Pertemuan 13 - 14 CLOSED CONDUIT FLOW 1 Reynolds Experiment • Reynolds Number • • Laminar flow: Fluid moves in smooth streamlines Turbulent flow: Violent mixing, fluid velocity at a point varies randomly with time Transition to turbulence in a 2 in. pipe is at V=2 ft/s, so most pipe flows are turbulent • Laminar Bina Nusantara Turbulent 2000 Laminar flow hf V 4000 Turbulent f low hf V 2 VD Re 2000 4000 Transition flow Shear Stress in Pipes • Steady, uniform flow in a pipe: momentum flux is zero and pressure distribution across pipe is hydrostatic, equilibrium exists between pressure, gravity and shear forces dp s ) A W sin 0 (D ) s ds dp dz sA As 0 (D ) s ds ds D d p [ ( z )] 4 ds D dh 4 ds 4 L 0 hf D Fs 0 pA ( p 0 0 0 h1 h2 • • Bina Nusantara Since h is constant across the cross-section of the pipe (hydrostatic), and –dh/ds>0, then the shear stress will be zero at the center (r = 0) and increase linearly to a maximum at the wall. Head loss is due to the shear stress. • • Applicable to either laminar or turbulent flow Now we need a relationship for the shear stress in terms of the Re and pipe roughness Darcy-Weisbach Equation 0 V D e ML-1T-2 ML-3 LT-1 ML-1T-1 L L 0 F ( , V , , D, e) 4 F ( 1 , 2 ) Repeating variables : , V , D hf 4L 4L D 0 V 2 F (Re, 0 e 1 Re; 2 ; 3 D V 2 0 e F (Re, ) 2 D V e 0 V F (Re, ) D hf f 2 D L V2 D 2g e 8 F (Re, D ) L V2 D 2g Darcy-Weisbach Eq. Bina Nusantara e ) D f 8 F (Re, e ) D Friction factor Laminar Flow in Pipes • Laminar flow -- Newton’s law of viscosity is valid: dV r dh dy 2 ds dV dr r dh 2 ds r dh dr 2 ds dV dy dV dr dV V r 2 dh C 4 ds r r 2 dh 1 V 0 r 4 ds 0 r 2 dh C 0 4 ds 2 • r 2 V Vmax 1 r0 Bina Nusantara Velocity distribution in a pipe (laminar flow) is parabolic with maximum at center. Discharge in Laminar Flow dh 2 2 ( r0 r ) 4 ds dh 2 2 Q VdA 0r0 ( r0 r )( 2rdr ) 4 ds V dh ( r 2 r02 ) 2 4 ds 2 Q r04 dh 8 ds D 4 dh 128 ds V Q A V Bina Nusantara D 2 dh 32 ds r0 0 Head Loss in Laminar Flow V D 2 dh 32 ds 32 dh V ds D 2 32 dh V ds D 2 32 h2 h1 V ( s2 s1 ) D 2 h1 h2 h f hf Bina Nusantara 32 LV D 2 hf 32 LV D 2 32 LV V 2 / 2 D 2 V 2 / 2 L 64( )( ) V 2 / 2 V D D 64 L ( ) V 2 / 2 Re D hf f L V 2 D 2 f 64 Re Nikuradse’s Experiments • In general, friction factor e ) Function of ReD and roughness f F (Re, – • Laminar region f • – Independent 64 of roughness – Smooth pipe curve k Re 1/ 4 Rough Blausius f Turbulent region Re • – All curves coincide @ ~Re=2300 Rough pipe zone • f 64 Re All rough pipe curves flatten out and become independent of Re Smooth Blausius OK for smooth pipe f 0.25 5.74 e log 10 3.7 D Re 0.9 2 Laminar Bina Nusantara Transition Turbulent Moody Diagram Bina Nusantara Pipe Entrance • Developing flow – – • Includes boundary layer and core, viscous effects grow inward from the wall Fully developed flow – Shape of velocity profile is same at all points along pipe 0.06 Re Le 1/6 D 4.4Re Laminar flow Turbulent flow Pressure Fully developed flow region Entrance length Le Entrance pressure drop Region of linear pressure drop Le Bina Nusantara x Entrance Loss in a Pipe • In addition to frictional losses, there are minor losses due to – – – – • • • Losses generally determined by experiment and then corellated with pipe flow characteristics Loss coefficients are generally given as the ratio of head loss to velocity head Abrupt inlet, K ~ 0.5 K – loss coefficent – – – Bina Nusantara Entrances or exits Expansions or contractions Bends, elbows, tees, and other fittings Valves K ~ 0.1 for well-rounded inlet (high Re) K ~ 1.0 abrupt hL pipe outlet abrupt or hL KK ~ 0.5 2 pipe inlet V 2g V2 K 2g Elbow Loss in a Pipe • • A piping system may have many minor losses which are all correlated to V2/2g Sum them up to a total system loss for pipes of the same diameter • Where, hL h f hm m V2 L f Km 2g D m hL Total head loss h f Frictional head loss hm Minor head loss for fitting m K m Minor head loss coefficien t for fitting m Bina Nusantara EGL & HGL for Losses in a Pipe • • • Bina Nusantara Entrances, bends, and other flow transitions cause the EGL to drop an amount equal to the head loss produced by the transition. EGL is steeper at entrance than it is downstream of there where the slope is equal the frictional head loss in the pipe. The HGL also drops sharply downstream of an entrance Ex(10.2) Given: Liquid in pipe has = 8 kN/m3. Acceleration = 0. D = 1 cm, = 3x10-3 N-m/s2. Find: Is fluid stationary, moving up, or moving down? What is the mean velocity? Solution: Energy eq. from z = 0 to z = 10 m 2 V12 p1 V22 p2 1 z1 hL 2 z2 2g 2g 200,000 110,000 hL 10 8000 8000 90 hL 10 8 hL 1.25 m (moving upward) hL 32 μLV γD 2 γD 2 V hL 32 μL V 1.25 8000*( 0.01 )2 32*3x10 -3*10 V 1.04 m / s Bina Nusantara 1 Ex (10.4) • • • Given: Oil (S = 0.97, m = 10-2 lbf-s/ft2) in 2 in pipe, Q = 0.25 cfs. Find: Pressure drop per 100 ft of horizontal pipe. Solution: Q 0.25 11.46 ft / s A ( 2 / 12) 2 / 4 VD 0.97 * 1 / 94 * 11.46 * ( 2 / 12) Re 360 (laminar) 10 2 32 μLV 32*10-2*100*11.46 Δp 91.7 psi/100 ft D2 ( 2 / 12 )2 V Bina Nusantara Ex. (10.8) Given: Kerosene (S=0.94, =0.048 N-s/m2). Horizontal 5-cm pipe. Q=2x10-3 m3/s. Find: Pressure drop per 10 m of pipe. Solution: V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 hL α2 2 2 z 2 2g γ 2g γ 32 μLV hL γD 2 0 0 0.5 32 μLV V22 α2 00 2g γD 2 α2 2 32 μL V2 V 0.5 0 2g γD 2 2 2 32 * 4 * 10 5 * 10 V2 V 0.5 0 2g 0.8 * 62.4 * (1 / 32) 2 V22 8.45V 16.1 0 V 1.60 ft / s 0.8 * 1.94 * 1.6 * (0.25 / 12) Re 1293 (laminar) 4 * 10 5 Q V * A 1.6 * * (0.25/12) 2 / 4 1.23 * 10 3 cfs Bina Nusantara Ex. (10.34) Given: Glycerin@ 20oC flows commercial steel pipe. Find: h 2 Solution: 12,300 N / m, 0.62 Ns / m V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 hL α2 2 2 z 2 2g γ 2g γ p1 p z1 hL 2 z 2 γ γ p p h 1 z1 ( 2 z 2 ) hL γ γ VD VD 0.6 * 0.02 Re 23.5 (laminar) 5.1 * 10 4 32 μLV 32( 0.62)(1)( 0.6) h h L 2.42 m 2 γD 12,300 * (0.02) 2 Bina Nusantara Ex. (10.43) Given: Figure Find: Estimate the elevation required in the upper reservoir to produce a water discharge of 10 cfs in the system. What is the minimum pressure in the pipeline and what is the pressure there? Solution: V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 hL α2 2 2 z 2 2g γ 2g γ 0 0 z1 hL 0 0 z 2 L V 2 hL K e 2 K b K E f D 2g K e 0.5; K b 0.4 (assumed) ; K