation and Probing with or without Irrigation Nasal Punctum ‐ Nasolacrimal Duct Dilation and Probing with or without Irrigation ‐‐ LCD & SIA National Government Services-Medicare Monthly Review - Nerve Conduction Studies Oct-08 14 Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)/Electromyography (EMG) Mar-09 9 Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)/Electromyography (EMG) May-08 12 Neuromuscular Junction Testing Jan-08 7 Neuromuscular Junction Testing Oct-07 12 Neuromuscular Junction Testing Oct-08 14 Neuromuscular Junction Testing Jan-09 18 Neuromuscular Junction Testing – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 New Contractor Numbers for J13 Jul-08 77 New Waived Tests Mar-09 61 New Waived Tests Mar-10 64 New Waived Tests Apr-09 84 New Waived Tests Nov-07 103 New Waived Tests (CR6459) Jul-09 64 New Waived Tests MM6287 Apr-09 86 Non- ESRD Anemia Sep-07 14 Non-ESRD Indications Modifiers for Feb-08 65 Noninvasive Vascular Diagnostic Studies Oct-08 21 Noninvasive Vascular Studies (L27355) May-09 8 Noninvasive Vascular Studies (L27355) Oct-08 9 Nonvascular Extremity Ultrasound Jun-09 12 NP and CNS Services Sep-07 64 NPI and Enrollment Information Nov-07 82 NPI Final Implementation Nov-07 46 NPI for Ordering/Referring and Attending/Operating/Other Service Jan-08 56 NPI for Ordering/Referring and Attending/Operating/Other Service Dec-07 72 NPI for Ordering/Referring and Attending/Operating/Other Service Feb-08 74 NPI for Secondary Providers Nov-08 37 NPI for Secondary Providers Oct-08 38 NPI Purchased Diagnostic Services Apr-09 87 OASIS® Wound Matrix and Oasis® Burn Matrix May-08 4 OASIS® Wound Matrix and Oasis® Burn Matrix Jul-09 10 OASIS® Wound Matrix and Oasis® Burn Matrix Oct-08 18 Observation Services and Inpatient Care Services Apr-08 93 O Observation Services Billing – CERT Alert Sept-10 3 Ocular Blood Flow Tests – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Ocular Photography Oct-08 9 Off Label Compendia Dec-08 40 Off Label Use of Drugs Mar-08 98 Off Label Uses Apr-08 5 On-Call Physicians Feb-10 14 Ophthalmic A and B Scans Jun-09 13 Ophthalmic Angiography (Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green) Oct-07 12 Ophthalmic Angiography (Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green) Oct-08 14 Ophthalmic Angiography (Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green) (L25347) Mar-09 12 ‐ External Ophthalmic Biometry for Intraocular Lens Power Calculation – LCD & Mar-09 9 Oct-08 14 Ophthalmology: Posterior Segment Imaging (Extended Ophthalmoscopy Oct-07 13 SIA Ophthalmology: Posterior Segment Imaging and Fundus Photography) Ophthalmology: Posterior Segment Imaging (Extended Ophthalmoscopy Mar-09 12 and Fundus Photography) (L25466) Oprelvekin (e.g., Neumega®) Oct-08 18 Opting Out of Medicare Aug-08 75 Ordering/Referring Providers Nov-09 76 Ordering/Referring Providers May-10 61 Ordering/Referring Providers -Edits May-10 70 Ordering/Referring Providers Who are not enrolled in Medicare May-10 65 Ordering/Referring Providers for claims processed by Medicare carriers Feb-10 93 and Part B Medicare contractors Orders for Labs and Diagnostics Jul-09 8 Outpatient ESRD Related Services Visit Requirements Oct-09 99 Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Services (L26884) May-08 12 Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Services (L26884) Mar-09 12 Outpatient Psychiatry and Psychology Services (L26895) May-08 12 Outpatient Psychiatry and Psychology Services (L26895) Mar-09 13 Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitaion Jan-09 14 Outpatient Services July 07 Memo 8 Outpatient Therapy