Buffalo Ridge Incremental Generation outlet study kickoff presentation

Buffalo Ridge Incremental Generation Outlet
Transmission Study
Presentation to
MAPP Missouri Basin Subregional Planning Group
At MRES Offices
Sioux Falls, SD
October 28, 2004
Richard Gonzalez, PE
Excel Engineering, Inc.
Jason Standing
Xcel Energy
 Purpose/Goal
 Scope of Study
 Assumptions/Methods
 Participants’ Roles
 Schedule
Investigate feasibility of an “Interim Step” transmission
plan for achieving several hundred MW of additional
Buffalo Ridge generation outlet capacity
Build upon knowledge from previous SW MN/SE SD Study
Formulate & Evaluate transmission Options
 of reasonable $/kW cost
 of modest magnitude
 implementable in 4-5 yrs
 compatible with probable long-range developments
Keep wind development active while…
-- long-range regional studies progress to completion
-- transmission entities & other interested parties reach
agreement on a long-range development
Scope of Study
Perform technical analysis (powerflow)
 Identify “existing system” limitations
(post-“825 MW” facilities)
 Formulate transmission Options to increase SW
MN/Eastern SD Buffalo Ridge generation outlet
o no “Mega” Transmission Projects
o anticipated to be mainly 115 kV improvements
(reconductors, 69115 kV conversions, new 115 kV)
 Evaluate Options’ Electrical Performance
o system intact
o first contingency (“n-1”)
(including double circuits & breaker failures)
o Losses
o Voltage Stability/Reactive requirements
o Constrained Interface (flowgate) impacts
Perform economic analysis
 Develop cost estimates (+ 30%)
 Calculate Present Worth of loss differences
 Show cost as function of outlet MWs acheived
Document analyses in Study Report
Start with MISO Group II model (2007 Summer)
Study peak and off-peak load/transfer conditions
Local load:
Anson gen MW:
Lakefield GRE gen MW:
Other generation projects:
Buffalo Ridge generation additions presumed to be
50% on North (Yankee)
50% on South (Fenton)
Use PSS/E activity “TLTG” or MUST equivalent to identify
thermal limiters
Perform ACCC & Q-V analyses to identify reactive needs
Participants’ Roles
Xcel Energy:
Perform technical & economic analyses
Coordinate progress meetings
Present updates
Develop draft & final reports
Designate contact person for study
Provide model review & comments
Help formulate transmission options
Review technical & economic analysis methods,
Help formulate conclusions & recommendations
Review draft Study Report
Schedule (Preliminary)
Kick-off meeting
Oct 28, 2004
Progress meeting
Nov 22, 2004
Progress meeting
Dec 21, 2004
Issue Draft Report
Dec 31, 2004
Issue Final Report
Jan 17, 2005
Later Steps:
 Go / No-Go Decision
 Propose to MISO