Director, Standardized Patient Education Program

Item 3.A-June 13, 2014
To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR Faculty HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): William Murphy-Sharp
Incumbent#(s): 11620
Current Title: Coordinator, Simulated Patient Education
Current Range: 3
Department: Office of Medical Education
College/Division: School of Medicine
Account #(s): 1108-119-2509
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
( ) New Position:
Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
(X) Title Change, Proposed Title: Director, Standardized Patient Education Program
(X) Proposed Reassignment from Range 3
to Range 4 (Remains R3; R4 disapproved)
( ) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
( ) Line of Progression (show titles below)
JCC (Current
or new HR
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Gwen Shonkwiler, Dir, Eval & Assess / Timothy Baker, Assoc Dean, OME
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Melissa Piasecki, Sr Assc Dean, Acad Affrs/Thomas Schwenk, VP, HS / Dean, UNSOM Date
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Stacy Burton, Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs
Action Approved by the Provost/President (Completed by Faculty HR):
Pos #(s): 11620
67561 Range:
Approved Title: Director, Standardized Patient Education Program
Employee signs on “final” stamped approved PDQ and sends to HR for personnel file.
Employee Signature:_______________________________________________ __________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________
Rev: 10/1/2012
Incumbent Description – Director, Simulated Patient Education
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the
university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division
which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is
used for advertisement of the position.)
The Director of Simulated Patient Education directs, manages, and promotes the use of simulated
and virtual patient education activities for the Office of Medical Education (OME) at the University of
Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM). The incumbent is responsible for recruitment, training,
scheduling, supervising and monitoring Standardized Patients (SPs) on the Reno campus and
collaborates with a counterpart at the Clinical Skills Center (CSC) in Las Vegas. The Director of
Standardized Patient Education reports directly to the Director of Evaluation and Assessment in OME.
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide
enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage
first with heading and then bulleted information).
35% - Assessment/Development
 Develop a qualified, vetted pool of at least 65 SPs available for use by UNSOM, Orvis School
of Nursing, School of Social Work, and other faculty and community organizations, when
 Access and employ a working database of virtual clinical cases, SPs, and clinical faculty
involved in the assessment of medical students
 Coordinate and manage bi-annual case writing meetings to revise existing materials used for
assessment and teaching
 Develop evaluation instruments for SP assessment activities, with special attention to validity
and reliability issues
 Produce training materials, activity protocols, training and feedback procedures and other
materials necessary for SP evaluations
 Participate in planning, organization, and implementation of clinical assessment activities
involving SPs for medical students in Years 1- 4
 Direct meetings for budget and operational development, evaluation, and planning of revised,
emergent and proposed SPE projects
 Supervise, evaluate, provide feedback, and coach SPs regarding job performance
 Compile statistical reports for evaluation of student assessment activities conducted using the
B-line Medical Clinical Skills software system
 Produce and supervise SP training videos for use in preparing SPs used in dual site high
stakes student assessment activities in Reno and Las Vegas
30% - Recruitment/Training
 Recruit, interview, hire SPs and community volunteers for assessment and teaching activities
with medical students for all four years of the UNSOM clinical skills curriculum
 Coordinate, train, and evaluate a pool of over 60 SPs and 40 community volunteers for
participation in formative and summative student assessment activities
 Conduct SP orientations on training policies, procedures, and protocols of the SP program
 Recruit, train, supervise, and evaluate SP personnel in a variety of roles (Teaching Associate,
Clinical Liaison, and Clinical Advisor)
 Monitor, coordinate, and support access to the B-line Medical Software Clinical Skills training
modules for personnel in the Reno Simulation Center
 Train SPs for and assist in coordination of hybrid (SP and simulator) simulation activities as
requested by the DHS Simulation Center staff members
Incumbent Description – Director, Simulated Patient Education
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Recruit SPs for and coordinate semiannual use of female pelvic simulator and male urinary
task trainer resources for students learning these complex, invasive clinical skills
Serve as a preceptor for fourth year medial students earning elective credit as SP clinical
advisors in the Teaching in Medicine (MED 610) elective course
35% - Administrative/Other
 Collaborate with SP education organizations such as the (International) Association of
Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE), (Regional) Northwest Consortium on Clinical
Assessment (NWCCA), and the (International) Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH)
 Serve as a conduit to the public and community about UNSOM SP education activities and
 Attend national meetings/forums related to performance Simulation assessment and education
 Conduct research on best practices for human patient simulated education
 Recruit, train, and supervise a full-time classified position as the primary administrative support
staff within the SPE program
 Operate and supervise use of B-Line Medical Clinical Skills software module. Initiate and
coordinate support service contacts for software and hardware assessments of the on-site
Clinical Skills module of this program. Manage and supervise use of 14 clinical examination
rooms including ten clinically hygienic rooms equipped with biohazard disposal, and
management and cost review of inventory, and Inter-professional supplies
 Propose and implement use of SPE related policies, procedures, and guidelines
 Provide bi-annual budget projections and monitoring for all Reno SPE program activities and
special project cost estimates
 Manage SPE grant related budgets and donor gift funds
 Support SPE activity planning with OSN, SW and UNSOM faculty, as needed, for Interprofessional SPE activities
 Coordinate clinical assessment activities using SPs as part of UNSOM student Remediation
and Re-entry Program in Reno to improve identified student clinical skills
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without
supervision and how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or
the university as a whole.
Level of Freedom:
The Director independently makes decisions about the program implementation and the budget
management. The Director is the spokesperson for the SPE program and represents program
interests campus-wide and at regional (Northwest Coalition of Clinical Assessment - NWCCA) and
national (Association of Standardized Patient Educators - ASPE and Society for simulation in
Healthcare - SSH) events. The Director represents UNSOM in the statewide community and makes
decisions regarding the SPE program and outreach to other programs without direct supervision. The
Director consults with the OME on program implementation changes and receives general guidance
but takes primary responsibility for decisions related directly to the SP program.