Services May-08 5 Feb-09 8 P Paclitaxel Paclitaxel (e.g., Taxol®/Abraxane™) Oct-08 18 Pain Management Apr-09 8 Pain Management Jan-09 14 Pain Management – Supplemental Instructions Article (A48042) May-09 9 Pamidronate Disodium for Injection (e.g., Aredia Oct-08 18 Pamidronate Disodium for Injection (e.g., Apr-08 5 Panitumumab Feb-08 8 Panretinal (Scatter) Laser Photocoagulation Jan-09 15 Panretinal (Scatter) Laser Photocoagulation Oct-08 22 Parathormone (Parathyroid Hormone, PTH, Immunoreactive PTH) Jan-09 15 Parathormone (Parathyroid Hormone, PTH, Immunoreactive PTH) Mar-09 13 Aredia®) (L28443) Parathormone (Parathyroid Hormone, PTH,Immunoreactive PTH) Oct-08 22 Pathology Services (CR6457) Global Billing Jul-09 63 Pathology Services (CR6457) Global Billing Sep-09 66 Pathology Services- Independent Lab Billing Mar-08 103 Pelvic and Transvaginal Ultrasound Procedures L28134 Oct-08 22 Percuaneous Coronary Intervention Jan-09 15 Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Oct-07 32 Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Jul-08 74 PET for Cervical Cancer Feb-10 47 PET for Cervical Cancer Jan-10 75 PET for Solid Tumors and Myeloma Nov-09 38 PET for Solid Tumors and Myeloma June-10 22 PET Imaging for Infection and Inflammation Oct-08 43 PET Scan Coding Sep-07 19 PET to Identify Bone Metastasis of Cancer May-10 33 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) Services Jan-08 33 Physician Ownership in Hospitals Apr-09 57 Physician Pathology Services Aug-08 97 Place of Service Code Jan-08 113 Place of Service Reminder Apr-08 22 Polypectomy Performed During Screening Colonoscopy Dec-07 54 Polysomnography and Sleep Studies Jun-08 7 Polysomnography and Sleep Studies Jun-09 13 Polysomnography and Sleep Studies Correction Apr-08 7 POS Hospice Aug - 10 43 POS and DOS for Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests Mar-10 24 POS and DOS for Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests Feb-10 26 Post May-08 12 Oct-08 14 PQRI Jan-09 97 PQRI 2007 Sep-08 66 PQRI 2007 Feedback Sep-08 68 PQRI 2008 Aug-08 78 PQRI 2008 Jul-08 111 ‐ Void Residual Urine and/or Bladder Capacity by Ultrasound Post ‐ Void Residual Urine and/or Bladder Capacity by Ultrasound PQRI 2009 May-09 36 Pre May-09 8 Preventing Services and Screenings Jan-08 63 Preventive Services SNF Jan-08 60 Prison Medicare Beneficiaries Oct-09 28 Prison Medicare Beneficiaries Oct-09 41 Private Fee for Service Plans Mar-09 41 Private Fee for Service Plans Revised Apr-09 49 Procedures L28134 Oct-08 22 Prolonged Services Codes 99354-99359 Jun-08 54 Prostate laser Ablation Nov-09 9 ‐ surgical Conduit Mapping for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedures Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Oct-08 10 Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (L27357) Mar-09 13 Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitalization Oct-07 13 Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs (L26398) May-09 10 Psychiatry and Psychology Services (R12) Aug-07 13 Psychiatry and Psychology Services (R12) Jan-08 31 Psychological and Neuropsychological Tests Apr-08 40 Psychological Services Coverage under the “Incident to” Provision for Aug-07 13 May-08 13 Sep-07 15 Physicians and Non ‐ physicians Psychological Services Coverage under the “Incident to” Provision for Physicians and Non ‐ physicians Psychological Services Coverage under the “Incident to” Provision for Physicians and Non ‐ physicians PT/ INR Monitoring Sep-08 31 PTA Billing Requirements Oct-07 35 PTA Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Aug-07 43 PTAN Apr-08 101 PTH Jan-09 15 PT-INR Monitoring