Development and Application of Heuristic Evaluation to Human- Robot Interaction Edward Clarkson

Development and Application of Heuristic Evaluation to HumanRobot Interaction
Edward Clarkson
The attention paid to human-robot interaction (HRI)
issues has grown dramatically as robotic systems have
become more capable and as human contact with those
systems has become more commonplace. Along with the
development of robotic interfaces, there has been an
increased interest in the evaluation of these systems.
Evaluation of HRI systems has taken place by a variety of
methods, but has primarily taken the form of quantitative
lab and field studies [10] [16] [23] [24] [26] [31]. These
types of techniques, though important, are much more
suited to summative evaluations of well-developed
systems. In contrast, the human-computer interaction
field has long made use of discount evaluation techniques.
These techniques are very well-suited to formative
studies, which are ideal for guiding the development of
HRI systems.
One such discount technique is heuristic evaluation [19],
which is based on the inspection of a computing system
by expert reviewers according to a set of guidelines (the
‘heuristics’). Following the process used by Nielsen in
his development of what has become the standard set for
traditional desktop applications, other researchers have
created new heuristic sets that suited to new applications
domains [4] [17].
This work discusses the our work towards the
development of a heuristic set for human-monitored HRI
systems, including an initial list of guidelines and the
preliminary results from a pilot study using them. We
will motivate the development of HRI heuristics first by
discussing related work (including an overview of
heuristic evaluation) before detailing the heuristic
A consistent theme throughout most of the literature on
HRI systems is the relative scarcity of work on evaluation
of those systems, especially before 2000. Georgia Tech’s
Skills Impact Study notes that most researchers have
contributed “lip service” to evaluation, but not many
actual experimental studies [13], and [31] makes similar
statements, noting that scant work has gone into assuring
that HRI displays and interactions controls are at all
intuitive for their users. There are researchers who have
recently come to recognize the need for evaluation in
general and for developing evaluation guidelines. One of
the recommendations put forth as part of a case study on
USAR at the World Trade Center site [7] was for
additional research in perceptual user interfaces. A recent
DARPA/NSF report [6] also proposes research in
evaluation methodologies and metrics as a productive
direction for future research, citing the need for
evaluation methods and metrics that can be used to
measure the development of human-robot teams. Scholtz
has proposed both a framework of interaction roles as
well as a few broad guidelines for HRI development [27].
Her interaction roles identify different ways in which
humans relate to HRI systems: supervisor, operator,
mechanic, teammate, peer and bystander.
Partly as a result of the field’s lack of a grasp on good
HRI evaluation metrics (discussed below), system
evaluations have been limited primarily to empirical
testing methods. These analyses have taken the form of
field [31] [26] [23] and lab studies [10] [16] [24] of
operational HRI systems. In either case, most studies
focus on systems designed primarily for teleoperation
[16] [24] [26] [31], with a few exceptions such as robot
planning software [10].
The issue of evaluation metrics is currently a problematic
area for HRI as a field [34]. Qualitative questionnaires,
interviews and observational coding procedures have
yielded useful results, but comparing such work across
domains or applications can be problematic. The list of
other (generally quantitative) techniques that have been
applied is relatively short, and likewise the metrics
employed have been for the most part problem- or
domain-specific as well.
Domain-dependent metrics (in both field and lab studies)
have included task completion time, error frequency, and
other ad hoc gauges particular to the task environment
[31]. The NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX)
measurement scale has also been used as a quantitative
measure of operator mental workload during robot
teleoperation and partially autonomous operation [16]
[26]. It measures cognitive load across six subscales
(mental demands, physical demands, temporal demands,
performance, effort and frustration) and weights each
factor to arrive at an overall workload measurement.
However, these weights are determined separately for
each task in question, so again the TLX metric is difficult
of compare directly across domains.
There has been some work attempted on domainindependent metrics. Notably, Olsen and Goodrich have
proposed neglect tolerance (NT) and robot attention
demand (RAD) as particularly important aspects of HRI,
and developed a number of metrics that can be used to
gauge a human-robot interaction design [25] [38]. Their
methods to measure concepts like NT and RAD are fairly
high-level and are harder to use practically, though they
do provide useful illustrations of methods which can
increase metric scores for HRI systems.
A common thread (with a few exceptions, e.g., [23])
among HRI evaluation literature is the focus on formal
summative studies and techniques.
evaluations are applied on an implemented design product
to judge how well it has met design goals; this is in
contrast to formative evaluations, which are applied to
designs or prototypes with the intention of guiding the
design or implementation itself. Note that this distinction
concerns only when in the development process a
technique is applied and not the method itself. However,
many evaluation techniques are clearly better suited to
one type of application or the other.
We have already noted that research is needed into
techniques that can be used to judge the progress of HRI
systems [6]. We can consider progress in the macro sense
(the advancement of HRI as a field) or micro (the
development of an individual project), but both
interpretations are important to HRI. In the current state
of affairs, there are relatively few tools to judge HRI
systems adequately. We can make a few comments about
the current situation: the focus on summative applications
comes at the expense of formative evaluations in the
development of most HRI systems (along with other
principles of user-centered design [1]).
contributing to this paucity is a lack of evaluation
methods that are both suited to formative studies and have
been successfully demonstrated on HRI applications.
