Native Plant Essential for Anne Arundel County MGs Handout Draft Date 3/19/14


Native Plant Essential Resources

for Anne Arundel County MGs

Handout Draft Date 3/19/14

Organizations/Online Resources

 Biota of North America Program (a multitude of useful maps, including species distribution by county for the entire US) (

 Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council (

 Maryland Native Plant Society (

), see especially plant hike lists

 The Maryland Biodiversity Project

( )

 Maryland Department of Natural Resources (2007). Rare, Threatened and Endangered Plants of Maryland.

 Maryland Geological Survey. Geologic Map of Anne Arundel County



 Maryland Geological Society ( ). Monthly field trips.

 Metzger, J. 1995. Maryland Native Plants: A Master Checklist.

 Check your local park, government campus, etc., for published plant lists.

 The state herbarium online: The Norton Brown Herbarium, Dept. of Plant Sciences &

Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland (

 The national herbarium online: Dept. of Botany, National Museum of Natural History,

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. ( ) - search for specimens of any plant species in the digital collection.

 USGS The Chesapeake Bolide: Modern Consequences of an Ancient Cataclysm

( ). About the impact crater.

 University of Maryland Extension, Bay-Wise Program website includes list of nurseries that sell natives and many other resources (


 Brown, M.L. & R.G. Brown (1984). Herbaceous Plants of Maryland . Port City Press, Inc.,

Baltimore, Maryland. 1127pp.

 Brown, M.L. & R.G. Brown (1972). Woody Plants of Maryland . Port City Press, Inc.,

Baltimore, Maryland. 347pp.

 Bureau of Land Management (2008). Technical Protocol for the Collection, Study, and

Conservation of Seeds from Native Plant Species for Seeds of Success .


) – in case you decide to grow some of your own plants.

 Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council. The Eight Essential Elements of

Conservation Landscaping . ( ). See also info on their annual conference.

 Harrison, Jason W. 2011. The Natural Communities of Maryland: 2011 Working list of

Ecological Community Groups and Community Types. Maryland Department of Natural

Resources, Wildlife and Heritage Service, Natural Heritage Program, Annapolis, Maryland.

Unpublished report. 33 pages.



 Jordan, William III. 2003. The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration & the New

Communion with Nature.

 Schmidt, Martin Jr. 2010. Maryland’s Geology. Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Atglen PA.

 Shetler, S. and S. Orli. Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Baltimore-

Washington Area, two parts ( - look for the links in the text marked “Part I” and “Part II”). National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.

 Slattery, B.E., K. Reshetiloff & S.M. Zwicker (2003). Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed . U.S. Fish & Wildlife

Service, Chesapeake Bay Field Office, Annapolis, Maryland. 82 pp. (warning: includes species that are rare in MD without noting that fact)

 Stein, Sara. 1993. Noah's Garden: Restoring the Ecology of Our Own Backyards.

 Tallamy, D.W. (2007). Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in

Our Gardens . Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 288 pp.

 Walker, Timothy. 2013. Plant Conservation: Why It Matters, How It Works.


 Beck, K.G, K. Zimmerman, J.D. Schardt, J. Stone, R.R. Lukens, S. Reichard, J. Randall, A.A.

Cangelosi, D. Cooper & J.P. Thompson (2008). Invasive Species Defined in a Policy

Context: Recommendations from the Federal Invasive Species Advisory Committee. Invasive

Plant Science and Management. 1: 414–421.

 Brush, Grace, C. Lenk and J. Smith. 1976, rev. 1980. The Vegetation Map of Maryland: The

Existing Natural Forests

 Brush, Grace, C. Lenk and J. Smith. 1980. The Natural Forests of Maryland: An Explanation of the Vegetation Map of Maryland. Ecological Monographs, 50:1 77-92.

 Chowdhury, Shahrina. 11/18/2002. Introduced Species Summary Project: Hemlock Woolly

Adelgid (Adelges tsugae). Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, Columbia


Grabowski, Janet, B. Baldwin and P. Meints. (2004). Selecting for Improved Seedling

Establishment in Beaked Panicum . Jamie L. Whitten Plant Materials Center 2004 Annual

Technical Report.

p.16-17. (example of modification of seed dormancy for cultivar development)

 Gustafson, D.J., D.J. Gibson and D.L. Nickrent (2005). Using Local Seeds in Prairie

Restoration: Data Support the Paradigm. Native Plants Journal 6(1): 25-28.

 Maryland Native Plant Society (2002). Guidelines for Collecting Seeds From Native Plants. Printable brochure.

 Norcini, Jeffrey. 2008. Native Plants: An Overview . University of Florida IFAS Extension technical paper ENH1045, 7pp.

 Norcini, J.G., J.H. Aldrich, L.A. Halsey & J.G. Lilly (1998). Seed Source Affects

Performance of Six Wildflower Species. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural

Society 111: 4-9.

 Rhymer, J. and D. Simberloff. 1996. Extinction by Hybridization and Introgression. Annual

Review of Ecology & Systematics. 27:83-109

 Rogers, D. (2004). Genetic Erosion. Native Plants Journal 5(2): 113-122.

 Woods, A., J. Omernik, and D. Brown. 1999. LEVEL III AND IV ECOREGIONS OF


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research

Laboratory, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97333 (maps at


 Young, S.A., B. Schrumpf, and E. Amberson. (2003). The AOSCA Native Plant Connection:

The Need for Native Plant Genetic Information. Bulletin of the Association of Official Seed

Certifying Agencies. Meridian, Idaho.


