Assistant to the Vice President, Administration and Finance

Item 9.G- October 11, 2013
To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR Faculty HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): Vacant
Position #(s): 10801
Current Title: Assistant to the Vice President, Administration
Current Range: 2
and Finance ((JCC:73615)
Department: Administration and Finance
College/Division: Office of President
Account #(s): 1101-104-0001
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
( ) New position: Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
( ) Title Change, Proposed Title:
( ) Proposed Reassignment from Range
to Range
(X) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
( ) Line of Progression (show titles below)
JCC (Current
or new HR
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Ron Zurek
Vice President, Administration and Finance
Action Approved by the Provost/President (Completed by Faculty HR):
73615 Range:
Pos #(s): 10801
Eff: 10/1/2013
Approved Title: Assistant to the Vice President, Administration and Finance
Employee signs on “final” stamped approved PDQ and sends to HR for personnel file.
Employee Signature:_______________________________________________ __________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________
Rev: 10/1/2012
Position Description – Assistant to the Vice President, Administration and Finance
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the
university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division
which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is
used for advertisement of the position.)
The Assistant to the Vice President of Administration and Finance (VPAF) confers with the VP on a
regular basis concerning plans, events, issues, deadlines, personnel, and other matters that affect the
division. This person serves as a liaison between the VPAF and division staff, university
administrators and faculty, members of campus and community committees, Nevada System of
Higher Education (NSHE) staff, and members of the larger community. The incumbent provides
executive level support to the VPAF by acting on his/her behalf in negotiating and resolving many of
the disputes concerning sensitive issues and arbitrating conflicts that come to the attention of the
division office. This individual analyzes and interprets policy/procedures in responding to any
questions or concerns and in resolving sensitive issues/situations. The position coordinates the daily
functions of the Division and office staff and any meetings or events in which the division is involved.
The incumbent is required to perform special assignments and projects in order to assist the VPAF in
meeting the division’s goals. This person makes independent judgments on priorities in scheduling for
the VP and in relation to work assignments that deal with sensitive and confidential information.
This position also functions as the human resources manager for the VPAF division coordinating the
personnel function to include overseeing all searches, organizing the annual evaluation process, and
serving as the liaison between the division and the Human Resources and Budget departments.
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide
enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage
first with heading and then bulleted information).
40% - Division Administration
 Confer with the Vice President concerning plans, issues, events for the division, making
recommendations and taking appropriate action
 Oversee management of the VP calendar, screening meeting requests, and the scheduling
and coordinating of meetings so that their time is used efficiently
 Interpret, monitor, and analyze information regarding operating policies and procedures, often
developing or recommending changes in policies or methods in response to changing
 Calculate salaries for all administrative faculty in the Division including merit increases,
stipends, salary adjustments and cost-of living increases
 Work closely with Human Resources, BCN Personnel, and Planning, Budget and Analysis to
ensure that processes are completed accurately and in compliance with established
procedures and regulations
30% - Research Personnel and Other Issues
 Analyze and resolve issues brought to the attention of this office by the President’s Office,
other Vice Presidents, campus-at-large, and the community and provide guidance and
 Prepare and provide support and reference materials for the VP and perform research on
issues as needed; keep informed of all issues related to the Division and University and
communicate these findings to the VP
 Draft responses to issues and complaints sent to the President and Vice President
 Contact individuals, review policies, compile information, summarize the data, present pros
and cons of the situation, and recommend a course of action
Position Description – Assistant to the Vice President, Administration and Finance
Page 3
15% - Vice President’s Office Liaison
 Coordinate the activities of three assistant vice presidents (AVPs) and four directors reporting
directly to the Vice President to help them accomplish their objectives and meet the Division’s
 Act as liaison for AVPs and directors in reporting the status of pending projects to the Vice
 Act as liaison for the University in investigating, reviewing and evaluating all employee
suggestions submitted to the State Merit Award Board as they pertain to the university;
Investigate, review, evaluate and recommend to the Merit Award Board whether or not the
proposed suggestion should be adopted or rejected; if rejected, explain why
15% - Office Management/Supervision
 Oversee personnel and business aspects of the office of the Vice President
 Monitor and provide direction in the development of the Departmental biennial budget
 Oversee recruitment searches in Division at Assistant Vice President and Director levels,
actively participate in interviewing the prospective candidates, and monitor the Division’s
recruitment account
 Initiate and handle recruitments for vacant classified staff positions and assist with training for
new employees
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without
supervision and how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or
the university as a whole.