Discount evaluation techniques are methods that are
designed explicitly for low cost in terms of manpower and
time. Because of these properties, discount evaluations
are popular for formative evaluation and are most often
applied as such. One such approach whose popularity has
grown rapidly in the HCI community is heuristic
evaluation (HE)1. HE is a type of usability inspection
method, which is a class of techniques involving
evaluators examining an interface with the purpose of
identifying usability problems. This class of methods has
the advantage of being applicable to a wide range of
prototypes, from detailed design specifications to fully
functioning systems. HE was developed by Nielsen and
Molich [19] and has been empirically validated [20]. In
accordance with its discount label, it requires only a few
(three to five) evaluators who are not necessarily HCI (or
HRI) experts (though it is more effective with training).
The principle behind HE is that individual inspectors of a
system do a relatively poor job, finding a fairly small
percentage of the total number of known usability
problems. However, Nielsen has shown that there is a
wide variance in the problems found between evaluators,
so the results of a small group of evaluators can be
aggregated to uncover a much larger number of bugs [19].
Briefly, the HE process in particular consists of the
following steps [21]:
The group that desires a heuristic evaluation (such as
a design team) performs preparatory work, generally
in the form of:
1. Creation of problem report templates for use by
the evaluators.
2. Customization of heuristics to the specific
interface being evaluated. Depending on what
kind of information the design team is trying to
gain, only certain heuristics may be relevant to
that goal. In addition, since canonical heuristics
are (intentionally) generalized, heuristic
descriptions given to the evaluators can include
references and examples taken from the system
in question.
Assemble a small group of evaluators (Nielsen
recommends three to five) to perform the HE. These
evaluators do not need any domain knowledge of
usability or interface design. Woolrych and Cockton
dispute the exact number, cautioning that five may
not be sufficient for some groups of evaluators or
interfaces, but do not provide a specific
recommendation [36]; [17] addressed the criticisms
in [36] by using eight inspectors. In any case, more
than five is not detrimental to the evaluation, and
Nielsen asserts that this range is optimal from a costbenefit perspective.
Each evaluator independently assesses the system in
question and judges its compliance with a set of
usability guidelines (the heuristics) provided for
After the results of each assessment have been
recorded, the evaluators can convene to aggregate
their results and assign severity ratings to the various
usability issues. Alternatively, an observer (the
experimenter organizing and conducting the
More extensive notes on heuristic evaluation are
available at:
See Appendix A for Nielsen’s canonical heuristic list.
evaluation) can perform the aggregation and rating
using similar methodologies, each based on Nielsen’s
original work.
HE has been shown to find 40 – 60% of usability
problems with just three to five evaluators (hence
Nielsen’s recommendation), and a case study showed a
cost to benefit ratio of 1:48 (as cited in [21]). For those
reasons, among others, HE has proven to be very popular
in both industry and research. Of course, the results of an
HE are highly subjective and probably not repeatable.
However, it should be emphasized that this is not a goal
for HE; its purpose is to provide a proven evaluation
framework that is easy to teach, learn and perform. Its
value thus comes from its low cost, its straightforward
applicability early in the design process, and the fact that
even those with little usability experience can administer
a useful HE study. These features, which make it such a
popular HCI method, also make it useful for gauging HRI
The presence of these works validates our own process in
several ways. First, their presence implies the creation of
heuristics in a new problem domain (outside traditional
HCI interfaces) is both feasible and constructive. Second,
the CSCW and ambient domains also bear similarities to
some aspects of HRI—specifically the presence of
systems and physical
embodiment. If HE has been successfully applied to
those domains, we should be confident that objections to
HE in HRI along those lines are not compelling.
Scholtz’s interaction roles are more interesting, but in the
vast majority of cases, HRI systems only involve the
operator and bystander cases—for the purposes of
evaluation we can consider the bystander as part of the
environment. Even in the worst case, heuristic sets could
be developed for each interaction role; for the present we
will concern ourselves mainly with the operator role.
The problem with applying heuristic evaluation to HRI,
however, is the invalidity of using existing heuristics for
HRI. Aside from this issue, there is the question of
whether the method as a whole is suitable to HRI at all.
Even if HRI has a great deal in common with mainstream
HCI, there are certainly clear distinctions between the
Scholtz states that HRI is “fundamentally
different” from normal HCI in several aspects, and
Yanco, et al. acknowledge HE as a useful HCI method,
but rejects its applicability to HRI because Nielsen’s
heuristics are not appropriate to the domain. A number of
issues have been listed as differentiating factors between
HRI and HCI/HMI, including complex control systems,
the existence of autonomy and cognition, dynamic
operating environments, varied interaction roles, multiagent and multi-operator schemes, and the embodied
nature of HRI systems.
The issue of the inapplicability of Nielsen’s heuristics to
HRI is of course not in debate, since the development of
suitable heuristics is the purpose of this work. However,
some could argue that one or more of the factors
differentiating HRI and HCI calls into question the
validity of the actual process. We have mentioned that
examples of adapting Nielsen’s heuristics to other
problem domains already exist. Baker et al. adapted
heuristics for use with the evaluation of CSCW
applications [4]. Similarly, Mankoff et al. produced a
heuristic list for ambient displays [17]. 3 In each case, the
development of the new heuristic sets was prompted by
the unsuitability of Nielsen’s canonical set to another
domain, and the new lists were developed and validated
See Appendix A.