Feb-09 41 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services Jan-08 74 Pulse Oximetry L28180 Oct-08 22 Purchased Diagnostic Test and Anti-Markup Rule Apr-10 64 Q Q0 Modifier Common Procedure Coding June-10 31 Q0 Modifier ICD Provided in Clinical Study May-10 37 Qualitative Drug Screen LCD (L28145) Jun-09 4 Qualitative Drug Screening Jun-09 14 Radiation Therapy L28199 Oct-08 22 Radiologic Examination of the Chest May-08 12 Radiologic Examination of the Chest Oct-08 14 Radiologic Examination of the Chest – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Ranibizumab Feb-08 9 RAST Type Tests Jan-09 16 Reassigned Services Payment Jurisdiction July 2010 99 R Recoupment Oct-08 52 Regadenoson (Lexiscan) Nov-08 4 Removal of Benign Skin Lesions (L27362) Oct-08 10 Removal of Benign Skin Lesions (L27362) Mar-09 14 Removal of Benign Skin Lesions (L27362) (A47397) Jul-09 10 Respiratory Therapy Services L28124 Oct-08 22 Revocation effective dates May-09 18 Rituximab (Rituxan®) Oct-08 18 Roster Billing Aug-09 27 Roster Billing Sep-08 40 Rotary Wing Air Ambulance Apr-09 25 Routine Foot Care Jul-09 29 Routine Foot Care Jan-08 32 Routine Foot Care and Debridement of Nails Oct-08 15 Routine Foot Care and Debridement of Nails – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Routine Foot Care Services Jun-09 37 Safeguard Services LLC Dec-08 9 Scanning Computerized Ophthalmic Diagnositic Imaging Jan-09 16 SCODI Jan-09 16 Screening DNA Stool Test for Colorectal Cancer Oct-08 40 Screening DNA Stool Test for Colorectal Cancer Sep-08 47 Screening Mammography, Diagnosis codes for Sep-07 18 S Screening Pelvic Examination Aug-08 27 Self Administered Drugs Jul-08 4 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy – Apr-08 7 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy – Medical Policy Article Mar-09 9 Serum Magnesium Testing Oct-08 10 Serum Magnesium Testing L28136 Oct-08 23 Signature Guidelines for Medical Review Purposes July 2010 26 Signature Guidelines for Medical Review Purposes May-10 23 Signature Guidelines for Medical Review Purposes Sept-10 17 Signature Requirements May-08 47 Signature Requirements Sep-08 5 Signature Requirements CR 5971 Sep-08 29 Signature Requirements for Diagnostic Tests Mar-09 18 Signature Requirements for Diagnostic Tests Oct-08 42 Signatures, Missing or Illegible Aug-09 4 Signatures, Missing or Illegible Sep-09 10 Sleep Testing for OSA Aug-09 25 Smoking and Tobacco use Cessation Counseling Billing Code Mar-08 38 SNF Consolidated Billing Sep-07 30 SNF Consolidated Billing Aug-07 41 SNF Consolidated Billing Aug-08 66 SNF Consolidated Billing and Preventative/Screening Services Nov-07 55 Somatosensory Testing Jun-09 14 Somatosensory Testing L28204 Oct-08 23 Specialty Codes Jun-09 64 Specialty Codes for Hospice and Pallative Care Jun-09 42 Speech Language Pathologists Specialty Code Apr-09 6 Speech Language Pathology (L27404)& (A47407) Jul-09 10 Speech Language Pathology Private Practice Payment Jun-09 66 Speech Oct-08 11 Stretta Procedure May-08 12 Subsequent Hospital Visits and Hospital Discharge Day Management Apr-08 98 Surgical Decompression for Peripheral Neuropathy Nov-08 6 Surgical Decompression for Peripheral Neuropathy Jan-09 18 ‐ Language Pathology Surgical Decompression for Peripheral Polyneuropathy Oct-07 14 Surgical Decompression for Peripheral Polyneuropathy Oct-08 15 Surgical Decompression for Peripheral Polyneuropathy – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Surgical Treatment of Nails – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Surveillance of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators Jul-09 11 