IN STATE IN STATE/W REGISTRATION OUT OF STATE OUT OF STATE/W REGISTRATION FOREIGN 1 TE# 1__TE501153 2 For Controller’s Office use only University of Nevada, Reno Employee's Travel Request Date: 3 TRAVEL REQUEST MUST BE IN THE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO TRAVEL. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: This request must be completed prior to registration and/or reservations being made. Reimbursement for traveling expenses may not be secured without the authorizations listed on this form. All copies of this form should be forwarded by the department, through the proper dean, director or administrative office for approval. Employee ID No. Name Department Departure Date Destination 4 5 7 Return Date 8 9 Title 6 requests permission for travel, as follows: 10 Mode of Travel 11 PURPOSE OF TRIP: If a conference or meeting is involved, give name of organization, location and time of meeting, etc.) 12 Please attach registration form. 14 13 REGISTRATION FEE: Please issue a check payable to: Disposition of check: Cashier's Office Mail Paid for with University Purchasing Card 15 REQUEST FOR PRIOR APPROVAL OF LODGING EXPENSE IN EXCESS OF THE OUT-OF-STATE PER DIEM RATE I will be staying at 16 17 At the rate of $ per night, plus tax Justification for lodging rate: 18 Approved 19 Not Approved ACCOUNT(S) CHARGED FUND 20 Transportation AGCY 20 ORGN 20 OBJ 21 SOBJ DESCRIPTION 21 22 AMOUNT 23 Per/Diem/Lodging Registration Estimated Total Cost 0.00 30 26 Estimated Total Cost 0.00 A Cash Travel Advance is issued on an exception basis only. If a travel advance is required, justification must be provided in the space below. The estimated cost for out-of-pocket expenses (per diem & lodging only) for the travel and is to be in excess of $50.00. 24 Advance Amount Requested 25 Justification: Approved 26 Not Approved The amount of travel advance will be encumbered on the account(s) designated unless/except travel expenses are paid by other sources. I understand that I must submit a travel claim within ten (10) days after completion of the trip with remittance of any balance due the university. If no travel claim is submitted, I will be liable for the full amount of any travel advance I received, plus any subsequent collection costs, through payroll deductions. I further understand that no aspect of personal travel may be billed to or reimbursed by the university. 27 Traveler Signature Approved 29 Additional Signature if Required 28 Approved Head of Department Approved 30 Dean or Vice President DISTRIBUTION: Original to Controller's Mail Stop 124 1 Employee Travel Request Instructions An Employee’s Travel Request form is initiated when an employee is traveling out-of-state for a period exceeding 24 hours and/or if the employee is requesting a travel advance. The travel request is posted to the system with a “TE” transaction code. 1. Type of Travel: Check appropriate box. 2. Document Number: Please utilize a new form from the forms web site when ever you need to submit a travel request. They are automatically numbered and will ensure there are no duplications. When using a new form, the referenced number will become the transaction ID when posted to the financial system. 3. Date: Date of preparation. 4. Employee ID No.: Enter employee’s 9 digit ID number. (Example 000119766) 5. Name: Enter complete name of employee (i.e. Jane Doe not J. Doe) 6. Title: Enter employee’s job title. 7. Department: Department name 8. Departure Date: Date employee enters travel status. 9. Return Date: Date employee returns from trip. 10. Mode of Travel: List primary method of travel (private car, airline, train). 11. Destination: List city and state destination. If more than one, list all (i.e. New Orleans, LA and New York, NY) 12. Purpose of Trip: List the purpose(s) of travel (i.e. NACUBO Conference, Steering Committee Meetings) If a conference, seminar, workshop, meeting is/are involved, give name of organization, location and time of meeting, etc. (i.e. NACUBO Conference, New Orleans Hyatt Regency, 11/02 8:00 AM – 11/05/2002 5:30PM and WACUBO Steering Committee Meeting, Astoria Hotel, 11/06 12:00 PM – 11/08/2002 6:00PM). 13. Registration Fee (if needed please fill out 13, 14 and 15): Enter dollar amount of registration. 14. Please issue a check payable to: List name of organization registration is for (i.e. NACUBO Western Regional). The completed registration form and schedule of the conference must be attached to the “Employee’s Travel Request”. If not paying with a university purchasing card, a check needs to be issued. In addition to the completed registration form and schedule, the name and tax ID of the organization must exist in the vendor database in the financial system. If it does not, the federal form W-9 or W-8 must be completed, signed by a representative of the organization and sent with the “Employee’s Travel Request” form. 15. Disposition of Check: Check applicable box. Cashier’s Office – Department would pick up, mail or take check to conference. Mail – Mailed U.S. Mail with attachments same day as check is issued. Paid for with University Purchasing Card – A copy of the conference schedule and completed registration form must be attached to the Employee’s Travel Request and to the purchasing card’s “Statement of Account”. Request for prior approval of lodging expense in excess of the out-of-state per diem rate – If the hotel/motel the traveler is staying at exceeds the current lodging rate and there is justification as to why paying a higher rate would be of benefit to the university, items 16 through 18 are to be completed. Approved request must be received in the Controller’s Office prior to the departure date of the trip and limits are set on the maximum amount of lodging that can be approved. 16. Enter name and location of the hotel the employee is requesting. 17. Enter the hotel rate requested (does not have to include tax). When approved, the amount entered is the maximum amount (plus applicable taxes if not originally included) allowed subject to the GSA lodging per diem limits. 18. Enter justification: For lodging/hotel rate. 2 19. Approved/Not Approved: Allows the Dean/Vice President/President the ability to disallow the excess lodging rate and still allow/approve the request to travel. If left blank, the travel department assumes the excess lodging rate is approved. 20. Fund/Agcy/Orgn: Enter Account number(s) being charged for the trip. 21. Object Code/Sub-Object Code: Appropriate expense code for type of activity. Separate out the conference seminar registration fees. Most frequent object/sub-object codes used are: In-State Travel 20-01, Out-of-State Travel 20-02, Foreign Travel 20-03, and Conference/Workshop fees 30-26. 22. Description: Optional department information – appears on the balance and activity report in the description column. Used sometimes as a second reference. 23. Amount: Enter line amount(s) for each account to be charged. Total of accounting line(s) must agree with # 30, Estimated Total Cost. If registration fees are to be paid with a check, reimbursed (on travel claim), or paid with a purchasing card, separate out the cost of registration. 24. Advance Amount Requested: If requesting a travel advance, state the amount here. Request an advance: If the traveler does not have a corporate Travel Card and is requesting a cash advance; enter the amount. Cannot exceed the amount of allowable per diem/lodging for the trip. If a cash advance is requested, the approved request has to be received a minimum of 10 days prior to the departure date of the trip. The advance is issued approximately 5 days before the departure date of the travel. All advances are routed to the Cashier’s Office for department/employee pickup. 25. Justification: A written justification must explain why a travel advance is being requested. 26. Justification Approved: Allows the Dean/Vice President/President the ability to disallow the travel advance and still allow/approve the request to travel. If nothing is checked the travel department assumes the requested travel is approved. 27. Traveler: Signature of employee requesting to travel. 28. Head of Department: Signature of the department head approving the employees travel. 29. Approved: Signature of any other additional levels of approval. 30. Approved: Dean, Vice President, or President’s signature is required when requesting out-of-state travel, excess of the out-of-state lodging rate or foreign travel. After the appropriate approvals have been obtained, route the original to the Controller’s Office Mail Stop 124. If you have any questions, please call the travel department at 775-784-4167. 3