Associate Director, Academics and Education

(to be completed by HR)
Effective: 6/1/2015
Associate Director, Academics and Education
Essential Function: Sedentary Work
Description: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time, but may involve walking or standing for brief
periods of time.
Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position, the role in the
university, and the supervisor’s title.* (This section is used for advertisement of the
The Associate Director, Academics and Education leads the academic and community
education efforts of the Sanford Center for Aging (SCA) and collaborates with the
Interdisciplinary Sanford Center Geriatric Clinic to develop educational opportunities. The
individual is responsible for creating an inspiring vision for undergraduate, graduate, and
professional levels of gerontological education at the University of Nevada Reno; motivating and
inspiring staff to reach that vision; managing the delivery of the vision; and providing coaching
and development of staff, members of the Interdisciplinary Gerontology Courses and Curriculum
Committee (IGCC), Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) constituents and community
stakeholders. The position teaches and develops gerontological curriculum for undergraduate,
graduate, and professional levels. The position reports to the Director of SCA, and collaborates
with the Associate Director of Community and Social Services along with faculty and chairs from
diverse academic units across campus.
* Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division.
List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each.
Provide enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job
(percentage first with heading and then bulleted information). If line of progression,
define for each range as above.
40% - GAP Administration
 Develop an ongoing plan for a collaborative vision for expanding gerontological
education at the University
 Coordinate team of Gerontology Academic Program (GAP) faculty to deliver
gerontological academic, professional, and community education
 Assure the ongoing status of Program of Merit (POM) as designated by the Association
of Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) for the gerontology minor and certificate
 Oversee the scheduling and development of gerontology course offerings to ensure
timely completion of gerontology minor and certificate
 Supervise GAP staff and provide oversight of GAP funds
Associate Director, Academics and Education
Supervise staff and provide oversight of multiple source funded Chronic Disease Selfmanagement Education programs (CDSME)
Lead in writing proposals for current and future funding of existing and new programs
Collaborate with faculty across campus to infuse gerontological material into relevant
course offerings in diverse academic units
Serve as Chair of the Interdisciplinary Gerontology Courses and Curriculum Committee
and is a member of IGCC sub-committees.
Develop and negotiate memorandums of understanding with community based
organizations for student field placements and service learning experiences
20% - Program Outreach
 Serve on appropriate university committees to bring visibility to gerontology education
opportunities across the university
 Is a member and Institutional Representative of the Association for Gerontology in
Higher Education (AGHE); a member of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA;)
and serves on professional committees (e.g., chairing the Program of Merit Committee)
 Participate in the planning and hosting of the annual Celebration of Scholars in Aging
event, gerontological or geriatric colloquia, and other outreach efforts with the SCA
20% - Teaching
 Teach at least one gerontological course per semester
 Develop gerontology courses as needed
 Maintain graduate faculty status and serve on master and doctorial committees
 Oversee academic advisement for GAP
 Serve as the Chapter representative for the National Gerontology Academic Honor and
Professional Society of Sigma Phi Omega Beta Phi – University of Nevada Reno
20% - Scholarship and Creative
 Present papers, posters and / or workshops on campus, at state, regional, and national
conferences, or for community members
 Maintain an active research agenda related to his/her substantive area of focus
 Submit articles for publication
Describe the types of decisions the position(s) makes independently as part of the core
responsibilities. Provide examples. If a line of progression, describe the decisions made
at the highest level.
The Associate Director is given authority to make independent decisions and judgments in
completing the daily job responsibilities of the position, such as assigning and evaluating the
work of direct reports, coaching and problem solving issues that may arise within the normal
implementation of GAP related responsibilities; advising students and providing guidance on
issues related to their completion of their gerontology coursework and student conduct;
establishing the schedule and course offerings of approved gerontological courses existing
within the GAP; ensuring students’ timely completion of the gerontology minor and certificate;
establishing topic content, agendas, and meeting schedules for the IGCC and sub-committees;
developing outreach strategies and marketing venues for the ongoing development and growth
of the GAP; negotiating and scheduling CDSME workshops and trainings; and establishing a
research agenda. This position also engages in independent strategic planning and visioning for
the Center’s academic and educational offerings, often in collaboration with the SCA Director.
Associate Director, Academics and Education
Describe the types of problems, issues, action, communications this position
typically takes to the supervisor for resolution and/or consultation. Provide examples. If
a line of progression, describe the supervisory consultation at the highest level.
The Associate Director consults with the SCA Director on the overall goals of the GAP as they
relate to the vision and mission of the SCA and its constituents; for approval to resolve problems
which are outside of established policies; for annual budget approval; and for collaborative
development of new grant proposals.
Select the applicable competencies required to successfully perform the job. The
selected competencies will be evaluated within the Administrative Faculty evaluation as
Competencies for Success.
Analytical Thinking
Diversity and Inclusion
Financial Responsibilities
Human Resource Responsibilities
Program/Project/Functional Knowledge
Resource Responsibilities
Serving Constituents
Other (specify)
Minimum requirements of the position. Minimum requirements should be
consistent with the Job Evaluation Model. If Line of Progression, minimum
requirements must be defined for each range.
Doctoral Degree in gerontology or
One year of related professional work
a related field from a regionally
accredited institution
Relevant Experience: Working in a higher education academic and/or
interdisciplinary program that focuses on aging/gerontology
Certification and Licensure: None
Schedule or Travel Requirements: As needed
Associate Director, Academics and Education
Optional Addendum: Describe the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successful
performance of this job (in bullet format).
Knowledge of:
 Gerontology, for teaching as well as provision and promotion of community-based
 Training in gerontology to administer an academic interdisciplinary program in aging
 Academic counseling and college student development
 PeopleSoft software
 A body of professional knowledge in the field of gerontology
 Program development and management
 Grant proposal and budget development, as well as grant writing to procure grants and
contracts from local, state, federal, and other resources for funding programs and
 Community relations development and engagement
 State and federally funded grants administration
 Budget development and planning, financial analysis and fiscal management plans
 State and Federal laws and regulations relating to position, e.g., Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
 Professional ethics and standards for academics such as those embodied by the
American Psychological Society (APA) and the Association of Gerontology in Higher
Education (AGHE)
 Supervisory skills, including an ability to teach and mentor staff, university level students,
and community members
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills, using American Psychological
Association (APA) and Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines
 Proficiency in use of a personal computer and current software applications including but
not limited to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and email)
Ability to:
 Understand and interpret contractual language regarding scope of work and formalized
policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations
 Ensure production of timely reports, accurate analyses, and the attainment of grant
 Work with diverse populations and be sensitive to age, gender, disabilities, and cultural
and ethnic diversity issues
 Be committed to the educational, research, outreach and service mission of SCA and
the University