Surveillance of Implantable or Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators Jan-09 17 Swallow Evaluation and Dysphagia Treatment Oct-08 11 Swallow Evaluation and Dysphagia Treatment LCD (L27364) and SIA Jul-09 11 Jan-09 17 Sep-07 66 (ICDs) Office (A47391) Syphillis Tests T Tamper-Resistant Prescription Pads for Outpatient Drugs Prescribed Tamper-Resistant Prescription Pads for Outpatient Drugs Prescribed Nov-07 105 Taxonomy Codes Apr-09 35 Taxonomy Codes Oct-07 47 Taxonomy Codes Apr-08 52 Taxonomy Codes (HPTC) Nov-08 6 T C Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction June -10 80 Teaching Physician Requirements for EXRD Monthly Capitation Payment Apr-08 89 Technical Component, Purchased Diagnostic Services Oct-08 84 Telehealth Originating Site Mar-08 42 Telehealth Services Jun-09 42 Telehealth Services Feb-09 44 Telehealth Services Jan-08 58 Temporary Lodging Jan-08 113 Temsirolimus Nov-07 15 Temsirolimus (Torisel ™) Apr-08 5 Temsirolimus (Torisel) Feb-09 8 Temsirolimus (Torisel™) Oct-08 18 Tetanus Immunization Mar-10 18 Therapeutic shoes for Diabetics Feb-09 20 Therapy Caps Jul-08 75 Therapy Caps Aug-08 97 Therapy Code List (CR#6254) Dec-08 47 Therapy Personnel Qualifications and Policies Jun-08 28 Therma Intradiscal Procedures Jan-09 47 Thyrotropin Alfa (Thyrogen®) Apr-09 7 Thyrotropin Alfa (Thyrogen®) Mar-09 9 Timeframes for reporting changes of information May-09 18 Topotecan Hydrochloride (Hycamtin®) Oct-08 18 Tracheo-Esophageal Voice Prostheses June-10 49 Transcatheter Infusion Therapy (L26849) Mar-09 14 Transesophageal Echocardiography Oct-08 12 Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) Jun-09 14 Transplant Centers Nov-07 30 Transrectal Ultrasound – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 ‐‐ Related to LCD L25820 Transrectal Ultrasound L26876 Oct-08 23 Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE) Oct-08 12 Ultrasound Diagnostic Procedures CR #5608 Oct-07 37 Ultrasound Diagnostic Procedures CR #5608 Nov-07 39 Unlabeled Use for Anti-Cancer Drugs Nov-07 100 Unsolicited/voluntary Refund Information Sep-07 37 UPIN Registry Discontinuance Oct-07 45 Urodynamics – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Vaccine Administrations Sep-07 61 Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Resistant Depression Aug-07 46 U V Varicose Veins of the Lower Extremity, Treatment of Oct-07 14 Varicose Veins of the Lower Extremity, Treatment of – LCD & SIA Mar-09 9 Varicose Veins of the Lower Extremity, Treatment of (L25519) May-09 9 Venipuncture Necessitating Physician's Skill for Specimen Collection Jan-09 17 Venipuncture Necessitating Physicians’ Skill for Specimen Collection Jul-09 12 Verification of Legalized Status Mar-10 61 Vertebral Axial Decompression (VAX-D) May-08 21 Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Oct-08 15 Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty (Percutaneous) (L26439) Nov-08 6 Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty (Percutaneous) (L26439) Mar-09 14 Viral Hepatitis Serology Tests Jan-09 18 (L28459) & (48001) Viral Hepatitis Serology Tests L28197 Oct-08 23 Visual Fields Testing L26367 Nov-09 10 Visual Fields Testing L26367 Oct-08 15 Vitamin B Oct-08 23 Oct-08 4 Waived Tests Jan-10 70 Waived Tests Apr-08 84 Waived Tests Oct-08 85 Wavied Tests Aug-08 67 ‐ 12 Injections L28218 Voluntary Refund Information W X X-rays - LCD Jun-08 14 Jan-08 30 Zoledronic Acid (e.g., Zometa ®, Reclast® ) Jul-09 12 Zoledronic Acid (e.g., Zometa®, Reclast®) Aug-08 6 Zoledronic Acid (e.g., Zometa®, Reclast®) Feb-08 9 Zoledronic Acid (e.g., Zometa®, Reclast®) Oct-08 19 Y YAG Laser Capsulotomy Z