Supervising Campus Auditor (LoP)

Item 3.D-March 19, 2010
To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR-HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): Renee Reed (17131),
Position #(s): 17131, 17435
Linda Myers (17435)
Current Title: Campus Auditor
Current Range: 2
Department: Business & Finance
College/Division: Vice President,
Administration and Finance
Account #:
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
( ) New position:
Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
( ) Title Change, Proposed Title:
( ) Proposed Reassignment from Range
to Range
( ) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
Range: JCC (HR assigned):
( X) Line of Progression (show titles below)
Campus Auditor (3D;CM3530;CC080;E)
Senior Campus Auditor (3D;CM3530;CC080;E)
Supervising Campus Auditor (3D;CM3530;CC080;E)
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Director/Chair/Dean Tom Judy, Associate Vice President,
Business & Finance
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Ron Zurek, Vice President,
Administration & Finance
Action Approved by the President (Completed by Faculty HR):
Position #: 17131, 17435
EEO Code: 3D
CUPA Code: CM3530
Exempt: Yes or No
Job Class Code: see above
Census Code: 080
Range: see above
Effective Date: 3/1/2010
Approved Title:
___________________________________________________________________ __________________
Employee Signature
(Employee signs and sends to HR for personnel file after PDQ has been “final” stamped for approval)
Rev: 12/1/2008
Position Description - Campus Auditor – Line of Progression
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the university.
Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division which reflects the
position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is used for advertisement of
the position.)
Range 2
The Campus Auditor is responsible for auditing campus departments and activities for compliance with
federal, state, Board of Regents and University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) regulations, policies and procedures.
This position reviews and coordinates campus responses to the Board of Regents for Nevada System of
Higher Education (NSHE) internal audits and other audits on campus. In addition, this position performs
investigations to identify, confirm and report irregularities on campus; provides assistance to campus
departments to improve compliance and operations; and may also perform and prepare special reports and
studies for the university on such topics as organizational structure, performance measurement and best
Range 3
In addition to the above statement noted for Range 2, this position may also serve as the lead auditor on
larger, more complex projects.
Range 4
In addition to the above statements noted for Ranges 2 and 3, this position supervises Range 2 and Range 3
audit staff, including assigning and reviewing work and performing first level performance evaluations.
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide enough
detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage first with heading
and then bulleted information).
Range 2
70% - Internal Audits
• Conduct internal audits of campus departments to ensure compliance with federal, state, Board of
Regents and university policies
• Follow risk-based audit programs, review internal control procedures, conduct testing of specific areas
and identify reportable issues which include investigation of irregularities for possible disciplinary or
legal action, draft comprehensive reports and communicate findings to management
20%- Review and Coordinate Campus Responses
• Review and coordinate campus responses to the Board of Regents for NSHE internal audits
5% - Special Reports and Studies
• Perform and prepare special reports and studies for the university on such topics as organizational
structure, performance measurement and best practices using existing data and information
5% - Training and Assistance
• Provide one-on-one training and assistance to campus departments regarding regulations, policies and
procedures pertaining to Board of Regents and university requirements
Range 3
60% - Internal Audits
• Conduct internal audits of campus departments to ensure compliance with federal, state, Board of
Regents and university policies
• Follow risk based audit programs, review internal control procedures, conduct testing of specific areas
and identify reportable issues which include investigation of irregularities for possible disciplinary or
legal action, draft comprehensive reports and communicate findings to management
Position Description - Campus Auditor – Line of Progression
Page 3
20% • Review and Coordinate Campus Responses
• Review and coordinate campus responses to the Board of Regents for NSHE internal audits
10% - Lead Auditor
• Serve as the lead auditor on larger, more complex projects, including assigning areas of responsibility
for specific audits
5% - Special Reports and Studies
• Perform and prepare special reports and studies for the university on such topics as organizational
structure, performance measurement and best practices using existing data and information
5% - Training and Assistance
• Provide one-on-one training and assistance to campus departments regarding regulations, policies and
procedures pertaining to Board of Regents and university requirements
Range 4
60% - Internal Audits
• Plan and supervise complex internal audits of campus departments to ensure compliance with federal,
state, Board of Regents and university policies
• Perform preliminary planning and establish the direction for audits, provide leadership to assigned
auditors, manage audit projects while meeting established deadlines
• Follow risk based audit programs, review internal control procedures
• Conduct testing and review of specific areas and identify reportable issues which include investigation
of irregularities for possible disciplinary or legal action, draft comprehensive reports, and communicate
findings to Management
15% - Review and Coordinate Campus Responses
• Review and coordinate campus responses to the Board of Regents for NSHE internal audits
15% - Supervision
• Supervise the Range 2 and Range 3 audit staff, including assigning projects and reviewing work papers
and reports, provide status updates, and coordinate management reviews and follow-up of
management’s questions and concerns.