The other HCI/HMI and HRI differences mentioned
above are not substantial impediments to the aims of this
work, either. What is unique about HRI is not that it is
different from HCI/HMI in these ways, since many other
fields have used HCI/HMI or human factors principles
and possess any number of the same features. HRI is
unique only because it exhibits all of these distinctions.
Since the differentiating factors do not seem to be
significant enough so that HE cannot adapt to them
individually, we argue that this implies that HE can also
adapt to those differences at once.
There are a number of bases from which to develop for
potential HRI heuristics: Nielsen’s canonical list [21],
HRI guidelines suggested by Scholtz [28] (as well as the
implications of her interaction roles), and elements of the
ambient and CSCW heuristics [4] [17]. The concepts of
situational awareness [37], neglect tolerance and attention
demand [38] should be considered; Sheridan’s challenges
for human-robot communication [29] can also be taken as
issues to be satisfied by an HRI system.
These lists and the overall body of work in HRI provide
the basis for heuristics applicable to both multi-operator
and multi-agent systems; however, for this work we have
limited our focus to single operator, single agent settings.
The reason is in part to narrow the problem focus and in
part because the issues faced by systems where the
human:robot ratio is not 1:1 are to a large degree
orthogonal to the base 1:1 case. In addition, the
validation of single human/robot systems is a wise first
step since lessons learned during this work can be applied
to further development.
We tried to base our initial list on the distinctive
characteristics of HRI, with the intention that it should
ideally be pertinent to systems ranging from normal
windowed software to less traditional interfaces such as
that of the iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner. We also
wanted our list to apply equally well to purely
teleoperated or monitored autonomous systems. This is a
feasible goal, as in some ways, what makes a robotic
interface (no matter what the form) effective is no
different than what makes anything else usable, be it a
door handle or a piece of software [22].
To this end, we identified issues relevant to the user that
are common to all of these situations.
emphasizes a device’s ability to communicate its state to
the user as an important characteristic for usability [22].
Applied to a robot, an interface then should make evident
various aspects of the robots status—what is its pose?
What is its current task or goal? What does it know about
its environment, and what does it not know? Parallel to
the issue of what information should be communicated is
how it is communicated. The potential complexity of
robotic sensor data or behavior parameters is such that
careful attention is due to what exactly the user needs out
of that data, and designing an interface to communicate
that data in the most useful format.
Many of these questions have been considered as a part of
the heuristic sets mentioned previously, and we leveraged
that experience by taking elements in whole and part from
those lists to form our own attempt at an HRI heuristic
set. The original source or sources of each heuristic
before adaptation are also listed:
Sufficient information design (Scholtz, Nielsen)
The interface should be designed to convey “just enough”
information: enough so that the human can determine if
intervention is needed, and not so much that it causes
2. Visibility of system status (Nielsen)
The system should always keep users informed about what
is going on, through appropriate feedback within
reasonable time. The system should convey its world
model to the user so that the user has a full understanding
of the world as it appears to the system.
3. Appropriate information presentation (Scholtz)
The interface should present sensor information that is
clear, easily understood, and in the form most useful to the
user. The system should utilize the principle of recognition
over recall.
4. Match between system and the real world
(Nielsen, Scholtz)
The language of the interaction between the user and the
system should be in terms of words, phrases and concepts
familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms.
Follow real-world conventions, making information appear
in a natural and logical order.
5. Synthesis of system and interface (None)
The interface and system should blend together so that the
interface is an extension of the system itself. The interface
should facilitate efficient and effective communication
between system and user and vice versa.
6. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from
errors (Nielsen, Scholtz)
System malfunctions should be expressed in plain language
(no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and
constructively suggest a solution. The system should
present enough information about the task environment so
that the user can determine if some aspect of the world has
contributed to the problem.
7. Flexibility of interaction architecture (Scholtz)
If the system will be used over a lengthy period of time, the
interface should support the evolution of system
capabilities, such as sensor and actuator capacity, behavior
changes and physical alteration.
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design (Nielsen, Mankoff,
The system should not contain information that is irrelevant
or rarely needed. The physical embodiment of the system
should be pleasing in its intended setting.
Heuristics 1, 2, and 3 all deal with the handling of
information in an HRI interface, representative of the
importance of data processing in HRI tasks. Eight
signifies the potential importance of emotional responses
to robotic systems.
Number five is indicative of
interfaces ability to immerse the user in the system,
making operation easier and more intuitive. Four, five
and six all deal with the form communication takes
between the user and system and vice versa. Finally, #7
reflects the variable nature that HRI platforms can have.
Since the heuristics are intended for HRI systems, they
focus only on the characteristics distinct to HRI. Many
human-robot interfaces (especially those that are for the
most part traditional desktop software applications) can
and do have usability problems that are associated with
‘normal’ HCI issues (e.g., widget size or placement), but
these problems can be addressed by traditional HCI
After creating this list, we kept with a methodology
similar to [4] [14] and [17]. After creating our initial list
based on brainstorming and informed synthesis of
existing work, we conducted an initial study using our
new heuristics. This study had a primary and a secondary
purpose: first, to uncover problems with and provide
feedback on our initial list so that we could make changes
to our heuristics as appropriate. Second, we were
interested in if what differences there were, if any,
between evaluators with backgrounds in HCI versus those
from robotics.