The incumbent provides clinical skill assessment and evaluation resources for UNSOM and other
DHS academic units. The SP experience enables realistic training and assessment of student skills to
better prepare them for preceptorships, clerkships, and the Step 2-Clinical Skills Licensing Exam.
The decisions of the incumbent and the ability to perform the described duties of this position have a
direct impact on the quality of education and assessment of clinical skills for students graduating from
the DHS academic programs, as well as their preparation for licensing exams. Recruitment, selection,
training, and evaluation of SPs require excellent judgment to ensure consistency in the quality of SP
Incumbent Description – Director, Simulated Patient Education
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training and management of experiences. Critical decisions and judgments are also made during case
writing/revision meetings to ensure the SP cases are clinically accurate in their portrayal of a disease
or illness and provide a standardized presentation so that all students will receive a comparable
clinical representation.
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and
innovation) essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Knowledge of:
 The use of standardized patients in medical teaching and assessment purposes
 Program design and development, implementation, and evaluation methodology
 Budget, estimating, planning, and administration
 Practices of recruitment, Human Resource management, employee supervision, retention,
discipline, evaluation, training, and quality assurance of SP portrayals
 Current medical education literature and practice involving standardize patient encounters
 Medical terminology, basic non-invasive diagnostic equipment (blood pressure cuff,
stethoscope and ophthalmoscope/otoscope), invasive exam equipment (vaginal speculums,
lighting kits, bio-hazard preparation and disposal equipment), and general understanding of
physical examination maneuvers
 Biohazard disposal protocols
 Knowledge of uses of human patient simulators, use and set-up maintenance of skills training
(male/female pelvic) simulators and possible applications
 Use of theatrical make-up and simulation moulage, and theatrical props
 Grant proposal writing for specific projects, budget development, and project evaluation
 Recruiting, training, and retaining a volunteer and paid workforce
 Proficiency in use of a personal computer and current software applications including but not
limited to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and email)
 Superior interpersonal skills for interacting with SPs, students, medical school’s health science
division faculty, and staff
 Demonstrated organizational and time management skills
 Excellent written and verbal communication skills including public speaking
 Demonstrated training and teaching proficiency
 Set-up and operation of sophisticated testing software (B-Line Medical) for clinical skills,
assessment and evaluation, video recording, document presentation, and statistical reporting
Ability to:
 Recruit, train, supervise and evaluate SPs
 Manage and supervise classified employees
 Motivate faculty to use instructional modalities
 Work independently as well as collaboratively within a team
 Coordinate and prioritize multiple tasks in meeting program goals
 Adapt to different work situations
 Manage a 14-room clinical exam facility, equipment, and personnel
 Represent UNSOM and DHS at regional and national meetings
 Maintain confidentiality of information
Incumbent Description – Director, Simulated Patient Education
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5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job.
Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve
problems, to negotiate.
Standardized Patients (SP)
Medical School
SOM, Nursing, Social Work
DHS, IT Staff
Medical Students
Orvis School of Nursing and
other faculty
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Integrity Casting Co
College & community theater
Call Boards, community clinics,
and service organizations
Northwest Coalition of Clinical
Assessment (NWCCA)
Association of Standardized
Patient Educators (ASPE)
Society for Simulation in
Healthcare (SSH)
B-line Medical Clinical Skills
software and hardware system
Reason for Contact
To interview, train and evaluate SPs as they portray accurate
representations of conditions and illnesses while interfacing and
providing feedback to medical students during clinical assessment
activities. The different SP roles (SPTA, Clinical Advisor, and
Clinical Liaison) are important in the education of medical students
in preparation for future practice and for national exams.
To work with clinical faculty in case writing and refinement of the
work performed by the SPs; motivating faculty to use the available
instructional modalities provided by the SPE program is critical to
enhancing the curriculum, as is proposing curricular-wide policies
for improved management of the this program
To coordinate and consult with DHS faculty for discipline specific
standardized patient assignments, activity structure, case
development, timing, and proctoring and B-line system training. IT
staff to coordinate maintenance and operation of the B-line system
and associated hardware.
To request feedback from the students regarding SPE
experiences as well as coordinating the clinical exams. Also work
with 4th year students acting as observers/graders of junior
students during course exams using SP encounters, and as a
preceptor with 4th year students learning how to training and work
with SPs
To plan and train Gynecological Teaching Associates to work with
medical and graduate nursing students in teaching them how to
conduct invasive exams
Reason for Contact
To recruit age specific LOA candidates (SPs)
To recruit targeted LOA candidates (SPs)
To recruit profile specific SPs, and teaching associate candidates
for specific and invasive curricular activities
To obtain and present SPE specific clinical case scenario
educational information
To obtain and present SPE specific case procedure, policy and
assessment information within the field
To present scholarly information and training methods; obtain and
present healthcare simulation specific information
To present and obtain student assessment documents in
conjunction with video recorded student clinical performance. To
monitor software and hardware upgrades, files and records
updates and re-installments, and for incidental and routine
equipment maintenance and repair.
Incumbent Description – Director, Simulated Patient Education
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6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this incumbent should it
become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the incumbent rather than
the qualifications of the incumbent.
a. Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution in an educational or clinical field
b. Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this incumbent.
Bachelor’s Degree and four years, or Master’s Degree and two years, of experience in an
education/training and/or clinical/health care environment to include two years of
experience using a clinical skills management software and hardware system (i.e., B-line,
Web SP, etc.) and experience with video recording procedures for educational purposes.
Preferred Licenses or Certifications:
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Certificate (CITI)
c. Indicate any license or certificate required for this incumbent