6th Grade Mathematics Lesson - CAMP Middle School Teacher Professional Development Presented by Christy Miller Adapted from: http://illuminations.nctm.org/Lesson.aspx?id=2774 Date lesson will be taught: Thursday, June 4, 2015 Lesson Plan Template Class Duration: ___90__ minutes Number of Student/Teachers: 30 Grade Level/Content: 6 Date: CCSS Domain: Stats & Probability Teacher’s Name: Christy Miller CCSSM Standard(s) and Objective(s) CCSS Standard CCSS.Math.Content.6.SP.A.3 Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number. CCSS.Math.Content.6.SP.A.1 Recognize a statistical question as one that anticipates variability in the data related to the question and accounts for it in the answers. For example, “How old am I?” is not a statistical question, but “How old are the students in my school?” is a statistical question because one anticipates variability in students ages. Objective(s) Find the measurement of a tall object Compare measurements and discuss errors Find mean, median, and mode of a set of data Select the best “average” measure to report Differentiated Instructional Strategies Differentiated Instructional Strategies for ALL learners VOCABULARY PREVIEW: mean, median, mode, range, outlier, venue (?),isosceles triangle Verbal description/discussion of opening video as it relates to measuring height Graphic of CLINOMETER construction (from NCTM overhead) Accommodations and Modifications for ELLs, student(s) with disability, or otherwise Graphic of what to do with CLINOMETER (from NCTM Activity Sheet) Lesson Resources & Ancillary Materials Protractors, small weight/washer, string (4-6 in.), straw, 2-3 pieces of tape Procedures (Four Components) I. Introduction/Motivation for Lesson Video on bungee jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9m4cW2yxy0 NEED EXPLICIT AUDITORY DISCUSSION OF WHAT IS SEEN IN THIS VIDEO; VIDEOS ARE INACCESSIBLE TO STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS II. Body of Lesson: Discussion on ways to find height of building How could we use the given tools to fine the height of a building? (Discussion on properties of right isosceles triangles) Construct clinometer. Instruction on how to use clinometer (Teacher MODELS, then GUIDES students as they measure something with immediate feedback) Go outside-discuss building to be measured (See lesson) Discussion on individual, small group, and large group mean, median, mode (including discussion on role of outlier(s)) III. Lesson Closure/Conclusion Make a decision on how tall we believe the building to be. IV. Evaluate Formative Assessments Based on discussion and observation Summative Assessments EXIT SLIP: 1) Write or Draw how you can use a CLINOMETER to determine the height of something? 2) Give at least one example of a time you might want to use this process outside of school. IV. Enrichment/Extension What measurement(s) would be ruled out? What is the rule for outliers?