1ST YEAR ADVISING SYLLABUS - ACADEMIC ADVISING IN THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE College of Science Academic Advising Mission Statement Undergraduate academic advising in the College of Science teaches and empowers students to take responsibility for learning and for their own academic success. What is Academic Advising? Academic advising is intended for you, as the student, to proactively plan and consult with your advisor on your academic program in order to achieve your educational and professional goals. 1st year Student’s Role in Academic Advising: Take responsibility for your education Identify and develop your academic and career goals Know who your faculty advisor is, their contact information, and your department’s advising process Respect your faculty advisor’s time and allow up to 3 business days for a response to an inquiry or a request Be knowledgeable about the Core Curriculum requirements and your major requirements Be knowledgeable about pre-requisites and co-requisites for courses necessary for your academic program Be knowledgeable about policies and accessing appropriate forms available on the Academic Central Website including: o Change/Declaration of Major o Change/Declaration of Minor o Grade Replacement Request o Leave of Absence Become familiar with on-line tools, campus resources, and policies such as: o On-line tools and resources: MyNevada Add/Drop/Swap/Waitlist courses Enrollment Dates Using the MyPlanner feature for future mandatory advising On-line General Catalog On-line Course Schedule College of Science website Your academic department’s website Academic Central website o Campus resources: Math Center Writing Center Academic Skills Center (aka Tutoring) Counseling Center Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships Knowledge Center The Joe Crowley Student Union o College of Science Dean’s List criteria o University’s Academic Probation policy Academic Advisor’s Role: Be knowledgeable about Core Curriculum requirements, program requirements for which they advise, and university wide policies and processes related to advising Clarify and provide accurate, timely information about university policies, regulations, and procedures Be proficient in using MyNevada as an advising tool Teach students to select appropriate classes utilizing various resources that meet degree requirements Maintain confidentiality Be accessible and responsive to student inquiries and requests in a timely manner (within 3 business days)