Professional Education & Special Event Proposal Submission Form (Rev. September 2015) About the Office of Professional Education: The Office of Professional Education provides logistical support for conferences, camps, workshops, and other special events within the College of Human Sciences & Education. The faculty/staff organizer(s) will be responsible for the content of the event while the staff of the Office of Professional Education will be responsible for the planning, organization, marketing, communication, budgeting, processing, and other logistical coordination tasks deemed necessary. Proposal Review and Selection: Proposals may be submitted at any time and will be reviewed by the Office of Professional Education once received. However, proposed events for a fall semester must be received by March 1st and proposed events for a spring or summer semester must be received by September 1st. These deadlines allow the office the necessary time for proper planning and resource allocation. After review, the faculty/staff organizer(s) and the Professional Education staff will meet to further discuss the proposal. The Office of Professional Education will determine if the event will be appropriate as a standalone event or as a portion of a larger school or college produced opportunity based on availability of resources. Priority consideration will be given to proposals: Resulting in an event that delivers content deemed needed by the Office of Professional Education’s market research; Resulting in an event that can demonstrate direct impact on participants; Resulting in an event that demonstrates strong potential for generating revenue; Submitted by faculty/staff that have previously fulfilled the necessary requirements of past event submissions. Professional Education Revenue Share Opportunity: All Professional Education events will be subject to the College’s Revenue Share with net revenues being distributed amongst the College, School and faculty/staff organizer(s). Faculty/staff organizer(s) may use their portion of the net revenue to their discretion but within state funding restrictions. If the net revenue is under $5,000, the faculty/staff organizer(s) portion is 40%, the College portion is 50%, and the School portion is 10%. If the net revenue is greater than $5,000, the faculty/staff organizers portion is 50%, the College portion is 40%, and the School portion is 10%. The College’s Revenue Share has been approved by the CHSE Administrative Council. Proposal Submission: STEP 1 – File Name: Save this document on your computer by first renaming it using “Save As” and giving it a uniquely identifiable file name such as Professional Education Proposal Submission Form (Effective Educators Conference). STEP 2 – Proposed Event Details: Provide information about your proposed event using the form below. Proposed Event Title & Organizer(s) Please provide information on the proposed title of the event along with the name(s), CHSE School affiliation, and contact information of the event organizer(s). Proposed Event Title Name Type of Event Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Primary Faculty/Staff Organizer School Choose an Phone item. Name Co-Org #1 Click here to enter text. Additional Faculty/Staff Co-Organizer(s), if applicable Phone Click here to Click here to enter text. School Choose an item. Submission Date Click here to enter a date. Email Click here to enter text. Email Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. enter text. Name Co-Org #2 Click here to enter text. School Choose an item. Phone Click here to enter text. Email Name Co-Org #3 Click here to enter text. School Choose an item. Phone Click here to enter text. Email Proposed Event Details Please provide more specific conceptual information on the proposed event. Event Need/Purpose Click here to enter text. What is the need for or purpose of the proposed event? Event Theme Click here to enter text. Does the proposed event have an overarching theme or distinct focus? Targeted Audience/Audience Appeal Will this proposed event appeal to academics, allied health professionals, archivists, athletic trainers, librarians, organizational leaders, principals, social workers, sport administrators, students (K-12, undergraduate or graduate), teachers (in-service or pre-service), etc.? Targeted Attendance Number What is the estimated total number of participants who will attend the proposed event? Comparator Event(s) Targeted Event Dates When should the proposed event take place? Specific dates may not be available, so please suggest: Season (e.g. fall, spring, summer); Month (e.g. March 2015); and/or Proposed Duration (e.g. 5-day residential camp) Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Are there other event offerings currently available to the public which are similar to the one being proposed? Will external funding be used to support the proposed event (e.g., grant, contract, endowed professorship, LSU Foundation account)? Click here to enter text. Example(s) of Comparator Event(s) Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. If comparator(s) exist, please provide more information (e.g. name, host organization, event location, website links). ☐ No ☐ Yes If external funding will be used to support this event, please identify the source of funds (check all that may apply). ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Grant Contract Endowed Professorship LSU Foundation Other (Specify) Click here to enter text. Proposed Event Content/Topics Include a brief outline of the proposed event agenda or provide a list of topics to be presented. Click here to enter text. Significance of Content and Contribution to the Field How will attending this event add to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the participants? Click here to enter text. Alignment with Mission How does this event align with LSU Flagship 2020 and the missions of CHSE and its Schools? Click here to enter text. Impact Statement What impact will the proposed event have on addressing the needs of the greater community? How does the proposed event support and strengthen our brand: Love Purple. Live Gold. Click here to enter text. Event-Related Bio(s) For each of the event organizer(s), please provide a short, event-related bio suitable for inclusion in event marketing and communications. Click here to enter text. STEP 3 – Signatures: The primary faculty/staff organizer should print and sign below. If applicable, s/he should also obtain the signature of any additional faculty/staff co-organizer(s). The respective School Director(s) of the faculty/staff organizer(s) should also review the proposal and sign below to provide evidence that the proposed event meets with the approval of the School(s). Faculty/Staff Organizer(s) and School-Level Approval: Primary Faculty/Staff Organizer Date Date Additional Faculty/Staff Co-Organizer(s), if applicable Date Date School Director(s) Date STEP 4 – Submission for College-Level Review: After obtaining all required signatures, please email both the Word file and a scanned PDF copy of the signed proposal to Rachel Henry, Director of Professional Education and Special Events ( After review and approval, the faculty/staff organizer(s) will be contacted by a member of the Office of Professional Education. Depending on the nature and scope of the proposed event, sufficient lead time should be afforded to the Office of Professional Education by the faculty/staff organizer(s). As events grow in size, scope, and target audience, more lead time will be needed in order to ensure thorough vetting and planning of the proposed event and to allow for the effective execution of marketing strategies. The section below is to be completed by college-level reviewers. CHSE Reviews and Approvals: CONCEPTUAL, MARKETING & LOGISTICS REVIEW (Attach Event Planning Timeline & Event Budget) Rachel Henry, Director Professional Education and Special Events Date CHSE Office of Professional Education FINANCIAL REVIEW WITH RECOMMENDATION TO PROCEED Chad Gothreaux, Assistant Dean Interim Executive Director Date Professional Education and Online Programs FINAL APPROVAL Damon P.S. Andrew, Dean Date STEP 5 – Compliance: Please review the approved event materials before signing below. A signature below indicates that the faculty/staff organizer(s) agree with the approved plans and will not deter from the event planning timeline or event budget without further discussion and approval from the Office of Professional Education. As this process moves forward, adherence to timelines and requests for information will be critical to the successful facilitation. Primary Faculty/Staff Organizer Date Date Additional Faculty/Staff Co-Organizer(s), if applicable Date Date