Document 14966912

: M0594 / Enterprise System
: 2007
Case Study
Pertemuan 23-24
Case Study
Clear Text
Efficient Product Line Management
Organizational Reaction
Implementing <basic code>
Improved Organization on Accounting and Logistics
Bina Nusantara
Case Study
• Case studies on practical implementations of DCS help
to explain the services that it provides.
• This project was promoted by the introduction of a
generation of computer-aided design (CAD) machinery.
• What has been learned is also critical in connection with
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
• Overall, the work was based on two premises:
– The taxonomic organization of parts was made
independent of classification of machines to which
these belonged.
– Particular attention was paid to classification of
generalized parts useful to more than one machine
Bina Nusantara
Case Study
Bina Nusantara
Case Study
Bina Nusantara
Case Study
Bina Nusantara
Why Do We Need Clear Text
• Clear Text stood for descriptive information associated
with the classification code, and therefore to item ID.
• This information has been designed and built along
modular lines to provide descriptive identification for
each classified and identified part within DCS.
• Clear Text should compose of two sections:
– The first is of fixed length, 40 characters ling,
addressing the level of the class. In frame
presentation, this text is a heading.
– The second is a variable length: 25 to 50 characters
long. It is associated with the <bc>
Bina Nusantara
Why Do We Need Clear Text
• Several basic rules have been established to guide the
writing of the clear text for machines, parts, and
materials. For example:
– The clear text organization should follow the
taxonomical sequence of the classification
– The clear text should be written in a way that the end
user can easily comprehend
– The unit of measurement should preced the
numerical value where one value exists: V 110; or fit
within the range, when a range exists: 220 v 235
• When the information relative to xi is absent from the
clear text, but is judged to be of technical interest, it must
be replaced by the sign “?”. This leads to a pointer in the
database where further description is found
Bina Nusantara
Why Do We Need Clear Text
Bina Nusantara
Efficient Product Line Management
• A general principle that exists with most professions is
known intimately by some and ultimately by others.
• This is the law of inverse cost-effectiveness.
• This simply says that “what an information system loses
in performance and efficiency, it gains in uncertainty,
poor service, and added, unnecessary costs”
Bina Nusantara
Efficient Product Line Management
Three components that come
together in ensuring seamless
database access by end users:
– A streamlined information
system that is architectured,
integrated, competitive, and
replaces old legacy software
– A classification/ identification
solution, such as DCS, able to
act as a pivot point of the new
information technology
– A distributed intelligent
database networked any-toany and available online at
any time, in any place
Bina Nusantara
Efficient Product Line Management
• The systems requirements outlined by these three
components correlate and therefore, can be well-served
through a common methodology.
• There are algorithmic and heuristic approaches at the
intersection of the new information system design and
the exploitation of database resources.
• Some 80 percent of the difficulty in using mathematics in
management comes from the lack of data, and only 20
percent comes from challenges in modeling.
• As systems become more sophisticated, their ability to
capture, store, process, and distribute data has been
significantly extended.
• This ability, however, is often conditioned by the
efficiency of the process by which databases
communicate with one another and with end users.
Bina Nusantara
Organizational Reaction to the Restructuring
of Current Prevailing Procedures
• The needed supply chain continuity was not obvious to
them during past operations because:
– The terminology used by each department and its IT
subsystem was different, even if many fields came
from the same source documents
– Legacy IT applications had been too deeply
influenced by the punched card era and its 80-column
Bina Nusantara
Implementing <basic code>
• Development of a coding system to serve in streamlining
banking operations has often taken a twisted path.
• The client account number is an example of such twists.
Client accounts are characterized by different codes,
depending on whether refernce is made to a demand
deposit account (DDA, current account), savings
account, foreign trade account, personal banking, or
other operations.
• The result is that the same client relationship is
represented by several incompatible numbers.
• This diversity and (most often) heterogeneity in ID codes
is of course irrational because it makes it difficult to have
an integrated view of the client account and splits the
database into discrete islands where bridges are fragile,
if not outright difficult to establish.
Bina Nusantara
Implementing <basic code>
• Globalization, deregulation, and innovation make
streamlining absolutely necessary, and DCS can find an
excellent field of application among financial institutions.
• It permits bank-wide integration of client files with the
proper identification of all accounts through <basic
code>, <suffix> and <origin>, offering the bank a unique
frame of reference:
– <basic code> identifies the client account on a
nationwide basis, or internationally
– <suffix> tells about the type of account: DDA, savings,
loans, portfolio management, foreign operations, etc.
– <origin> is simply the branch office code or for large
corporate accounts, the central marketing service
responsible for client handling
Bina Nusantara
Implementing <basic code>
Bina Nusantara
The Effect of Improved Organization on
Accounting and Logistics
Classification is organization, and an improved organization positively
influences many vital sectors in the enterprise.
The next chapter focuses on a quantum step forward in quality
assurance through Six Sigma, as a bridge between the impact a greatly
improved identification system has on engineering design
manufacturing, and sales, and greater competence in quality of
accounting and logistics
The basic structure of all accounting records and financial reports
consists of:
– A few elementary principles and concepts
– A set of relationships among accounting system elements
– Man-made rules and guides based on the application of principles
To make intelligent use of information, one must understand:
– What a given figure probably means
– What the limitations of data obtained are
– Under what circumstances it may mean something different from
the apparent signal that it gives
Bina Nusantara
The Effect of Improved Organization on
Accounting and Logistics
• The typical user of accounting information and of
logistics reports does not need to know how to project,
structure, operate, or control the accuracy of the entire
accounting system in the enterprise – or even part of it.
• However, that person must know to appreciate the
prevailing error rate, precision, and timeliness of
logistical and accounting reports
• In addition, the user must:
– Know how to user this knowledge to solve the
problem that arise during operations
– Master the art of management, which includes many
matters that have little to do with the instruments
themselves, but much to do with the process
Bina Nusantara