Section I: Request

Section I: Request
The Department of Mathematics at Utah Valley University would like to propose the addition of the
Applied Mathematics emphasis to the existing Mathematics B.S degree, effective Fall 2012. Adding the
emphasis will probably increase the number of students who take numerical analysis courses and may
somewhat reduce the number of students taking second semester proof-based courses. This should
expedite graduation for some students.
Section II: Need
The University of Utah has an Applied Mathematics degree, as does Weber State University.
Southern Utah University has a Computational Mathematics emphasis. The addition of the Applied
Mathematics emphasis at Utah Valley University should help students to transition directly into math-based
careers. While no studies have been performed to test the effects of introducing the Applied Mathematics
emphasis, it is clear that some of UVU’s otherwise capable majors have great difficulty passing the more
advanced proof courses. The Pure Mathematics emphasis requires some courses which provide little
benefit to students who are not planning to pursue advanced degrees. The Applied Mathematics emphasis
would replace some of those requirements with courses that are more useful to students in typical job
Section III: Institutional Impact
Since the requested change is to add an emphasis within an existing degree, no great alteration to
the number of students is anticipated. There may be fewer students enrolled in the Mathematics emphasis
as some move to the Applied Mathematics emphasis. There will be no need for changes to administration,
faculty or staff as a result of the proposed change.
Section IV: Finances
These two new courses will be offered once per year instructed by existing salaried faculty.
Funding will be needed to hire adjunct faculty to instruct other lower division courses currently instructed by
the salaried faculty. Enrollments in the new courses will roughly generate enough tuition revenue to cover
the additional adjunct expenses.
Appendix A: New Courses
Prefix &
Math 3310
Math 4999
Discrete Mathematics
Math 3310
Includes logic, sets, functions, elementary number theory, mathematical induction, equivalence relations,
and cardinality. Emphasizes the writing of proofs.
Math 4999
For mathematics majors, to be taken during the last semester before graduation. Reviews topics learned in
the core undergraduate mathematics courses. Assesses student understanding through the Major Field
Test. Provides an opportunity for senior mathematics majors to participate in mathematical research under
the supervision of a faculty member. Offers a setting in which students prepare a research paper and give
oral presentations that describe their research.