Research Method
Before subject recruitment, we first had to determine the
object of their evaluation—that is, the robotic system to
evaluate and the context in which to evaluate it. Because
the focus of this work is on the development of heuristics
and not the development of robotic systems, we used
existing an existing hardware platform. We chose the
Mobile Robot Lab’s4 Segway RMP 5, which has been
modified from the stock model to include a number of
additional capabilities. The primary modifications consist
of a SICK laser rangefinder, a color streaming video
camera, an on-board computer to support the sensors and
a protective PVC pipe frame with kill switches (see Fig.
1). Aside from its relative novelty, we were drawn to the
Segway for our platform choice because we expected its
unique auto-balancing design could present some
interesting issues for the evaluators to consider.
robot depends so much on its intended task environment,
we needed one that was relatively precise. Specifying an
environment as, for example, ‘reconnaissance’ is not
sufficient since details like possible terrain, operator
location, possibility of enemy forces, etc. are essential to
judging a system’s efficacy for reconnaissance-style
It is clear that the more realistic (and the more
completely) we delineate the task environment, the better
we can evaluate robotic systems operating in it. But
defining such a framework is not a simple undertaking; it
is also not one that is related to the focus of this work.
Consequently, instead of outlining some contrived
circumstance in which to assess out system, we chose to
make use of a task environment that has already been
developed and described—the Rescue Robot League6
held at various worldwide locations as a part of the
RoboCup competition. If anything, this environment is
even too well-stated, since it includes clear rules for
scoring the performance of a robotic contestant. Though
an explicit score is not to be expected in a real-world
environment, using our heuristics in the USAR
competition setting is still natural—prospective student
entrant groups to the competition are exactly the kinds of
people who could benefit most from a cheap, quick
evaluation method.
After we determined the object of our test for our HRI
heuristics, we recruited 10 volunteers from the Georgia
Tech College of Computing to serve as the heuristic
analysts. By design, all of the volunteers were graduate
studies with specialties in either HCI or robotics, with
exactly half in each area. There was also an exactly even
split along gender lines. The experimental procedure was
similar to the standard HE process already described. We
held an introductory meeting with all of the evaluators, at
which we handed out information packets containing all
the materials necessary for their assessments. We also
conducted a short 7-point Likert scale demographics
survey for each inspector.
Figure 1 – Modified Segway platform.
Our second major decision was what evaluation
environment to use to evaluate the platform we had
chosen. Unlike most of traditional HCI, the suitability of
a robotic system and interface depends heavily on the
context in which it is used: An interface that is used in a
command center will have very different requirements
from one used in combat; likewise, a system designed
explicitly for entertainment is not likely to be useful as a
health care service robot. Because the suitability of a
The documents in the information packet included notes
on our modified Segway robotic platform and its software
interface, the evaluation context (i.e., RoboCup Rescue
competition description and rules), descriptions of the
heuristics themselves, and copies of problem report
forms. We went over these documents to answer
evaluator questions, and then showed them a brief live
demonstration of teleoperating the robot. After this
demonstration, the evaluators were instructed to fill out
report forms for all usability problems they perceived,
indicating which heuristics were violated. The evaluators
were given a week to complete their appraisals and return
their problem reports.
Analysis Methodology
The method we have described follows the example of [4]
more than [17] in that we are not comparing our heuristics
against another set (such as Nielsen’s). Thus, for our
primary research purpose, we would like to answer two
For our secondary purpose (investigating differences
between HCI- and robotics-focused researchers), we also
propose the following research hypotheses. We will refer
to evaluators who identified themselves as specializing in
HCI and robotics as conditions ‘HCI’ and ‘IS’,
How do inspectors perform using the HRI heuristic
set to evaluate usability problems?
How widely does the performance of individual
evaluators vary?
Our procedure for answering these questions will again be
similar to [4] (which was based in turn on Nielsen’s work
[19], [20]): distill the raw problem reports into a
synthesized list suitable to comparison across evaluators.
That information will allow us to determine more easily
which heuristics were most or least useful, what kinds of
problems were not easily explained by our heuristics
(components of our first question) and how problem
reports differed from inspector to inspector (our second
Though our data analysis is not complete, we can
speculate on a number of issues and critique our
methodology thus far based on our experience:
The number of problems and severity of problems
found by evaluators in condition HCI will not be
significantly different from those found in condition
The problems found in condition HCI will be more
likely to focus on software than hardware issues.
Likewise, problems in condition IS will be more
likely to be hardware than software issues.
We should emphasize once more that this work concerns
only on the development and quality of our heuristics, not
on the system we chose to use as our evaluation subject.
As such, our analysis methods do focus on the usability of
the system at all, except as it relates to how our heuristics
were used.
Out analysis of evaluator data is ongoing.
demographics survey showed a mean age of 28.47 and an
average of 3.4 years of graduate schooling.
One subject did not report an age; another reported an
age range. This figure is the average of the 8 other ages
and the midpoint of the reported range.
