Stakeholder Presentation held on 08/26/10 Updated:2011-12-05 14:48 CS

Duke Energy Carolinas
Quarterly Stakeholder
Independent Entity Services
Thursday, August 26, 2010
2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EDT
Follow-up Action Items from May 13, 2010
Daylight Saving Time Change – Fall Back
OASIS Transmission Outage Postings
Load Data
676-E & 729 Impacts
NAESB Update - Wholesale Electric Quadrant
Open Access Transmission Tariff Filing
Duke – Progress Energy Non-Firm ATC
Action Items
Follow-up from May 13, 2010
Transmission Outages posted on OASIS
Will be discussed later in this presentation
There were no other items that required a
follow up.
Daylight Saving Time Change
2010 Fall Back
Prepare to Fall Back – November 7, 2010
Back to Eastern Standard Time
At 1:59 ED time will fall back to 01:00 ES
Change Time Zones in Systems
Be aware of other TP’s practices for DST changes
OASIS/TSRs (Appendix I)
– OATI User Guide (MARCH 2010 | VERSION 2.0)
– Time Change Creates an Additional HE0200
– Profile across time change / 25 Hour Reservation Profile
ETS/Tagging (Appendix II)
– OATI User Guide (For Spring 2010)
– Only recognizes One Time Zone
Transmission Outage Postings
 As requested, Duke is posting the same
transmission outages on OASIS as they are posting
on the NERC System Data Exchange (SDX)
• Use the Security Data Screen and select Security Type Outage
• Set other fields as desired
Load Data
 Load is now on the OASIS
• To access, go to the Sys Data Menu and select Load Zone in
the Type field
• Set the other filters as desired
 On Sept 1st, this will be the only place to find
Load Data
FERC Order 676-E & 729
FERC 676-E & 729 Ordered on November 24, 2009,
coordinated implementation for both orders require a
completion date of April 1, 2011.
 Re-bid of Partial Service WEQ 001-4.7 through 4.12
Rebid MW - Coming in the Fall OASIS Release
Rebid Price - Complete
 Priorities for Competing Requests WEQ 001-4.14 through 4.16
NAESB Table 4-3 revised - Duke Business Practices Revised to incorporate
Firm Network is Tier 1
 OASIS Home Page General Posting Standards WEQ-001-13 / MOD-001, 004 & 008
Links, Order and Naming Convention- Complete
ATC Information Link - When ATCID, CBMID, TRMID are completed (no later than 4-1-11)
 ATC Narratives and Questions WEQ 001-14, 15 & 16
Zero ATC Narratives - webOASIS release on 8-25-10 expected to complete Template
Change Narrative (TTC/ATC changes are 10% or more ) – same as above
ATC or AFC Methodology Questions – ATC Contact Person posted on OASIS
FERC Order 676-E & 729
 Actual & Forecasted Load WEQ 001-17
Actual Daily Sys-wide (includes Native Load) and Daily Native Peak Load – Complete
Forecasted Daily Sys-wide (includes Native Load) and Daily Native Peak Load – Complete
 Postbacks WEQ 001-18
Requires a Postback Methodology document be posted on OASIS under the ATC Information
Link – Posted when complete (on or before 4-1-11)
 Grandfathered Agreements WEQ 001-19
GFA MW value is required to be queried on OASIS systemdata template – template complete
Must be identified in the TP’s ATCID – Posted when complete (on or before 4-1-11)
Duke does not have grandfathered agreements
 Use of CBM WEQ 001-22 / MOD-004
Requires Posting and Tracking of CBM use
Ability to query, view and audit on OASIS the use of CBM
Must be Identified in the TP’s CBMID – Posted when complete (on or before 4-1-11)
Duke Energy Carolinas does not currently allocate Capacity Benefit Margins (CBM) on its ATC
FERC Order 676-E & 729
 Rollover Rights WEQ 001-20
Duke Business Practice 3.J has been modified to reference the 5yr/1yr requirement
Service agreements with rollover rights queued prior to 4-01-09 will be subject to the
5yr/1yr requirement on the first rollover date after 04/01/09
webTrans Rollover functionality is in place
webOASIS Rollover functionality is expected in a Fall 2010 release
 Rollover on Redirects – WEQ 001-9.7
FERC did not incorporate 001-9.7 with reference to Renewal Rights on Redirects
Once adopted by FERC webOASIS and webTrans will be upgraded to meet the
 Conditional Curtailment Option WEQ 001-21
CCO applies to requests for Long-term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
Upon request of the Transmission Customer Duke will accommodate CCO
CCO service is treated as firm in calculation of ATC in the full amount reserved
Tag NERC Priority 6 or Transmission Product code 6-CF during defined periods
Required template changes and Management Tool are expected with a Fall 2010
release of webOASIS & webTrans
Management, posting and notification processes done manually now
FERC Order 676-E & 729
 NERC Standards for Duke Energy Carolinas
Available Transmission System Capability - MOD-001-1
Capacity Benefit Margin Methodology - MOD-004-1
Transmission Reliability Margin Methodology - MOD-008-1
Area Interchange Methodology - MOD-028-1
NAESB Update
Wholesale Electric Quadrant
Network Service on OASIS
– The timeline for completion of the recommendation was extended –
expect completion by OASIS subcommittee 4th quarter 2010
Coordination of Transmission Requests Across
Transmission Providers
– Recommendation adopted by Executive Committee & sent to
OASIS subcommittee
Proposed 3 Step Process
• Customer flags the set of requests for service across multiple systems (“linked
• Each Transmission Provider processes the request on its system the same as it
would process any request on its system (“pre-true-up final state”).