• Perform first level performance evaluations
5% - Represents Campus Audit Department
• Represents the campus audit department at campus-level meetings, NSHE or system-wide meetings
and with outside entities such as state, federal and other independent auditors and the Attorney
General's office
5% - Special Reports and Studies
• Perform and prepare special reports and studies for the university on such topics as organizational
structure, performance measurement and best practices using existing data and information
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without supervision and
how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or the university as a
Level of Freedom:
Range 2
The Campus Auditor is responsible for exercising good judgment in order to determine findings that must be
reported as the result of an audit. The Campus Auditor must determine the materiality of audit findings in
order to differentiate the importance of findings in an audit report. Serious deficiencies or other irregularities
must be reported to the auditor's superior.
Position Description - Campus Auditor – Line of Progression
Page 4
Range 3
In addition to the Range 2 level of freedom noted above, as the lead auditor on a larger, more complex
project, the Senior Campus Auditor may make decisions on the significance of audit findings and may elect to
expand the scope of an audit.
Range 4:
In addition to the Range 2 and Range 3 levels of freedom noted above, the Supervising Campus Auditor will,
in consultation with the Associate Vice President for Business and Finance, determine what audits will be
conducted and the original or planned scope of the audits. The Supervising Campus Auditor may also make
commitments to other authorities as to assignments to be undertaken by the campus audit department.
Range 2:
Decisions and actions made with regard to business and financial transactions can enhance or negatively
impact compliance with university policies, procedures and general business practices. When audit work
identifies inconsistencies and non-compliance in a department, audit recommendations and discussions help
the department improve procedures and financial operations. A failure to perform these activities correctly to
comply with university policies, procedures and regulations could result in the university receiving negative
publicity, as well as unfavorable system or independent audit findings. Decisions made regarding audit
findings or made in preparing/ reviewing responses to audit findings can cause positive or negative publicity
for the university at the federal, state, NSHE, Board of Regents or public levels. Findings and recommendations made as a result of campus audits and reviews have the potential to avoid future audit findings by
system internal or independent auditors. Conversely, failure to identify internal control weaknesses or errors
resulting from them may cause management to incorrectly rely on current processes resulting in later audit
findings by system internal auditors, which will be reported to the Board of Regents.
Range 3:
In addition to the Range 2 level of impact noted above, the Senior Campus Auditor's decisions made
regarding materiality and scope of audit projects may make the difference between discovery and/or
thoroughly disclosing non-compliance or irregularities.
Range 4
In addition to the Range 2 and Range 3 levels of impact noted above, the Supervising Campus Auditor is
responsible for the image of the campus audit department, as well as the university administration as a whole
as it deals with entities external to the university such as NSHE internal audit, the Board of Regents Audit
Committee, other state and federal independent auditors and the Attorney General's Office. The supervisor
will have direct impact on the productivity and professionalism of the campus audit department.
