CTE Council Meeting Minutes April 4, 2009 (docx)

CTE Council Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2009
Susan Thackeray - CTE
Kim Chiu - CTE
Nathan Hanamakai - CTE
Patricia Mike - CTE
Cris Boggess – Collision
Gary Measom - Nursing
Barry Hallsted - Construction
Dan Perry - Drafting
Jill Jasperson – Legal Studies
Marcy Glassford
Program Coordinator Retention
801-863-7067 or marcyg@uvu.edu
Kim Bartholomew – IS&T
Gordon Stokes – College of T& C
Todd Low - Automotive
Tracy Sermon – Early Care & Education
(for Genan Anderson)
Michelle Taylor
Assoc. Vice President Student Services
801-863-8806 or taylormo@uvu.edu
Welcome: Susan Thackeray
Announcement: Kyle Reyes has accepted the position of Director of Student Success/Retention. He will begin
approximately April 16th.
Initiating Retention Programs for an Engaged Learning Campus
Presenter: Marcy Glassford, Title III Program Coordinator
The Office of Student Success and Retention is responsible for managing a Title III grant and implementing new
initiatives as well as supporting existing programs to increase student retention rates.
Title III Grant Goals
 Implement a first-year experience (FYE)
 Implement a student retention information tracking system (SRITS)
 Implement a training process for UVU personnel on the FYE and SRITS
 Jumpstart Orientation
 Start Smart Emails
 Birthday Cards
 Intervention Strategies
 Classroom Behavior Alert
 Assignment of Advisors
 Blackboard Vista
 Leave of Absence Forms
 GPA Recognition
 Have competitive graduation and retention rates with sister institutions
 By 2011 increase retention rates by 12% from the Fall 2004 baseline of 41% (grant goal)
 Increase the number of students who declare a 4-year major during their first year by 5% from the 2004 baseline
of 66% (grant goal)
 Require students deficient in reading, writing, and math to complete developmental courses within first year of
 Organize “UVU Major Opportunity” for first-year and undeclared major students to interact with advisors,
faculty, and alumni in majors.
 Develop a sophomore initiative to complement FYE activities.
 Create a book scholarship for junior students.
 Determine why many seniors do not graduate and develop intervention strategies.
*This is just a summary of the slide show. I have attached the entire presentation in this email, plus the presentation
will also be posted to the CTE web site www.uvu.edu/cte.
Marcy and Michelle said they if you have any questions you may contact them directly.
Discussion items:
It was asked if we are putting a burden on the instructor by sending the Classroom Behavior Alert?
The alert says: I have noticed that you may be experiencing potential academic difficulty and would like to help
you successfully complete this class. Please contact me immediately to discuss this matter or schedule a time to
meet during office hours. If you prefer to speak with your advisor, please send an email and indicate that you
would like to schedule a phone or in-person meeting.
[Instructor Name]
The purpose of the email is to first encourage the student to make a connection w/the teacher, if that isn’t working then
the student should make a connection with their advisor, and if there is still a problem the retention office might be able
to help.
There was also a concern that this is saying that the teacher would have to cater to the student and not hold them to the
standards of the class. This is definitely NOT the case. The student will definitely have to work within the parameters
set by the instructor. The message is just to “alert” the student early on that they need to talk with their instructor
because they may already be getting too far behind to pass the class.
Another concern was that we are doing too much hand holding. Some comments were made that if the students are in
college they should be responsible for themselves. With more discussion, it was pointed out that retention is a concern
and that the institution needs to address it and giving first-yr students extra help has proven to be a way to accomplish
that. Susan Thackeray also pointed out that CTE funding is directly related to completion rates.
There are new items that students need to be made aware of such as the Leave of Absence Forms.
What are some ways we can communicate new information and requests from students? Students are not always
checking their emails, some don’t even use their UVU account.
 Students need to be told at orientation that they need to be checking UVLink and their UVU emails.
 Train students how to forward their UVU emails to their personal email.
 Make sure the advisors are informed of new policies.
 Faculty can direct students to advisors for policy clarification.
Report on Visibility projects from CTE: Susan Thackeray
 Last quarter
o Billboard
o Palicio Magazine
o WIT Conference
o Expanding Your Horizon (girls) & Empowering Your Tomorrow (boys)
Career Pathways campaign
Career Coach
Department of Workforce Services Regional Council (making connections w/the business community)
Health Science Partnership (Intermountain region)
President’s Council (Dr. El-Saidi is our representative on the council-however we can address the council with
prior arrangements or have Dr. El-Saidi present for us with or without us in attendance)
Susan does meet with the Dean’s Council frequently
Introduction & Accountability Report: Patricia Mike
Upcoming Deadlines:
 Equipment Purchase 1st round - Dec. 31, 2008.
 Equipment Purchase 2nd & 3 rd rounds - April 30, 2009.
 End of Year Reports for FY 2008/09 (Projects that have ended) April 9, 2009.
 End of Year Reports for FY 2008/09 Upcoming projects (Mostly for Professional Development) due with 2 days of
 Submission of all outstanding documents (both completed and upcoming projects) as soon as possible.
 Faculty in Industry and Business for this summer due by April 10, 2009.
 FY 2009/10 Perkins proposal due May 1. 2009.
Patti will be sending reminder memos of outstanding documents to Perkins Grantee. This will be their second notice.
She will also be sending reminder memos to faculties that are planning on traveling on what needs to be submitted to
our office.
Beyond our control: ALL travel must have VP approval.
Outreach Report: Nathan Hanamakai
Nathan will be visiting all the regional high schools and establishing relationships by the end of April. We are giving the
counselors CTE notebooks with our program information. We are also giving them notepads so they have a constant
reminder on their desk top of what we offer here at UVU. We encourage all departments to make a conscious effort or
continued effort to work with the different high schools. Another thing we are trying to do is gather suggestions from
the high schools that can improve our efforts in recruiting. Nathan is also working on a program to identify special
population/CTE student leaders within the high schools and involve them in UVU leadership activities so they can then
be our advocates within the high schools.
Report on advisor training proposal: Kim Chiu
There is an advisor training conference on June 3rd and we are putting in two proposals for CTE workshops. One
proposal will address working with special-population students and the other will be focused on the CTE proposal
process and programs. We are hopeful our workshop proposals are accepted. Susan, Nathan and Kim will attend even
if we are not able to present. Susan will be speaking to the general academic advisors in their staff meeting (date still to
be determined).
*Remember that we are always here to answer any questions or address any concerns.
This was the last meeting until fall semester.