ABUSIVE SITUATIONS, DRUGS OR ALCOHOL ABUSE ANY ADDICTIONS : ADDICTIONS & COMPULSIVE BEHAVIORS: Recognize that addictions can include pornography, gambling, sex, television, spending frivolously, video games, work, excessive play, religion, eating disorders, excessive exersize or sports or any excessive behavior that is taken to extreme and causes an imbalance in ones life. What YOU can do: 1. Offer supportive help, don’t criticize, embarrass or shame them in front of others. 2. Listen, empathize and validate their feelings, you don’t have to agree. 3. Educate yourself, but don’t label them, call them names or use scare tactics. Be realistic and truthful about your concerns. 4. recognize there probably are underlying issues of pain, sadness, self-conflict, emotional suffering, family problems or depression. 5. Help them develop a healthy support system. Give honest feedback. 6. be a good role model, and take good care of yourself. 7. recognize they may stay in denial and give them time to come around. 8. be consistent and give specific feedback and allow them to see themselves or hear comments they have given to you. 9. don’t argue with them or make threats or use guilt or blame, and don’t codependent try to “fix” them. 10.realize it has to be their choice, but they may be stuck and don’t know what help is available. Some times you have to step away for awhile. 11.offer to go to counseling or group with them, get some help. 12.investigate Resources on the Internet, and campus, community. 13.make sure if they are suicidal or using any kind of drugs, that you get them help, even if they don’t want it or may be temporarily upset with you. Later they will thank you, and you’ll be glad you cared enough to speak up!