Another task environment may have improved the
quality of our study. The Segway platform is an
intriguing platform, and one that has considered for
(outdoor) USAR applications [35]. However, it is
not very well-suited for indoor USAR applications
for a variety of reasons. Our intention was to present
an HRI system with obvious room for improvement
to provide fertile ground for our inspectors. But our
initial impression was that the mismatch of platform
and environment proved a confusing distraction for
our participants. An outdoor arena and competition
is in development,8 however, and may provide
grounds for future work.
We did not encompass as much of the existing work
in HRI into our heuristics as we should have. This
assertion at this point not backed by anything other
than experience. But notably, none of our heuristics
specifically addresses situational awareness, which
has been recognized as a critical factor for HRI
(especially teleoperated) systems. Likewise, Olsen
and Goodrich’s metrics were not consulted as
extensively as merited.
We made the decision not to customize the heuristics
in our study to the evaluation system. On most HE
studies, this would have been an error. But since we
are attempting to examine the general heuristics
themselves, we made the judgment not to make any
modifications to the guidelines. It remains to be seen
whether this was an appropriate decision, although
we suspect the addition of some examples or
clarifying text for each heuristic might have been a
useful feature.
Similarly, we also suspect our heuristics are not
targeted to HRI specifically enough. This is partially
a result of our attempt to have broadly applicable
heuristics, and partly a result of the author’s (and
field’s) evolving knowledge of specific information
to include. We expect the next iteration of heuristics
to improve dramatically as we (the author and the
field) gain additional experience with HRI
Along with the results of our data analysis, these issues
will be important to consider for the next iteration of our
heuristics. Additionally, many of the issues discussed at
the IEEE/IFRR Summer Robotics School 2004 on
Human-Robot Interaction are directly applicable to this
work and how to improve the heuristics themselves.
Though SRS 2004 and the other issues we have
mentioned here have provided an ample base to construct
a modified heuristic list, we will refrain from doing so
here. Aside from potentially coloring our interpretation
of the evaluator reports and comments, practically it is
more sensible to wait until all possible data is available
before making judgments about what changes are
Thanks to Yoichiro Endo for the review of an early version of this
report, and to the volunteer evaluation participants.
[1] Adams, J. Critical Considerations for Human-Robot Interface
Development. In Proceedings of the 2002 AAAI Fall Symposium on
Human-Robot Interaction, November 2002.
We have summarized current and past work in HRI
system development and evaluation, and examined
heuristic evaluation (HE), a usability inspection method
from HCI. We have found that there is indeed a need for
formative and discount evaluation techniques such as HE,
but that current heuristics sets are not adequate for
application to HRI systems. However, previous work has
validated the concept of adapting HE to new problem
domains, and those problem domains share some of the
differences between traditional HCI and HRI system—
indicating that adapting a set of heuristics for HRI is a
fruitful endeavor. To that end, we have proposed an
initial set of heuristics intended for single operator, single
agent human-robot interaction systems. We have ignored
other task environments to simplify the development
process, since the validation and focus of heuristics for
multi-operator or multi-agent systems are significantly
different than the base case.
[2] Agah, A. Human interactions with intelligent systems: research
taxonomy. Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 27, pp. 71 – 107,
We have also outlined the procedure we followed for an
initial study of the effectiveness of our heuristics. Our
analysis of the data gathered will guide the evolution of
the heuristics toward a more stable list of guidelines. This
will likely require an additional, larger study to validate
that the heuristics enable 3-5 inspectors to find 40-60% of
known usability issues. Looking beyond the immediate
task of data analysis, the use of the heuristics in more
realistic settings is needed.
The use of robotics
competitions such as RoboCup as a means of locating
suitable evaluation subjects (motivated groups with
complex HRI systems) is a promising avenue [31]. Most
desirable would be the application of HE and our
heuristics to a real-world, truly formative study;
applications to systems as in [31] would be valuable, but
those systems are relatively far along in the development
process if they are already in competition.
[8] Collet, T. and MacDonald, B. User Oriented Interfaces for HumanRobot Interation.
Other possible future investigations might include the use
of different heuristic sets for each of Scholtz’s interaction
roles [27], and to widen our scope to include multioperator and multi-agent systems. As a larger goal, the
adaptation of this HCI evaluation technique will hopefully
increase the use of other HCI methodologies (such as
user-centered design) synergistically—the presence of a
validated formative discount technique for HRI systems
encouraging more iterative design processes and the
adaptation of other HCI methods to HRI.
[3] Ali, K. Multiagent Telerobotics: Matching Systems to Tasks. Ph.D.
dissertation, Georgia Tech College of Computing, 1999.
[4] Baker, K., Greenberg, S. and Gutwin, C. Empirical development of a
heuristic evaluation methodology for shared workspace groupware. In
Proceedings of CSCW 2002, pp. 96–105. ACM Press, 2002.
[5] Breazeal (Ferrell), C. A Motivational System for Regulating HumanRobot Interaction. In Proceedings of AAAI98, Madison, WI, 1998
[6] Burke, J., Murphy, R.R., Rogers, E., Scholtz, J., and Lumelsky, V.
Final Report for the DARPA/NSF Interdisciplinary Study on HumanRobot Interaction. Also appears as IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Part A, Vol. 34, No. 2, May 2004.
[7] Casper, J., and Murphy, R. Human-Robot Interactions during the
Robot-Assisted Urban Search and Rescue Response at the World Trade
Center. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B ,
Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 367-385, June 2003.
