Utah Valley University EAC (Enterprise Applications Committee) 1. Banner 8 Outage:

Utah Valley University
EAC (Enterprise Applications Committee)
Meeting Notes – February 4, 2009
1. Banner 8 Outage:
2. Banner Priorities:
3. Reporting and Dashboard:
4. Project Updates:
This migration is significant. All the data is taken out and converted and
put back in. It is very time consuming. They will be doing time entry
for payroll on February 17 and 18. If there are any concerns, please let
Ray know.
There are some consulting hours still available for use. Please let Ray
know if you need help with anything so it can be put on the priority list.
We have had a consultant on campus to discuss the framework. The
most important part is the dashboard design. They will give us a style
sheet using our logos, colors, etc. The user will be able to click on a
topic and drill down to the information and get it into a report. This will
be an internal dashboard. We are soliciting input from your areas on
desired dashboards.
―Digital signage―is up and running in a limited sense. Content can be
submitted. We are rewriting the interface for announcements so you will
be able to submit a poster along with the announcement.
―Text messaging system―is up and running. Users can subscribe (it is
an opt in system) to one of three levels of messaging, Emergency
Messages, Administrative Announcements, Student Government
―RFP―is going out for the imaging of the old records.
―E-Portfolio system for faculty
―DegreeWorks―we had a good call with them yesterday; we may be
able to go live within a month.
―TouchNet―the cashiering piece has been installed and testing should
be done next week. For the MarketPlace piece, we are in the process of
identifying two or three departments to test with.
―FSA Atlas―going live this week.
―R25―Laura is now the system administrator. She is going to do a full
re-install and go from there.
―Imaging systems are going well.
―SRI’s―an FYI document was published to help with various systems
―Retention―the system is doing well and will help faculty identify
early those students who are struggling.
―Video conferencing is available―audio bridge and equipment is
available through UEN; a future project is to make it available through
―Faculty workload―Laura is working on mock ups of screens.
―Comet―will know where we stand next week.
―OIT web page―has a projects list; a calendar for changes and outages.
―SAS―have purchased this statistical package; it is being installed now
and will be available through the network for ten people to concurrently