Level of Freedom:
Administration and Finance Division is a complex administrative unit which requires this position to
represent the Vice President among multiple administrative activities. Many of the situations that
come to this office are institutional issues that involve the outside community and impact the institution
as a whole, not just one segment of it.
Due to the critical and sensitive issues referred to this office, an error in judgment or a decision by the
incumbent can have serious consequence for the Division and University because contacts at this
level are system-wide and external with the incumbent frequently acting on behalf of the Vice
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and
innovation) essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Knowledge of:
 Higher education regulations, policies and procedures
 The university and NSHE organization, resources, policies and procedures
 The principles and practices of human resource supervision and management
 Current technology and effective management practices related to the same
 University budgetary and accounting procedures
 Accounting and/or budgeting and fiscal management to include accounting and/or finance
practices and procedures - financial statements, tracking revenue and expenditures,
relationships between revenues, expenses, cost allocations, and reporting and evaluation
Position Description – Assistant to the Vice President, Administration and Finance
Page 4
 Excellent interpersonal and human relations in monitoring phone calls, assisting visitors, and
screening emails
 Excellent oral and written communication including ability to make oral group presentations to
provide information, explain procedures and policies
 Confidentiality, diplomacy, sound judgment, and tactfulness
 Proficiency in use of a personal computer and current software applications including but not
limited to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and email)
 Skill in using technology to obtain and provide information and accomplish tasks
 Human resources supervision/management
 Organizational and time management
 Effective problem solving, decision-making, and analytical skills and encouraging collaboration
and coordination with other staff
Ability to:
 Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
 Work and interact with diverse populations of students, parents, faculty and staff in a positive
and productive manner
 Diffuse sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable situations with customers in a tactful and
diplomatic manner
 Interact with others to influence their thinking in gaining acceptance in resolving difficult
 Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with supervisor, staff, and other
campus personnel
 Assist staff with coordination of work efforts
 Educate and train employees on processes and procedures
 Manage, prioritize, and complete multiple projects/tasks in an efficient and timely manner while
maintaining focus on organizational goals
 Understand and interpret formalized policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations
 Research issues, provide solutions, and make appropriate decisions and bring concerns to
 Make decisions independently and exercise judgment in solving problems and in resolving
difficult issues that often do not fall within established precedents
 Maintain professional business and work ethics and standards
 Work independently and as a collaborative team member
 Apply judgment and initiative in performing duties and use discretion
 Travel as needed
5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job.
Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve
problems, to negotiate.
President’s office
Vice Presidents
Assistant Vice Presidents
Directors, Deans, Department
Chairs, Staff, students
Reason for Contact
The frequency and purpose of contact varies immensely from
acting as liaison between the contact person and the vice
president, to analyzing and resolving problems, negotiating
sensitive situations, acting as a mediator to explain and interpret
policies on behalf of the vice president.
Position Description – Assistant to the Vice President, Administration and Finance
Board of Regents
Chancellor and NSHE staff
University Presidents
University Donors
General public
Attorneys, media/newspapers
Page 5
Reason for Contact
Research issues and provide data.
Research issues, provide data and respond to requests.
Research issues, provide services and resolve some issues
brought to the VPAF office.
Respond to requests and provide data.
Provide services and respond to requests.
Act as liaison between the contact person and the vice president
in responding to requests, providing services or interpreting and
explaining policies on behalf of the vice president/university
Research issues and provide data.
6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it
become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the
qualifications of the incumbent.
Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution
Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this position.
Bachelor’s Degree and two years of experience in management of an administrative
Preferred Licenses or Certifications: None
Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.