[9] Dudek, G., Jenkin, M., Milios, E. and Wiles, D. A Taxonomy for
Multi-Agent Robotics. Autonomous Robots Vol. 3, 375-397, 1996.
[10] Endo, Y., MacKenzie, D.C., and Arkin, R. Usability Evaluation of
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Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C., Vol. 34., No.
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Nielsen’s Canonical Heuristics [21]
Ambient Display Heuristics [17]
Visibility of system status
The system should always keep users informed about what is going on,
through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
Match between system and the real world
The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and
concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow
real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and
logical order.
User control and freedom
Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly
marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to
go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Consistency and standards
Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or
actions mean the same thing. Follow platform conventions.
Error prevention
Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents
a problem from occurring in the first place.
Recognition rather than recall
Make objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to
remember information from one part of the dialogue to another.
Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable
whenever appropriate.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
Accelerators -- unseen by the novice user -- may often speed up the
interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both
inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent
Aesthetic and minimalist design
Dialogues should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely
needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the
relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility.
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes),
precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution.
Help and documentation
Even though it is better if the system can be used without
documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation.
Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's
task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.
Sufficient information design
The display should be designed to convey “just enough” information.
Too much information cramps the display, and too little makes the
display less useful.
Consistent and intuitive mapping
Ambient displays should add minimal cognitive load. Cognitive load
may be higher when users must remember what states or changes in the
display mean. The display should be intuitive.
Match between system and real world
The system should speak the users’ language, with words, phrases and
concepts familiar to the user, rather than system oriented terms. Follow
real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and
logical order.
Visibility of state
An ambient display should make the states of the system noticeable. The
transition from one state to another should be easily perceptible.
Aesthetic and pleasing design The display should be pleasing when it is
placed in the intended setting.
Useful and relevant information
The information should be useful and relevant to the users in the
intended setting.
Visibility of system status
The system should always keep users informed about what is going on,
through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
User control and freedom
Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly
marked “emergency exit” to leave the unwanted state without having to
go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Easy transition to more in-depth information
If the display offers multi-leveled information, the display should make
it easy and quick for users to find out more detailed information.
“Peripherality” of display
The display should be unobtrusive and remain so unless it requires the
user’s attention. User should be able to easily monitor the display.
Error prevention
Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents
a problem from occurring in the first place.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
Accelerators – unseen by the novice user – may often speed up the
interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both
inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent
CSCW/Groupware Heuristics [4]
Provide the means for intentional and appropriate verbal
The prevalent form of communication in most groups is verbal
conversations. The mechanism by which we gather information from
verbal exchanges has been coined intentional communication and is used
to establish a common understanding of the task at hand. Intentional
communication usually happens in one of three ways.
1. People talk explicitly about what they are doing and where they are
working within a shared workspace.
2. People overhear others’ conversations.
3. People listen to the running commentary that others tend to produce
alongside their actions.
Provide the means for intentional and appropriate gestural
Explicit gestures are used alongside verbal exchanges to carry out
intentional communication as a means to directly support the
conversation and convey task information. Intentional gestural
communication can take many forms. Illustration occurs when speech is
acted out or emphasized, e.g., signifying distances with a gap between
your hands. Emblems occur when actions replace words, such as a nod
of the head indicating ‘yes’. Deictic reference or deixis happens when
people reference workspace objects with a combination of intentional
gestures and voice communication, e.g., pointing to an object and saying
“this one”.
Provide consequential communication of an individual’s
A person’s body interacting with a physical workspace is a continuous
and immediate information source with many degrees of freedom. In
these settings, bodily actions unintentionally “give off” awareness
information about what’s going on, who is in the workspace, where they
are, and what they are doing. This visible activity of unintentional body
language and actions is fundamental for creating and sustaining
teamwork, and includes:
1. Actions coupled with the workspace include: gaze awareness (where
someone is looking), seeing someone move towards an object, and
hearing sounds as people go about their activities.
2. Actions coupled to conversation are the subtle cues picked up from
our conversational partners that help us continually adjust our verbal
behaviour. Cues may be visual (e.g., facial expressions), or verbal (e.g.,
intonation and pauses). These provide conversational awareness that
helps us maintain a sense of what is happening in a conversation.
Provide consequential communication of shared artifacts (i.e.
artifact feedthrough)
Consequential communication also involves information unintentionally
given off by physical artifacts as they are manipulated. This information
is called feedback when it informs the person manipulating the artifact,
and feedthrough when it informs others who are watching. Seeing and
hearing an artifact as it is being handled helps to determine what others
are doing to it. Identifying the person manipulating the artifact helps to
make sense of the action and to mediate interactions.
Provide Protection
Concurrent activity is common in shared workspaces, where people can
act in parallel and simultaneously manipulate shared objects.
Concurrent access of this nature is beneficial; however, it also introduces
the potential for conflict. People should be protected from inadvertently
interfering with work that others are doing, or altering or destroying
work that others have done. To avoid conflicts, people naturally
anticipate each other’s actions and take action based on their predictions
of what others will do in the future. Therefore, collaborators must be
able to keep an eye on their own work, noticing what effects others’
actions could have and taking actions to prevent certain activities.
People also follow social protocols for mediating their interactions and
minimizing conflicts. Of course, there are situations where conflict can
occur (e.g., accidental interference). People are also capable of repairing
the negative effects of conflicts and consider it part of the natural dialog.