E 1.0; f V V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 hL αb b b zb 2g γ 2g γ L 430 0.025 * 10.75 D 1 Q 10 12.73 ft / s A / 4 * 12 12.732 z1 100 0.5 2 * 0.4 1.0 10.75 133 ft 2 * 32.2 V2 p 0 0 z1 hL 1 * b b zb 2g γ pb V2 L V 2 z1 zb b K e K b f γ 2g D 2g 300 12.732 133 110.7 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.025 1 2 * 32.2 1.35 ft pb 62.4 * ( 1.53) 0.59 psig Re Bina Nusantara VD 12.73 * 1 1.14 * 10 5 9 * 105 Ex. (10.68) Given: Commercial steel pipe to carry 300 cfs of water at 60oF with a head loss of 1 ft per 1000 ft of pipe. Assume pipe sizes are available in even sizes when the diameters are expressed in inches (i.e., 10 in, 12 in, etc.). Find: Diameter. Solution: 1.22 x10 5 ft 2 / s; k s 1.5x10 4 ft Assume f = 0.015 Relative roughness: Get better estimate of f Re L V2 hf f D 2g 1 0.015 * 1 5 VD Q 1000 (Q /( / 4) D ) D 2g 33,984 k s 1.5x104 0.00002 D 8.06 2 2 ( / 4) D 2 D Re D D 8.06 ft Q ( / 4) D 300 ( / 4)(8.06)1.22 x10 f=0.010 1 22,656 D5 D 7.43 ft 89 in. Use a 90 in pipe Bina Nusantara 5 3.9 x106 Ex. (10.81) Given: The pressure at a water main is 300 kPa gage. What size pipe is needed to carry water from the main at a rate of 0.025 m3/s to a factory that is 140 m from the main? Assume galvanized-steel pipe is to be used and that the pressure required at the factory is 60 kPa gage at a point 10 m above the main connection. Find: Size of pipe. Solution: hf f L V2 L (Q /( / 4) D 2 ) 2 f D 2g D 2g Assume f = 0.020 1/ 5 fL Q 2 D 8 h f 2g 1/ 5 0.02 140 (0.025) 2 8 2 14.45 9 . 81 0.100 m Relative roughness: k s 0.15 0.0015 D 100 Friction factor: f 0.022 1/ 5 fL Q 2 D 8 h f 2g V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 hL α2 2 2 z 2 2g γ 2g γ 300,000 60,000 hf 10 9810 9810 h f 14.45 m Bina Nusantara 1/ 5 0.022 D 0.100 0.020 Use 12 cm pipe 0.102 m Ex. (10.83) Given: The 10-cm galvanized-steel pipe is 1000 m long and discharges water into the atmosphere. The pipeline has an open globe valve and 4 threaded elbows; h1=3 m and h2 = 15 m. Find: What is the discharge, and what is the pressure at A, the midpoint of the line? Solution: V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 hL α2 2 2 z 2 2g γ 2g γ 0 0 12 (1 K e K v 4 K b f L V2 ) 00 D 2g V2 p V2 p α A A A z A hL α2 2 2 z 2 2g γ 2g γ D = 10-cm and assume f = 0.025 24 g (1 0.5 10 4 * 0.9 0.025 1000 2 )V 0.1 24 g V2 265.1 V 0.942 m / s pA L V2 15 ( 2 K b f ) γ D 2g pA 500 (0.942) 2 ( 2 * 0.9 0.025 ) 15 9.6 m γ 0.1 2g p A 9810 * ( 9.26) 90.8 kPa Q VA 0.942( / 4)( 0.10) 2 0.0074 m 3 / s Re VD 0.942 * 0.1 1.31x10 So f = 0.025 Bina Nusantara 6 7 x10 4 Near cavitation pressure, not good! Ex. (10.95) Given: If the deluge through the system shown is 2 cfs, what horsepower is the pump supplying to the water? The 4 bends have a radius of 12 in and the 6-in pipe is smooth. Find: Horsepower Solution: V2 p V2 p α1 1 1 z1 h p α2 2 2 z 2 hL 2g γ 2g γ 0 0 30 h p 0 60 V V22 L (1 0.5 4 K b f ) 2g D Q 2 10.18 ft / s A ( / 4)(1 / 2) 2 So f = 0.0135 h p 60 30 1.611(1 0.5 4 * 0.19 0.0135 V22 1.611 ft 2g Re Bina Nusantara VD 10.18 * (1 / 2) 1.22 x10 5 4.17 x10 5 107.6 ft Qh p p 24.4 hp 550 1700 ) (1 / 2)