TEMPORARY OPERATING INSTRUCTION O.O. MISO No. 15-13200-MELT No. File No. 1-09743365 Name of Outage: 115 kV Line MR11 (Brandon Victoria – 115 kV Switch MR11_2) Effective Dates: 2015-12-16 from 1300 to 1700 CST (2015-11-24 from 1200 to 1600 EST) Standing Guide Reference: MH-SPC Standing Guide System Posturing 15-287 240802 Use "System Intact" values for MH-SP transfer limits (export and import ) during outage of MR11 section from Brandon Victoria to 115 kV Switch MR11_2. MR11 performs adequate network support while Raven Lake to Minnedosa sections remain online. Further study by System Performance may be required before the line is removed from service. Description of Work: Ice Melt MR11 from Brandon Victoria to Minnedosa District switch MR11_2. TRANSFER Limits: MH-SPC West (MH Export) SOL: 225 TTC Location West 225 Schedule Limit Transfer RM (SOL) 0 225 150 OM 75 Firm Non-Firm Schedule Limit 150 0 150 MH-SPC East (MH Import) SOL: 75 TTC Location East 15-287_MR11_12_16.doc 75 Schedule Limit Transfer RM (SOL) 0 75 0 OM 75 Firm Non-Firm Schedule Limit 0 0 0 Page 1 of 2 TEMPORARY OPERATING INSTRUCTION System Intact DYNAMIC SCHED LIMIT SOL TLR1 TLR3 MH-SPC_West (MH Export) 150 150 225 209 214 MH-SPC_East (MH Import) 0 0 75 70 71 MISO Webtool Manual Override is Required NonMISO Webtool Firm Firm Postings TTC TRM TRM Special Instructions: Prepared By: 15-287 FIRM SCHED LIMIT MISO RC INFO No. Coeff MH_SPC _West (Export) 225 75 75 1.000 MH_SPC_East (Import) 75 75 75 1.000 TOI Extensions - This TOI may be extended until 23:59 by performing the following steps: 1. Verify system conditions to confirm there are no additional tie line facilities outages, or new internal MH outages. 2. Review RTCA to confirm there are no new contingencies. 3. Contact MISO to confirm there are no new outages, if there are no new outages provide notice to MISO that MH is extending the TOI. 4. Extend the outage in COLA. 5. Update TLAP outage table. 6. Provide notice to affected balancing authorities P.Mahal Copies to: SOSS, System Control Centre GSSS, System Control Centre MHEB OASIS 15-287_MR11_12_16.doc Date: 2015.12.16 NSSS, System Control Centre GSO, System Control Centre MISO – St. Paul Page 2 of 2