Manage the transitions between tightly and loosely-coupled
Coupling is the degree to which people are working together. It is also
the amount of work that one person can do before they require
discussion, instruction, information, or consultation with another. People
continually shift back and forth between loosely- and tightly-coupled
collaboration where they move fluidly between individual and group
work. To manage these transitions, people need to maintain awareness
of others: where they are working and what they are doing. This allows
people to recognize when tighter coupling could be appropriate e.g.,
when people see an opportunity to collaborate or assist others, when
they need to plan their next activity, or when they have reached a stage
in their task that requires another’s involvement.
Support people with the coordination of their actions
An integral part of face-to-face collaboration is how group members
mediate their interactions by taking turns and negotiating the sharing of
the common workspace. People organize their actions to help avoid
conflict and efficiently complete the task at hand. Coordinating actions
involves making some tasks happen in the right order and at the right
time while meeting the task’s constraints. Within a shared workspace,
coordination can be accomplished via explicit communication and the
way objects are shared. At the fine-grained level, awareness helps
coordinate people’s actions as they work with shared objects e.g.,
awareness helps people work effectively even when collaborating over a
very small workspace. On a larger scale, groups regularly reorganize
their division of labour based on what the other participants are doing
and have done, what they are still going to do, and what is left to do in
the task.
Facilitate finding collaborators and establishing contact
Most meetings are informal: unscheduled, spontaneous or one-person
initiated. In everyday life, these meetings are facilitated by physical
proximity since co-located individuals can maintain awareness of who is
around. People frequently come in contact with one another through
casual interactions (e.g. bumping into people in hallways) and are able to
initiate and conduct conversations effortlessly. While conversations may
not be lengthy, much can occur such as coordinating actions and
exchanging information. In electronic communities, the lack of physical
proximity means that other mechanisms are necessary to support
awareness and informal encounters.
HRI Heuristic Evaluation Case Study – Demographics Survey
Male /
What is your area of specialization in the College of Computing?
How many years of graduate study in the College of Computing have you completed?
Please rate your familiarity with the following areas of study:
1 – not at all familiar with the term; 7 – capable of lecturing on the subject
Human-Computer Interaction
Heuristic Evaluation
Intelligent Systems
Human-Robot Interaction
Have you participated in or conducted a heuristic evaluation before (circle both if
Evaluation Context
The system description you have been given is that of a partially implemented hardware/software
solution; portions that are not fully integrated or implemented in the current interfaced are noted
as such for clarity. The goal of this evaluation is to examine the suitability of the proposed
human-robot system for a particular task environment: urban search and rescue (USAR). You
may note that the system as described could have trouble meeting some of the basic requirements
of the USAR competition task. This is expected; simply do your best to enumerate the specific
characteristics of the system (hardware or software) that are at fault.
This task environment is intended to mirror that of the AAAI RoboCup competitions. We have
reproduced much of the content of below to illustrate
the details:
Competition Overview
The goal of the urban search and rescue (USAR) robot competitions is to increase awareness of
the challenges involved in search and rescue applications, provide objective evaluation of robotic
implementations in representative environments, and promote collaboration between
researchers. It requires robots to demonstrate their capabilities in mobility, sensory perception,
planning, mapping, and practical operator interfaces, while searching for simulated victims in
unstructured environments. As robot teams begin demonstrating repeated successes against the
obstacles posed in the arenas, the level of difficulty will be increased accordingly so that the
arenas provide a stepping-stone from the laboratory to the real world. Meanwhile, the yearly
competitions will provide direct comparison of robotic approaches, objective performance
evaluation, and a public proving ground for field-able robotic systems that will ultimately be
used to save lives.
Competition Vision
When disaster happens, minimize risk to search and rescue personnel, while increasing victim
survival rates, by fielding teams of collaborative robots which can:
Autonomously negotiate compromised and collapsed structures
Find victims and ascertain their conditions
Produce practical maps of their locations
Deliver sustenance and communications
Identify hazards
Emplace sensors (acoustic, thermal, hazmat, seismic, etc,…)
Provide structural shoring
…allowing human rescuers to quickly locate and extract victims.
It is ideal for the robots to be capable of all the tasks outlined in the vision, with the first three
directly encouraged in the current performance metric (see Fig 5). The remaining tasks will be
emphasized in future versions of the performance metric.
Rescue Scenario
A building has partially collapsed due to earthquake.
The Incident Commander in charge of rescue operations at the disaster site, fearing
secondary collapses from aftershocks, has asked for teams of robots to immediately
search the interior of the building for victims.
The mission for the robots and their operators is to find victims, determine their
situation, state, and location, and then report back their findings in a map of the
building and a victim data sheet.
The section near the building entrance appears relatively intact while the interior of
the structure exhibits increasing degrees of collapse. Robots must negotiate the
lightly damaged areas prior to encountering more challenging obstacles and rubble.
USAR Arenas and Victims:
The robots are considered expendable in case of difficulty.
