Matakuliah : J0434/EKONOMI MANAJERIAL Tahun : 2008 The Theory of Individual Behavior Pertemuan 7- 8 Managerial Economics & Business Strategy Chapter 4 The Theory of Individual Behavior McGraw-Hill/Irwin Michael R. Baye, Managerial Economics and Bina Nusantara Business Strategy Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Overview I. Consumer Behavior – Indifference Curve Analysis – Consumer Preference Ordering II. Constraints – The Budget Constraint – Changes in Income – Changes in Prices III. Consumer Equilibrium IV. Indifference Curve Analysis & Demand Curves – Individual Demand – Market Demand Bina Nusantara 4-4 4-5 Consumer Behavior • Consumer Opportunities – The possible goods and services consumer can afford to consume. • Consumer Preferences – The goods and services consumers actually consume. • Given the choice between 2 bundles of goods a consumer either – Prefers bundle A to bundle B: A B. – Prefers bundle B to bundle A: A B. – Is indifferent between the two: A B. Bina Nusantara 4-6 Indifference Curve Analysis Indifference Curve – A curve that defines the combinations of 2 or more goods that give a consumer the same level of satisfaction. Marginal Rate of Substitution Good Y III. II. I. – The rate at which a consumer is willing to substitute one good for another and maintain the same satisfaction level. Good X Bina Nusantara 4-7 Consumer Preference Ordering Properties • • • • Bina Nusantara Completeness More is Better Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution Transitivity 4-8 Complete Preferences • Completeness Property Good Y – Consumer is capable of expressing preferences (or indifference) between all possible bundles. (“I don’t know” is NOT an option!) I. • If the only bundles available to a consumer are A, B, and C, then the consumer – is indifferent between A and C (they are on the same indifference curve). – will prefer B to A. – will prefer B to C. III. II. A B C Good X Bina Nusantara 4-9 More Is Better! • More Is Better Property – Bundles that have at least as much of every good and more of some good are preferred to other bundles. • Bundle B is preferred to A since B contains at least as much of good Y and strictly more of good X. • Bundle B is also preferred to C since B contains at least as much of good X and strictly more of good Y. • More generally, all bundles on ICIII are preferred to bundles on ICII or ICI. And all bundles on ICII are preferred to ICI. Bina Nusantara Good Y III. II. I. 100 A B C 33.33 1 3 Good X Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution • Marginal Rate of Substitution – – • • • 4-10 The amount of good Y the consumer is willing to give up to maintain the same satisfaction level decreases as more of good X is acquired. The rate at which a consumer is willing to substitute one good for another and maintain the same satisfaction level. Good Y III. II. To go from consumption bundle A to B the consumer must give up 50 units of Y to get one additional unit of X. To go from consumption bundle B to C the 100 consumer must give up 16.67 units of Y to get one additional unit of X. To go from consumption bundle C to D the 50 consumer must give up only 8.33 units of Y to get one additional unit of X. 33.33 I. A B C D 25 1 Bina Nusantara 2 3 4 Good X 4-11 Consistent Bundle Orderings • Transitivity Property – For the three bundles A, B, and C, Good Y the transitivity property implies III. that if C B and B A, then C II. A. – Transitive preferences along with I. the more-is-better property imply A 100 that • indifference curves will not 75 intersect. • the consumer will not get caught in a perpetual cycle of indecision. B 50 1 Bina Nusantara C 2 5 7 Good X 4-12 The Budget Constraint • Opportunity Set – The set of consumption bundles that are affordable. Y Budget Line • PxX + PyY M. • Budget Line The Opportunity Set M/PY Y = M/PY – (PX/PY)X – The bundles of goods that exhaust a consumers income. • PxX + PyY = M. • Market Rate of Substitution – The slope of the budget line • -Px / Py M/PX Bina Nusantara X 4-13 Changes in the Budget Line Y • Changes in Income – Increases lead to a parallel, outward shift in the budget line (M1 > M0). – Decreases lead to a parallel, downward shift (M2 < M0). M1/PY M0/PY M2/PY • Changes in Price – A decreases in the price of good X rotates the budget line counter-clockwise (PX0 > PX1). – An increases rotates the budget line clockwise (not shown). Bina Nusantara Y M0/PY M2/PX M0/PX M1/PX X New Budget Line for a price decrease. M0/PX0 M0/PX1 X 4-14 Consumer Equilibrium • The equilibrium consumption bundle is the affordable bundle that yields the highest level of satisfaction. – Consumer equilibrium occurs at a point where MRS = PX / PY. – Equivalently, the slope of the indifference curve equals the budget line. Y M/PY Consumer Equilibrium III. II. I. M/PX Bina Nusantara X 4-15 Price Changes and Consumer Equilibrium • Substitute Goods – An increase (decrease) in the price of good X leads to an increase (decrease) in the consumption of good Y. • Examples: – Coke and Pepsi. – Verizon Wireless or AT&T. • Complementary Goods – An increase (decrease) in the price of good X leads to a decrease (increase) in the consumption of good Y. • Examples: – DVD and DVD players. – Computer CPUs and monitors. Bina Nusantara 4-16 Complementary Goods When the price of Pretzels (Y) good X falls and the consumption of Y rises, then X and Y M/PY 1 are complementary goods. (PX1 > PX2) B Y2 II A Y1 I 0 Bina Nusantara X1 M/PX1 X2 M/PX2 Beer (X) 4-17 Income Changes and Consumer Equilibrium • Normal Goods – Good X is a normal good if an increase (decrease) in income leads to an increase (decrease) in its consumption. • Inferior Goods – Good X is an inferior good if an increase (decrease) in income leads to a decrease (increase) in its consumption. Bina Nusantara 4-18 Normal Goods An increase in income increases the consumption of normal goods. Y M1/Y (M0 < M1). B Y1 M0/Y A Y0 I 0 Bina Nusantara II X0 M0/X X1 M1/X X 4-19 Decomposing the Income and Substitution Effects Initially, bundle A is consumed. A decrease in the price of good X expands the consumer’s opportunity set. Y C The substitution effect (SE) causes the consumer to move from bundle A to B. A II A higher “real income” allows the consumer to achieve a higher indifference curve. The movement from bundle B to C represents the income effect (IE). The new equilibrium is achieved at point C. Bina Nusantara B I 0 IE SE X 4-20 A Classic Marketing Application Other goods (Y) A buy-one, get-one free pizza deal. A C E D II I 0 Bina Nusantara 0.5 1 2 B F Pizza (X) Individual Demand Curve 4-21 Y • An individual’s demand curve is derived from each new equilibrium point found on the indifference curve as the price of good X is varied. II I X $ P0 D P1 X0 Bina Nusantara X1 X 4-22 Market Demand • The market demand curve is the horizontal summation of individual demand curves. • It indicates the total quantity all consumers would purchase at each price point. $ Individual Demand Curves $ Market Demand Curve 50 40 D1 1 2 Bina Nusantara D2 Q 1 2 3 DM Q 4-23 Conclusion • Indifference curve properties reveal information about consumers’ preferences between bundles of goods. – – – – Completeness. More is better. Diminishing marginal rate of substitution. Transitivity. • Indifference curves along with price changes determine individuals’ demand curves. • Market demand is the horizontal summation of individuals’ demands. Bina Nusantara