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and innovation)
essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Range 2
Knowledge of:
• Current accounting/business office practices
• Payroll processing and reporting
• Internal controls and best practices and procedures
• Various computer applications in both PC and distributed environments
• Assessing and improving internal controls, accounting systems and business processes
• Interacting on a professional level with individuals at all levels of the organization
• Well developed organizational skills
• Superior interpersonal and written/verbal communication skills
Position Description - Campus Auditor – Line of Progression
Page 5
Ability to:
• Understand and interpret regulations, policies and procedures as they relate to the conduct of the
business of the university
• Use sound judgment in developing solutions to comply with campus policies and in addressing internal
control or audit issues
• Work with personal computers and data bases, including the use of extraction tools such as Access, to
obtain information and data required for audits, special projects and reports
• Draft policy memoranda or other correspondence in order to effectively convey complicated accounting,
statistical, best practices or organizational information to management of the university
• Work independently on overlapping projects in a multi-tasked environment without day-to-day
• Work under deadline pressures and with sensitive and confidential information
• Interview audit targets to obtain information
• Work cooperatively with people in potentially adversarial situations
• Serves as a consultant to assist in developing and adhering to fiscal procedures
• Maintain professional business and work ethics and standards
Range 3
Knowledge of:
• Same as Range 2 above
• Same as Range 2 above
Ability to:
• Same as Range 2 above, plus:
• Lead and train staff in audit procedures
Range 4
Knowledge of:
• Same as Ranges 2 and 3 above, plus:
• Supervisory skills, including an ability to teach and mentor staff, to assign work and to achieve results
• Same as Ranges 2 and 3 above
Ability to:
• Same as Ranges 2 and 3 above, plus:
• Represent the department and university in external settings
• Inspire confidence in the audit function
5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job. Explain the
nature and purpose of these contacts ( i.e., to provide services, to resolve problems, to negotiate).
Range 2
University personnel at all levels
Reason for Contact
• To plan and conduct internal audits and performance reviews to
assess any weaknesses in the internal control structure of a
given department
• To collect information for investigations
• To help develop solutions and better business processes to
minimize any potential losses to the university
• To collect information, report findings and transmit
Position Description - Campus Auditor – Line of Progression
Universities, governmental entities or
Reason for Contact
To obtain data and information for surveys, comparison studies
and reports
Range 3, all of the above and
Coordinate campus auditors
Reason for Contact
Give work direction
Range 4, all of the above and
Coordinate auditors
Reason for Contact
Conduct first level performance evaluations
NSHE internal auditors
Board of Regents Audit Committee
Attorney General’s Office
Federal and state auditors
Independent outside auditors
Page 6
Reason for Contact
To coordinate audit plans
To respond to questions regarding NSHE internal audit reports
To report irregularities and provide information
To provide support and represent the university
To provide assistance and coordinate work
6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it become
vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the qualifications of
the incumbent.
a. Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Range 2
Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited institution
Range 3
Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited institution with emphasis or major in accounting, tax,
finance, business administration, public administration or a related field
Range 4
Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited institution with emphasis or major in accounting, tax,
finance, business administration, public administration or a related field
b. Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required education
necessary for a person entering this position.
Range 2
Bachelor's Degree and two years or a Master's Degree and one year of experience with generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP), professional accounting and/or auditing experience working in
an accounting office, or in the auditing and analysis of financial data
Range 3
Bachelor's Degree and four years or a Master's Degree and two years of experience with generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP), professional accounting and/or auditing experience working in
an accounting office, or in the auditing and analysis of financial data
Position Description - Campus Auditor – Line of Progression
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Range 4
Bachelor's Degree and five years or a Master's Degree and three years of experience with generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP), professional accounting and/or auditing experience working in
an accounting office, or in the auditing and analysis of financial data
Preferred Licenses or Certifications:
Range 2: None
Range 3: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified
Internal Auditor (CIA), Chartered Accountant (CA) or other similar equivalent financial certification
c. Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.
Range 2: None
Range 3: None
Range 4: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified
Internal Auditor (CIA), Chartered Accountant (CA) or other similar equivalent financial certification