• Upon confirmation, the Customer determines the final capacity amount of each
request (“true-up”), which must be equal to or less than the capacity offered. The
amount of capacity the Customer confirms may vary per transmission system.
NAESB Update
Wholesale Electric Quadrant
Parallel Flow Visualization for Eastern Interconnect
(Business Practices Subcommittee)
– NAESB role is to provide a mechanism for determining
transmission service priority used by on-line generation and also to
determine curtailment methodology that is fair
– NERC role is to develop IDC and associated tools to support
Reliability Coordinator function
– The Business Practices Subcommittee (BPS) is working on NAESB
• Interim Solution - posted and formal comments due August 30
• Final Solution to be completed by November 1, 2011
NAESB Update
Wholesale Electric Quadrant
Electric Industry Registry
– Transfers TSIN Registry from NERC to NAESB
– Contractor selection nearing completion
– Should be finalized by end of 2010
Open Access
Transmission Tariff Filing
In 2010 Duke Energy Carolinas will request FERC approval
of a new rate for the Transmission Service under our
Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
• Current rate was approved in 1996 and was based on 1994 data
• Propose to move from a stated (fixed) rate to a formula rate to be
updated annually
• Propose to have new rates in effect prior to the end of 2010
• Holding discussions with our Network Customers prior to filing the new
rate with FERC
• Some of rate impacts have been evaluated but because discussions are
ongoing, nothing has been finalized
Duke - Progress Energy
Non-Firm ATC Agreement
• Duke Energy Carolinas and Progress Energy Carolinas
have negotiated an agreement addressing Non-Firm
parallel flows across the PJM interface
• Implementation details and timeline are to be
• Combined Non-Firm ATC with PJM will be calculated
and posted on Duke and PEC OASIS sites
• Customers will still reserve transmission service with
either PEC or Duke
Proposed Next Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting
– Thursday, December 2, 2010 – 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET
Customer Suggested Topics?
– This is the forum for discussing emergent topics
(Upcoming changes, stakeholder input)
Questions and Comments
Appendix 1
OASIS / TSRs 2010 Fall Back - OATI User Guide
OASIS / TSRs 2010 Fall Back - Create a TSR that Crosses the Fall Change
OASIS TSRs / Starting in ED - Ending in ES Option 1 & Option 2
OASIS TSRs / Starting in ED - Ending in ES Option 3
Appendix 11
ETS/Tagging 2010
ETS/Tagging 2010
ETS/Tagging 2010
ETS/Tagging 2010
Fall Back – OATI User Guide (4-6 weeks prior to 11/7/10)
Fall Back - Creating a Tag that Crosses the Fall Change
Fall Back - Using Daylight Time Submitting One Tag
Fall Back – Tag View / Change Time Zone
Appendix I
2010 Fall Back
webOASIS - HELP – Table of Contents – DST Cutover Document
Appendix I
2010 Fall Back
Create a TSR that Crosses the Fall Change
• “Option 1”
– Start TSR in ED 11/07/10 00:00 & End on or after 02:00 in ES on 11/07/10
– OASIS defaults to the correct time zone (Based on Start and Stop Time)
• “Option 2”
– Create a profiled TSR that crosses 02:00
– OASIS will populate 2 - HE 0200s (one in both ED & ES)
• “Option 3”
– Create a 25 hour reservation profile TSR
– OASIS will populate 2 - HE 0200s (one in both ED & ES)
Appendix I
Option 1
Starting in ED - Ending in ES
System knows to adjust time
zone based on date and time.
Option 2
System will add 2 HE 02:00’s when
profiling over the time conversion
2 - HE 02:00’s
Appendix I
Option 3 – 25 Hour Profile
Starting in ED - Ending in ES
To Create a 25 hour profile,
Check the 25Hr box and
select “Create”.
2 – Hour Ending 02:00 will be
created, one ending in ED
and the other ending in ES.
Appendix II
E-Tagging -2010 Fall Back
OATI User Guide
To Be Posted 4-6 weeks prior 11/07/10
webTag – Help – Forms/Documentation – User Guides/Requirements: – OATI
instructions for tagging across the Daylight Saving Time conversion
Guide for the 2010 Fall
Time conversion to come
(4-6 weeks prior to 11/7/10)
Appendix II
2010 Fall Back
Creating a Tag that Crosses the Fall Change
– Fall Time Change creates a 25hr day
– One Tag or Two Tags
• Suggest Create Two Tags
– One in Eastern Daylight Time
» Begin with the hours 0000 through 0200 ED
– One in Eastern Standard Time
» Begin with the hours 0100 through 0000 ES
– Change the default TZ to ES
» Misc / Misc User Options
– Verify your tags by re-checking them in both ED and ES
• Verify Profile Total
• Verify Hours with respect to Standard and Daylight Saving Time
Appendix II
2010 Fall Back
Using Daylight Time Submitting One Tag
– To use this option, user must set time to ED
» Misc / Misc User Options
– Begin @ 00:00 on 11/07/10 through 01:00 on11/08/10
– Enter as a Delayed Tag
– Change the default TZ to ES
» Misc / Misc User Options
– Reopen Tag
» In Eastern Standard verify the end to be 00:00 on 11/08/10
(Note: Start time will show 23:00 11/06/10 ES)
– Revert your TZ back to ED
– Re-open the Delayed Tag in Daylight Saving Time and verify the
hours and Profile are accurate.
In Eastern Daylight Saving verify the end to be 01:00 on 11/08/10
(Note: Start time will show 00:00 11/07/10 ED)
Verify your tags by re-checking them in both ED and ES time
• Verify Profile Total
• Verify Hours with respect to Standard and Daylight Time
Appendix II
2010 Fall Back
To change Time Zone Setting