The rescue arenas constructed to host these competitions are based on the Reference Test
Arenas for Urban Search and Rescue Robots developed by the U.S. National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). Three arenas, named yellow, orange, and red to indicate
their increasing levels of difficulty, form a continuum of challenges for the robots. A maze of
walls, doors, and elevated floors provide various tests for robot navigation and mapping
capabilities. Variable flooring, overturned furniture, and problematic rubble provide obvious
physical obstacles. Sensory obstacles, intended to confuse specific robot sensors and perception
algorithms, provide additional challenges. Intuitive operator interfaces and robust sensory
fusion algorithms are highly encouraged to reliably negotiate the arenas and locate victims.
Figure 2: Rescue Robot League Arenas: a) yellow, b) orange, and c) red
The objective for each robot in the competition, and the incentive to traverse every corner of
each arena, is to find simulated victims. Each simulated victim is a clothed mannequin emitting
body heat and other signs of life, including motion (shifting, waving), sound (moaning, yelling,
tapping), and/or carbon dioxide to simulate breathing. Particular combinations of these sensor
signatures imply the victim’s state: unconscious, semi-conscious, or aware.
Figure 3: Simulated Victim Signs of Life
Each victim is placed in a particular rescue situation: surface, trapped, void, or entombed. The
victims are distributed throughout the environment in roughly the same situational percentages
found in actual earthquake statistics. Each victim also displays an identification tag that is
usually placed in hard to reach areas around the victim, requiring advanced robot mobility to
identify. Once a victim is found, the robot(s) must determine the victim’s location, situation,
state, and tag, and then report their findings on a human readable map.
Figure 4: Simulated Victim Situations: a) surface, b) trapped, c) void, and d)
Rules and Scoring Metric
The competition rules and scoring metric both focus on the basic USAR tasks of identifying live
victims, determining victim condition, providing accurate victim location, and enabling victim
recovery, all without causing damage to the environment. The teams compete in several
missions lasting twenty minutes with the winner achieving the highest cumulative score from all
missions (the lowest score is dropped). The performance metric used for scoring encourages
identification of detailed victim information through multiple sensors along with generation of
easily understandable and accurate maps of the environment. It also encourages teams to
minimize the number of operators, which may be achieved through using better operator
interfaces and/or autonomous behaviors that allow effective control of multiple robots.
Meanwhile, the metric discourages uncontrolled bumping behaviors that may cause secondary
collapses or further injure victims. Finally, an arena weighting accounts for the difference in
difficulty negotiating each of the three arenas; the more difficult the arena, the higher the arena
weighting (score) for each victim found.
Figure 5: Performance metric used for scoring
System Description and Characteristics
The mobile robot in this system is based on the Segway
RMP, a robot based on the Segway HT platform (see This platform is
a two-wheeled, self-balancing base with connections for
additional sensors and processing capabilities. Some of
its specifications (as taken from the above web site):
100 lb. Payload
zero turning radius
8 mph. top speed
8-10 mile range
The particular robotic system you are examining has been
modified from the stock system (shown at left). An onboard computer has been added to control various
instruments, including a sensor instruments and wireless
networking for remote control. This hardware is mounted within a metal frame inside which a
spring-mounted sheet provides shock absorption for the some of the more delicate components.
Kill switches have also been mounted at the ends of a PVC pipe frame. The switches are
triggered when the machine’s motor cannot compensate for extreme pitch angles (caused by
terrain type or slope, or sudden velocity changes). Front and rear views of the modified platform
are shown below.
SICK laser
Kill Switches
Fig 2: Above left: Front ¾ view. Above right: rear ¾ view.
The sensors include a SICK laser rangefinder and a streaming video camera. The laser rangefinder
is configurable to have a range of 8 meters with 1 mm accuracy or an 80 meter range with 1 cm
accuracy. It returns 361 distance measures along the 180 scan arc at a rate of about 5 scans per
second. The SICK is currently mounted at a front-facing downward angle for the purposes of
analyzing terrain features, but for the purposes of this evaluation should be considered to be mounted
parallel to the floor. It also is currently set to the 8 m/1mm accuracy configuration.
The camera is an analog color NTSC video capture device connected to a video
digitizer/compression unit that streams compressed video wirelessly to a decompression unit, which
in turn can provide a real-time video feed to a display unit. The camera is on a fixed-forward mount,
and the effective resolution after digitization is 640x480.
Operation and Software
The operator interfaces with the robot hardware through part of the MissionLab software developed
at the Mobile Robot Lab. The basic interface includes a representation of the current joystick
position and a real-time visual representation of the SICK laser scanner data (see Fig. 3 below). The
figure below shows data from a pair of SICK scanners mounted back-to-back, giving a 360 view of
Fig 3: SICK laser scanner data (360 view).
the surroundings. This setup is not
implemented on the evaluation system.
The operational setup is flexible, but
generally relies on a dual-monitor setup
with one monitor displaying only the video
feed and the other the data from the laser
scanner and joystick feedback window.
The operator controls the robot via a
standard analog PC joystick controller.
Movement is only performed if the stick is
moved while the front trigger button is
also depressed. The analog readings mean
that the movement speed is proportional to
the deflection of the joystick from the center position (i.e., moving the stick slightly forward moves
the robot forward slowly; moving the stick all the way forward moves the robot forward at its
maximum speed).
Fig 4: Sample operational setup.
If you have any further questions, including those about the capabilities or configuration of the
software or hardware presented or confusion about the system as it should be evaluated, please do
not hesitate to contact me: