Cover/Signature Page - Abbreviated Template Institution Submitting Request: Utah Valley University Proposed Title: Minor in Art History School: School of the Arts Department: Art and Visual Communications Recommended Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code1 (for new programs): 50.0703 Proposed Beginning Date (for new programs): Fall, 2013 Institutional Board of Trustees’ Approval Date: MM/DD/YEAR Proposal Type (check all that apply): R401-5 Items submitted will be reviewed by OCHE. If there are any issues, the proposal will be returned for clarification/correction. If no issues, the proposal will be returned with a note of approval and the request will be placed on the General Consent Calendar of the next Regents’ agenda. Section # Item Minor* New Emphasis on an Existing Degree* Certificate of Proficiency Not Eligible for Financial 5.1.2 Aid 5.1.3 Out-of-Service Area Delivery of Programs 5.1.4 Name Change of Existing Programs Program Transfer 5.1.5 Program Restructure Program Consolidation Program Discontinuation 5.1.6 Program Suspension Administrative Unit Creation 5.1.7 Administrative Unit Transfer Administrative Unit Consolidation New Center 5.1.8 New Institute New Bureau 5.1.9 Graduate Certificate R401-6 Items submitted will be reviewed by OCHE. If there are any issues, the proposal will be returned for clarification/correction. If no issues, the proposal will be returned with a note of approval and the request will be placed on the General Consent Calendar of the next Regents’ agenda. Section # Item 6.1.1 Reinstatement of Previously Suspended Program 6.1.5 Reinstatement of Previously Suspended Unit *Requires “Section VI: Program Curriculum” of Abbreviated Template Chief Academic Officer (or Designee) Signature: I certify that all required institutional approvals have been obtained prior to submitting this request to the Office of the Commissioner. ______________________________________ Signature Date: 08/30/2012 Printed Name: Ian Wilson 1 CIP codes must be recommended by the submitting institution. For CIP code classifications, please see Program Request - Abbreviated Template Utah Valley University Minor in Art History 2/15/2012 Section I: Request The Art and Visual Communications department at Utah Valley University requests approval to offer a minor in Art History effective Fall, 2013. All courses needed to complete the art history minor are already being offered. This minor will provide students with an intellectual foundation in the history of art, with emphasis placed on the social, political, historical and religious contexts of artworks and artistic styles. Offering a minor in art history would help to strengthen liberal arts opportunities at UVU for students majoring in fields both outside of and within the visual arts. Because art history is cross-disciplinary by nature, a minor in art history would enhance degrees in fields such as history, education, humanities, language, philosophy, and theatre arts. The minor would also help students in more specific fields of study, thus strengthening employment opportunities. According to Dr. Debra Humphreys, writing for the Association of Colleges and Universities in 2006, “A liberal education will provide college graduates durable and transferable skills that will equip them to succeed over the long term in a volatile global economy…Today’s employers desire employees who have the broad general skills developed through a liberal education as well as some experience applying those skills in real world settings.” (See A minor in art history would also provide an educational background for students seeking careers in the arts. Currently, UVU does not offer an art history major or emphasis, and students face the almost impossible challenge of being accepted into graduate programs in art history; a minor would help to alleviate this challenge. Section II: Need There is a strong demand for a minor in art history from UVU students. When non-visual art majors were polled in art history courses in 2012, 25% of students reported they would definitely seek a minor in art history if it were offered, and 50% reported they would consider the minor (a total of 60 non-visual art majors took the poll). Arts majors responded similarly, with 36% reporting they would definitely seek the minor, and 49% were interested (a total of 214 art majors were polled). As UVU continues to grow in enrollments and to strengthen its academic identity, it is important to provide students with the same opportunities available at comparable institutions. The art history minor is an important component to the university’s core curriculum. Additionally, enrollments in art history courses have more than doubled since the 2007-2008 academic year, growing 115% since that time, surpassing even the university’s remarkable growth rate. This growth in enrollment has occurred in the absence of a major, a minor, or an emphasis in art history. It should be noted that the large volume of students already taking multiple upper division art history courses have done so without an art history minor in place. UVU students hoping to pursue graduate studies in art history face a considerable challenge. Those who have applied for art history graduate programs in the past have been consistently rejected on the grounds that their undergraduate degrees did not include a strong enough base in art history. A minor would help alleviate this persistent problem by giving students some type of specialization in art history. A minor in art history would also help both art and non-art students diversify their major field of study, so they would be more competitive for arts-related jobs, such as art education, art directorship, art dealership, and work in museum/galleries. Employment in arts related fields is expected to grow. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of artists and related workers is expected to grow 12% through 2018. Additionally, “[e]mployment of archivists, curators, and museum technicians is expected to increase 20 percent over the 2008-18 decade, which is much faster than the average for all occupations… Public interest in science, art, history, and technology will continue, creating opportunities for curators, conservators, and museum technicians. (See Data from the National Center for Education Statistics show that the percent of graduates who had full-time jobs one year after graduation increased across the board for liberal arts specialties between 1975 to 2001 (see Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Winter 2007-08, p.6). Additionally, in 2001, 41% of humanities majors reported a direct link between their jobs and their majors one year after graduation (ibid.). Finally, rising salaries for liberal arts graduates are part of a long-term trend – the National Center for Education Statistics reports that salaries for humanities majors increased by nearly 67% from 1975 to 2001 (ibid.). While this information pertains to liberal arts majors, it also relates to those minoring in similar fields. It should also be noted that liberal arts degrees prepare students for more than their major, complimenting education in such fields as historical research and restoration, architectural history, library studies, and even intellectual property and finance. Analysts have often referenced the importance of the liberal arts and arts education in bolstering job opportunities within and outside of the visual arts. The introduction of a National Arts Policy Roundtable article, “Thinking Creatively and Thinking Globally: The Role of the Arts in Building the 21 st Century American Workforce” addressed the importance of critical thinking and creativity – both significant components of an art history education: Business leaders increasingly acknowledge critical thinking, creativity, and innovation as among the top applied skills necessary for works at all levels in all industries to succeed in the new economy . . . The Governor’s Commission on the Arts in Education Findings and Recommendations report (Education Commission on the States, July 2006) focused on the importance of arts education to the development of a flourishing creative national economy, suggesting that ‘the Creative Economy…relies upon people who can think creatively, adapt quickly to new situations, and problem-solve. This industry, which is growing at a faster pace than total U.S. business growth, increases the demand for workers with the skills that are gained through the arts in education.’ (See The implementation of an art history minor at UVU would present an important opportunity to address the issues raised in this article; moreover, the visual arts help fill the aesthetic and creative voids business leaders have recognized. Section III: Institutional Impact While some institutional impact is unavoidable, no significant administrative or financial changes are anticipated. There will likely be a modest increase in expense to offset the increased interest in art history courses because of the opportunity to minor in the field. To accommodate demand in upper division courses, an additional adjunct faculty may be needed and/or the courses could be taught in larger classrooms. Most upper division courses are currently being taught with 30 seat enrollments, but some of these classes could be transferred to rooms holding 40-60 students, with little change to the quality of education. Section IV: Finances If larger classrooms are not available, an additional adjunct faculty may be needed to teach a section of upper division Art History courses each semester. This cost would be approximately $5,000 per year with funding supported by tuition from enrollment growth. Section VI: Program Curriculum All Program Courses Course Prefix & Number Required Courses: ARTH 2710 ARTH 2720 Title Credit Hours History of Art to the Renaissance 3 History of Art from the Renaissance 3 Sub-Total: 6 Elective Courses (students would choose 4 courses from the following): ARTH 3010 History of Design and Visual Arts 3 Ancient Art of Egypt and the Near ARTH 3015 3 East ARTH 3020 Classical Art and Architecture History 3 ARTH 3030 Medieval Art and Architecture History 3 ARTH 3040 Renaissance Art History 3 ARTH 3050 Baroque Art and Architecture History 3 ARTH 3060 Nineteenth-Century Art History 3 ARTH 3070 ARTH 3080 ARTH 309G ARTH 3100 ARTH 3120 ARTH 3200 Twentieth Century Art and Architectural History 3 History of Architecture Introduction to Non Western Ancient Art History of American Art and Architecture History of Contemporary Art The History of Photography Sub-Total: 3 3 3 12 Total Number of Credits: 18 3 3 New Courses to Be Added in the Next Five Years No new courses are currently anticipated. Program Schedule Fall of First Year ENGL 1010 (GE) MATH 1030 or 1040 or 1050 (GE) HLTH 1100 or PES 1097 (GE) Social/Behavioral Science (GE) ARTH 2710 Course Title Credit Hours 3 3-4 Introduction to Writing From List From List From List History of Art to the Renaissance Semester Total: Spring of First Year ENGL 2010 or 2020 (GE) Physical Science (GE) History/Political Science (GE) Biology (GE) ARTH 2720 Course Title From List From List From List From List History of Art from the Renaissance Semester Total: Fall of Second Year Additional Bio or Phys. Science (GE) Humanities Distribution (GE) PHIL 2050 (GE) Major Major Course Title From List From List Ethics and Values From List From List Semester Total: Spring of Second Year Minor Elective Major Major Major Major Course Title From List From List From List From List From List Semester Total: Fall of Third Year Minor Elective Major Major Major Major Course Title From List From List From List From List From List 2 3 3 14-15 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credit Hours 3 4 3 3 3 16 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 Semester Total: Spring of Third Year Minor Elective Major Major Major Major Course Title From List From List From List From List From List Semester Total: Fall of Fourth Year Minor Elective Major Major Major Major Course Title From List From List From List From List From List Semester Total: Spring of Fourth Year Major Major Major Major Major Course Title From List From List From List From List From List Semester Total: Total required credit hours for the minor: 15 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credit Hours 3 3 3 3 3 15 18