Document 14966919

: M0594 / Enterprise System
: 2007
Advances Underpinning Development
and Use of The Electronic Product Code
Pertemuan 17-18
Advances Underpinning Development and
Use of The Electronic Product Code
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
Low Cost Chips
Challenges associated with Domain Names
Beyond Domain Names
Mobile Commerce
Bina Nusantara
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
• The kernel of a new, more effective solution based on
smart materials and the restructuring of global supply
chain operations is enabling management to be efficient
and effective.
• The contribution of e-tags and of the EPC should be
seen from this perspective.
• One can better appreciate the range of possibilities
presented by a chip-based naming scheme for physical
objects if one thinks in the following terms: 1024 bits of
information in an e-tag with antenna will soon be
available at less than 10 cents
Bina Nusantara
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
Bina Nusantara
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
• As this online interactive system comes into place, a CRM
applications architecture will help to bring together the main building
blocks of an application system can serve as a roadmap to guide the
development and deployment of the solution, which, according to
the some estimates, will be the hallmark of the first decade of the
twenty-first century
• The reference to a roadmap for implementation is intended to
ensure that it is a well-thought-out order in which ERP and CRM
processes can integrate in a smart materials environment.The study
must cover not only the systems architecture, but also the risks
associated with its implementation and the alternatives that exist in
managing them. Critical elements in this type of study include:
– The grand design of an architecture capable of incorporating
ERP, CRM and intelligent business process
– Specific issues relating to each industrial sector to be supported
in a flexible manner parametrically under the business
– The ability to relate e-tags to applications such as financial
management, direct customer service, and fast flow
Bina Nusantara
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
• Details are important in as much as new departures in a system
solutions are fundamentally iterative and one must know in advance
where each iteration might lead.
• Subsequent improvement will be driven by the repetition of tasks
and the feedback these provide, as well as by the availability of new
• Companies intending to use smart materials must first and foremost
learn how the e-tag model can be employed experimentally to:
– Portray solution trade-offs
– Prioritize design issues and determine where to concentrate
– Establishe the rate of convergence of each of the problems that
will unavoidably arise
• The researchers at MIT’s auto-ID center have indicated that there
were two major consideration in code design: bit count and
Bina Nusantara
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
• EPC has four bit partitions:
– Header, 8 bits contain metadata to explain the code’s organization
to the reader
– Manufacturer, 24 bits (a UPC concept): enables 64 million unique
– Product, 24 bits: stock keeping unit (SKU), also UPC: with 64
million unique IDs
– Serial number, 40 bits: provides for 1 trilllion unique identifications
–  exhibit 9.2
Bina Nusantara
Objectives of Electronic Product Code
• The solution that is chosen, including its strong and
weak points, must be viewed with respect to both current
and future implementation goals.
• The goal is to make inanimate materials smart: and for
this reason, 40 bits allocated to the serial number are,
not enough.
• Speaking from personal experience with item
identification, product quality varies tremendously from
one country to another – even from one factory to the
next of the same company within the same country.
• It is therefore important that origin goes down to factorylevel detail
Bina Nusantara
Low Cost Chips
• First and foremost, keep in mind that the electronic
product code will address everything from products to
packages, containers, and pallets.
• The products themselves will range from bolts, nuts, and
fasteners to electric motors, gears, diesel engines,
airplanes, and ships or locomotives.
• The packages can be cases, boxes, bundles, bags, rolls,
baskets, bins, pallets, trucks, or storage rooms.
Experience suggests that a statistically valid sample of
this immense variety must be studied prior to committing
to a new code.
Bina Nusantara
Low Cost Chips
• The ability of the semiconductor industry to renew its
products and itself at a rapid pace ensures:
– Higher and higher chip functionality
– Availability at lower and lower cost per operation
Bina Nusantara
Challenges associated with Domain Names
Bina Nusantara
Beyond Domain Names
• The object Naming Service (ONS) discussed here is an MIT
development project.
• It is incorporation into the auto-ID system has a great deal to
do with the portability of Internet address numbers.
• The evolution of smart materials applications will be
constrained by a lack of portability of IP addresses and of
means for web sites to retain their unique routing numbers
• This could lead to:
– Fragmentation of the global Internet implementation
domain, and hence of the supply chain
– Users being more dependent than ever on their Internet
service providers (ISPs)
– Smaller ISPs becoming feeder lines to their upstream
partners in the Net.
Bina Nusantara
Mobile Commerce
• Start with the projection made b mobile equipment
manufacturers and operators who are rushing to take
advantage of the demand for mobile commerce systems.
This forecast, which is often heard in technical meetings
says that:
– By 2004, businesses will be using mobile technology
to produce annual savings of $230 billion
– By 2010, mobile commerce will be the second-largest
industry in the world behind healthcare
Bina Nusantara
Mobile Commerce
• Both forecast
Bina Nusantara